Title: Sometimes it's about asking the right questions
Group: Arashi
Pairing/Genre: Sakurai Sho/Matsumoto Jun, smut
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2700
Summary: Sho and Jun celebrate after the final Quiz Bowl tournament of the year.
Notes: Sequel to my
je_holiday fic,
Sometimes it's not about knowing the right answer. Thanks to
bubbly, as always, for beta-ing. <3
Sho leaned back into his chair, staring at the trophy in front of him. )
Comments 10
Jun helped Sho to remember who he is~ That's cute! Happy that there's a happy ending! :)
Thanks for sharing!
And awesome closure! I like how this time Jun was there for Sho! <3
Thanks for writing more of this universe! It was a fun read! (Of course, the Sakumoto was lovely!)
Thanks for reading! I enjoy writing this universe. I can't guarantee there'll be more, but chances are high that I'll be back with more. :Db
And I love Sho and Nino's various attempts to annoy/one up each other.
And of course, Jun's shyness giving way to taking what he wants.
Sho and Nino snarking at each other is one of my favorite things ever. 8D <3
I would never think that the continuation of the previous would be a, err, smut one XD But I'm satisfied with the ending~ (with splatters of annoying Nino in the fic :D)
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