31 Slices of Jo/Blair Life (6)

Oct 06, 2007 10:03

Fandom:  Facts of Life
Pairing:  Hot brunette/hot blonde
Another random slice (100- or 250-word shortie) of Jo/Blair goodness for P & P's FOL Month.  I do have some longer bits to post, too, but I need to do final edits, which will have to wait until I get my work thing done Tuesday.  (Some judges get so picky about deadlines.)

*     *     *

"Hello, Darling."  Blair turned her face up for a peck.

"Hi."  Jo reached for an apple from the fruit bowl.  "Busy day?"

"Not really," Blair replied.  "A meeting, then some shopping . . . ."

"Oh."  Jo shrugged.  "‘cause, you know, you didn’t call me today."

Blair carried their mail over to the couch. "I thought you didn’t want me to," she said.

"Where did you get that idea?"

"Oh, I don’t know," Blair said casually.  "Perhaps it was the ‘What the ‘F’ do you want? I’m ‘F’ing busy here!’ that I got yesterday."

Oh, shit-she'd been too distracted to realize what she was saying.  "A perp was makin’ a break for it, Blair," she apologized.  "I’m sorry I said that."

"No, that’s all right," Blair said. "I won’t bother you any more unless it’s an emergency."

"It doesn’t have to be an emergency."

Blair resumed reading their mail, discarding most of it.

"I don’t mind if you call."

A letter opener sliced into another ornate envelope, an invitation to some fundraiser, no doubt.

"I mean, it’s not the worse thing that happens to me during the day."

The prospective donor scanned the latest request for her time and/or money.

Squirming slightly, Jo finally said, "Look, I like it when you call, okay?"

She steeled herself for the sarcastic response.  Instead, Blair laid the letter opener on the coffee table and opened her arms. "Thank you," she said.  "Now come here for a proper welcome."

A welcome, yes, but hardly proper, Jo mused later.

fic, the facts of life

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