Title: Fireworks (A Blis Choose Your Own Adventure!)
Author: Juri
Fandom/Pairing: Guiding Light, Blis
Rating: NC-17 (is that M? Frickin' A, there is sex and naughty language okay!?)
Spoilers: Uh, just... no, I don't think so... maybe if you don't actually watch the show?
Summary: The future of Blis is in your hands...
Disclaimer: Not mine, I just borrow them and their town on the weekends...
AN: Result of crazy plotting with one of my triplets (
wonkots42, you always get the blame/credit) and late nights at the computer. Completely un-beta'd (and unedited, have to run off to work now), so, mistakes mine all mine!
AN2: Dedication goes out to
wonkots42 and
still_nina, my sisters from other misters! Also, thanks to
wonkots42 for the Family Guy clip... Comments are, indeed, love...