Title: Kokomo
Fandom: Castle
Characters: Rick Castle
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 (Drabble!)
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Fanfic, for fun, not profit.
Summary/Notes: Written for the
tvrealm challenge
Don't Stop Believing where you were to listen to 10 different, random songs and create something for them. I chose to write, minimum word count was 50. I'm linking the song because you may never have heard it -- or just would like to hear it again!
Kokomo - The Beach Boys
It bothered him that Kokomo wasn’t real. He understood the importance of fictional places, of fantastical Xanadus, gritty Gothams and lovely Rivendales. Such places fed the imagination of the soul. Not to mention, sold lots of books.
But Kokomo? When he heard the song he could smell fresh ocean air; could feel the sand beneath his feet; could hear waves crashing on the shore. He could see Beckett waiting for him on the beach, under an umbrella With a drink. And little else.
He idly wondered how much money it would cost to buy an island off the Florida Keys.