31 Slices of Jo/Blair Life (21)

Oct 21, 2007 00:45

Fandom:  FOL
Pairing:  Jo/Blair
Slice 21

*     *     *

"Oh, Jo, you’re so wonderful."

Not again.

"I want to be just like you."

What was up? Jo was just helping Miko adjust to America.  Hell, all the time she was spending with the new student was cutting into Jo’s torment-Blondie time; Blair should be thrilled.  Instead, Blair was nice enough to Miko, but when they were alone, this odd hostility emerged.

"Next thing you know she’ll be proposing."

Jo looked up from her textbook.  "Don’t worry, Blair-I’m holdin’ out for you."


As Blair grabbed her book and stormed off, Jo grinned.  So many things to love about Eastland...

fic, the facts of life

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