Oh my god, honey, I am so sorry. The meeting was totally interminable and didn't get it back on time. My brother borrowed my car when I'm this tardy. I know, boss. I understand that you have to mark me absent and traffic was just awful. I promise it won't happen again. Yes, professor, She was totally worth it.
I left you there, lover, tangled in tattered sheets, naked skin nearly enticing me to reconsider my obligations and remain. I went and worked anyway, but all the while I thought of the things that the day would deliver to us when the sun set.
I've just been informed that April is National Poetry Month. Who knew! My output has been reduced lately, so in order to get the creative process chugging again I am to write (and post here) one poem every day for the month of April. Even if I think it's not quite so good! So, uh, get ready... to be poeticized. Oh yeah. It's working already.
Isn't it so sad that we let them hurt us so? And we carry that hurt so close, so now we hurt each other so badly, with so little thought or effort. So let's leave the hurt they left with us so far behind that we can say all the things we need to say, just so, without fear or shame of being so fully ourselves.
Such a wonderful moment, Though I didn't notice it, Not until it was nearly gone. But that turned out to be enough: For it to brush my cheek as it breezed by. Now it is indelible. I will always have it. I am always living it, somewhere in my mind.