Title: Into the Fold
Author: Pasi
Category: Gen
Rating: 15
Summary for the Fic: Severus Snape is going straight to hell. The people he calls his friends are helping him get there.
Summary for Chapter Sixteen: Severus and his mother arrive for an extended stay at Malfoy Manor. At St Mungo's, Severus finds that a mysterious misfortune seems
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Comments 7
I must have told you that before, but I enjoy very much how you turn the world of the "bad guys" into a real place, with politics, and class interests, and plenty of little manouevres. And it wouldn´t surprise me in the slightest if it had been one of Voldemort´s followers who let Tobias Snape find the house in some way, just so the Malfoys could have Snape and his mother at their luxurious mercy. What a tale of social temptation! It reads more and more like Stendhal to me.
The psychological insight on the characters, too, is getting better and better. I like Snape´s waverings between his wish for independence and all the life needs that the Malfoys are kindly fulfilling, between the lure of power and concern for Lily. Even though I´m supposed to know how it will all end, I´m still eager to read more!
I´m having problems deciding which of the two series I like best, the past or the present one.
I'm quite happy if you like both equally.
...how you turn the world of the "bad guys" into a real place...
I'm torn between wishing JKR had done more with Wizarding politics and class and being glad that she didn't so that I could play with it to my heart's content. *g*
...it wouldn´t surprise me in the slightest if it had been one of Voldemort´s followers who let Tobias Snape find the house in some way...
Very interesting! Can't comment further, alas.
I like Snape´s waverings between his wish for independence and all the life needs that the Malfoys are kindly fulfilling, between the lure of power and concern for Lily.
Oh, I love Snape! I just love him!
And it´s very convenient for us that you do. ;)
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That's a serious question, if you feel like answering it :).
I particularly like the Lucius-Severus scenes, which fairly sizzle with what they don't say!
That's a serious question, if you feel like answering it :).
Hmmm...The only answer I can think of is that I keep an outline so that I know what I need to do and a concordance so that I know what I've already done.
I don't know how much this pertains, but, unlike a lot of people, as I've found while surfing the LJ comms, etc., I really love Deathly Hallows. It has its flaws, and some big ones at that, but its incredible emotional power has done the opposite of discouraging me from continuing this story.
I suspect the outline is probably key. This is one thing I'm quite lazy about, because for me writing is about discovery.
It's refreshing (again) to hear that you loved DH. I did, too, but those who didn't like it seem to be able to shout louder :-/.
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