Title - Faith
Fandom - Guiding Light
Pairing - Olivia/Natalia
Warnings and/or Spoilers - My take on the spoilers for, I think, next week (June 1st). ANGST!
Summary - They change direction. One-shot
Rating - PG
She'd like to believe in them, but her faith was shattered a long time ago.
The foundation is shaky. And Olivia isn't sure she can stand much more.
She'd like to believe in them, but her faith is a vice about her body now.
The grip is too tight. And Natalia isn't sure she can breathe anymore.
They look at one another, as if looking can eat up the ground and bring them closer.
They look at one another, as if they are drowning and in this gaze is land.
They look at one another and force themselves to say good-bye.
Rafe cannot see the flash of pain in his mother's eyes.
And Emma doesn't understand the edge of anger in her mother's voice.