Title: Late Night Rendezvous - I Love You, I Love You, I Love You
Author: wiked_nachos
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds - JJ/Emily
Summary: In the months following the 'death' of Emily, JJ receives a number of phone calls late at night from someone she doesn't recognise.
Rating: G, nothing graphic, no swearing. Just feelings and a little angst.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but if I did, JJ never would have left and Emily never would have 'died'. Main title is from the lyrics of a Fleetwood Mac song, Songbird.
It had only been two weeks since Hotch had 'suggested' that she take some time off. It had only been two weeks since the last phone call and JJ felt like she was losing her mind slowly. The phone calls had become like an addiction and like any junkie, she needed a fix. She needed to hear that voice, even if she couldn't recognise it. JJ had been thankful for the distraction of Henry while she was on leave; the nearly three-year old little boy took up most of her energy and time. It was the simple moments that were really pulling and pushing at her heart because Emily was missing him grow up.
JJ sat on the couch and sipped her coffee, her eyes drifting over the figure of her son as he sat at his small table colouring pictures after lunch. The surface of the table was littered with pieces of paper and numbers of crayons, Henry reaching blindly for any colour he could get his hands on. He didn't look up when the phone rang and JJ smiled at the concentration he held. She hoped this level of attention would stay with him when he started school. She let her hand brush over his wispy blonde hair as her mug was placed on the coffee table and she left pushed herself up to get answer the phone.
She was expecting it to be Will about Henry's upcoming birthday. "Hello?" She was met with silence, no response for a few long moments and her head snapped up with a slight smile. This was the first call she had gotten during the day. It was almost like a game. She would say 'hello' and then be greeted with silence. She would ask if anyone was there and still be greeted by silence. JJ would beg the caller to say anything at all. "When are you coming home? Are you going to talk to me this time, or just say one thing hang up?"
There was no response and JJ let a light laugh which was stopped in its tracks. 'I'll be home sooner than you think.'
'Soon. I love you, JJ.'
Before she could respond, all JJ could hear was the dial tone. There was a sad smile on her face, it had been a while since anyone besides Garcia had said that to her.
"I love you too," she whispered to herself, pressing the end call button before going back to watch Henry.