Title - On the Road Again
Fandom - Guiding Light
Pairing - Olivia & Doris [not romantically], Olivia/Natalia
Warnings and/or Spoilers - Big time spoilers for the week of July the 6th!!! Don't read if you don't want to know. And some angst/humor. It all came out rather bittersweet to me.
Summary - Olivia and Doris are not getting along.
Rating - PG
Notes - Heh. Yes, Willie Nelson's song is the title.
"We should have taken a right."
"No. For the hundredth time, the map clearly shows a left!"
"I wanted GPS, but noooooooo... you gotta butch it up some on the road!"
"Butch it up? What the hell are you talking about?"
"Look, I went through this once, okay? I bought a Harley and got way too much leather and--"
"Have you lost your mind or something? Do we need to stop and let you get some water?"
"I haven't lost my mind!"
"...Are you implying that I have?"
"Oh, of course not. Sane people always used outdated maps for long journeys."
"You know, I must be crazy, because I asked you to come along!"
"I can't help it that you don't have any other friends."
"I have friends!"
"Sure you do..."
"I do! And your social calendar must not be full or you wouldn't have agreed to join me on this little road trip."
"It's... it's something I'd do for any member of Springfield."
"Oh really? How kind of you. Maybe you should join the Spauldings on their next family outing."
"Well, you know, maybe I wouldn't do this for every single person. But I am doing this for my career. That's all."
"Your career, hmmm?"
"Yes. Nothing else. Nothing else at all."
They are quiet for a while, nothing but highway stretched out before them and the random road-sign flying by. They've tried Chicago (where Doris ate too many hot dogs and Olivia made phone calls to Emma). They've tried retreats and sabbaticals (where Doris read passages of the bible to the tune of 'Beat It' and Olivia knees began to ache from all that kneeling).
Doris suggests Mexico City. But Olivia knows it is for the cheap alcohol.
Olivia suggests... going home.
But Doris gives her this look, a familiar one that has angered her and boosted her and annoyed her for so many days.
The look is right, though. And so they keep searching for Natalia.