Title: Late Night Rendezvous - Before The Doors Closed
Author: wiked_nachos
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds - JJ/Emily
Summary: In the months following the 'death' of Emily, JJ receives a number of phone calls late at night from someone she doesn't recognise.
Rating: G, nothing graphic, no swearing. Just feelings and a little angst.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but if I did, JJ never would have left and Emily never would have 'died'. Main title is from the lyrics of a Avril Lavigne Song, Keep Holding On.
JJ had given up trying to sleep anytime before midnight in the months following her trip to Paris. Thankfully, tonight was a night that she had something to distract her. Her best friends were sitting in the living room winding down from a hard week over a simple dinner and a few bottles of wine and beer. Henry and Jack were upstairs asleep and there were several roars of laughter as the members of the BAU recounted the time Reid had made a film canister explode, hitting Emily right in the forehead.
Even though she wanted to get to know Ashley, the blonde couldn't help but compare her to Emily and to herself. Sure, she was only a pending Special Agent, but after only being under Emily's guidance for a few months she had already developed several habits from the brunette, most likely without even realising it. That, or JJ was simply reading into the whole thing too much. She had been hanging out with profilers for too long.
Another round of laughter rang out, Morgan and Garcia's deep roars and giggles drowning out the rest of the group. A wave of guilt settled into the pit of her stomach; she could see it sitting there in Hotch's eyes when their line of sight would connect. It was guilt for taking Emily away, for taking their Emily away. There was a sense of comfort that she wasn't the only one feeling like this and that she had someone to talk to.
The mood turned sombre as Morgan mentioned the funeral ceremony, that JJ did a wonderful job planning. It was beautiful and simple just as Emily would have wanted. Her blue eyes caught Hotch's again. A forceful smile from her and sad ones from the rest of the team as she stood, collecting several wine bottles. "Just imagine if her mother had planned it."
JJ could feel their eyes burning into her back as she headed to the kitchen and their laughs echoed in her mind as if they were unknowingly mocking her. She was thankful for being able to turn a corner and hide from their eyes. The entire group had known of their long-winded dance around each other yet rather short lived romance.
The house phone rang twice rather loudly and JJ let out a defeated sigh, leaning heavily against the counter. "Can one of you get that for me?" The last thing she wanted to was talk to someone on the phone after a night of drinking, six months of no sleep, and an internal emotional battle that was burning out fast.
The phone was lifted from its cradle in the living room and Garcia's voice could be heard. "Talk dirty to me. For a PG related conversation please press one. For an NC-17 conversation please press two." Garcia's typical out there phone greeting had the group in fits of laughter. "Hello? Is anyone there? Jayj, I think something's wrong with your phone." Even JJ managed to crack a smile as she took the phone her best friend and waited until the bubbly blonde was back in the lounge.
"Hello?" Her voice was soft and quiet. There was still no answer, just like the last two calls. It was like JJ had developed a rapport with the stranger on the other end. "Are you there? If you are who I think you are, please say something, anything more than two words."
'Just so you know, I never wanted to leave.' The call ended.
JJ had no idea who it could have been. There were quite a few people that the spoken phrase could have applied to. Will; he had expressed his opinions about their failing relationship before moving back to New Orleans. Emily; the look in her eyes that night in Paris said all she needed and wanted to say, but couldn't. Emily wasn't stupid enough to call after everything.
JJ headed back into the lounge, a bottle of beer in one hand and the phone in the other. Placing the phone back into its cradle, she dropped into her seat next to Garcia and resting her feet on the coffee table. "Who was it?"
"No idea." JJ was speaking honestly. The words were stored in her memory with the phrases from the last two calls and accepted the fact that the stranger was gone. For now.