Dusty Footprints in Time - Chapter 9 (Warehouse 13)

Sep 02, 2011 11:28

Title: Dusty Footprints in Time
Author: Athena
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Pairing: HG Wells & Myka Bering
Rating: M
Spoiler: season 2
Disclaimer: If I did own the rights to these lovely ladies they would have a lot more fun - trust me.
Summary: More wedding preparations at Wells Hall. The rest of the Warehouse team, including Dr. Calder arrive in the UK. A certain Dr. Magnus makes an appearance too (Sanctuary crossover). Let's hope all nasty artifacts stay put until after the wedding ;)

This story is finally done. The last chapters are being proofed and edited and will be posted soon. The total chapter count seems to be 15 or perhaps 16 depending on the last changes and final chapter length.

Previous chapters:
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four

Chapter Five
Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight

Chapter 9

warehouse 13, fan fic, crossover, fic

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