Make You Wish You Were In Love [PG]

Aug 23, 2009 12:48

-South Of Nowhere
-Post Show. Future fic. Fluff.
-They will complete each other’s sentences, whether about the hours they work or the food they’ve cooked or the guest room they keep clean or the antique tub they found for a steal.

The bedroom window looks out over the ocean and, if you wake up around six in the morning, you can catch the first hues of daylight along distant waves.

That water might be from Japan, losing its way from home and getting stuck on some dirty beach of the west coast, slogged around by surfers and swam in by kids - seaweed and trash, commercialism and Mother Nature trying to get along and still look pretty.

But Ashley has seen this every day of her life, from five and sand in her eyes to twenty-five and the crashing of each cresting cap echoing against the walls of their home.

And it is their home. One corner holds a guitar and a stack of half-finished compositions, one corner holds a digital video camera and tripods and notebooks.
If it is your first time there, Spencer will show you the view and the balcony and the way sea-spray will hit your face during a storm. And then Ashley will pull you back in, pointing to silver accessories - the refrigerator and the stove and the countertops.

They will complain about the next door neighbor simultaneously, his dog ripping up their trash, black bags no competition for sharp teeth as they wait for it to be picked up by their garbage service.
They will complete each other’s sentences, whether about the hours they work or the food they’ve cooked or the guest room they keep clean or the antique tub they found for a steal.

If it’s your first time there, Spencer and Ashley will make you wish you were in love.

And the bedroom window looks out over the ocean and, if you wake up around midnight, you can see down a hundred feet into the ocean thanks to the illuminating moon.

The creatures lurking underneath might be from prehistoric times, slithering and grasping their way to modern times, to the twenty-first century - trading in scales and fins for suits and sunglasses, the old and the new trying to work together and get along.

But Spencer has these thoughts all the time, from five and back in Ohio to twenty-five and the warmth of a body pressed against her back in their bed.

And it is their bed. One side-table holds the pictures of brothers and fathers, families finally mingling.
One side-table holds a clock and a book of poetry, reality and fantasy together again.
If it is your first time there, Ashley will steer you out to the boulevard, to shopping and her favorite café and all the good parts to California. And then Spencer will fix the dinner, laughing and tasting and batting Ashley’s hands away from snacks.

They’ll show you everything but their room, the one they share every night, the one that houses their secret talks and their hidden whispers, the one that hugs them both like a lover and keeps them safe - even when the world tries to tear them down, even when they try to hurt one another… that room reminds them of all they have.

If it’s your first time there, Spencer and Ashley will make you wish you were in love.

Because it is as plain as that big body of water that they are.

south of nowhere

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