Women For the Wall briefing

Jun 26, 2013 13:42

"Women For the Wall"

Thursday, June 6, 11am

A new coalition calling itself "Women For the Wall" , comprised of women supporting traditional religious observance, is also planning to gather on Sunday at the Kotel. Protesting WOW's "politicization" of the site, this new Orthodox group promotes a continuation of the former status quo at the Wall.

Women For the Wall:

Leah Aharoni, co-founder and business entrepreneur, and

Ronit Peskin, co-founder and blogger at pennilessparenting.com.

Update: цитата одной из основательниц WOW, которую приводит 2-я спикер:

Most Israelis and probably the vast majority of haredi women do not know that halacha, Jewish law, permits women to wear talit and tefillin, and read Torah from a Torah scroll. Secular Israelis do not know this, for obvious reasons. The religion they do not practice is Orthodox - ultra-Orthodox. In an unwritten, unholy alliance of Israeli secularism and ultra-Orthodoxy, Judaism stays so archaic, alien and repulsive that secular Israelis need never encounter it seriously - which, conveniently, leaves the ultra-Orthodox variants in unchallenged control of a culture that is the national heritage - and the national responsibility - of all Jews.


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