
Nov 15, 2005 13:38

Meh. I don't want to go back to lab. It's going to be a long day today based on what I have planned. Especially since I got up at 6:30 so I could get into lab and let my cells grow while I was at class. However, not all of them grew as fast as they were supposed to so I have about another hour left to wait before I can do my experiment. Meh. ( Read more... )

torn apart, cornell

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Comments 16

animethief92 November 15 2005, 14:33:18 UTC
I'm going to start reading the Torn Apart series right now!

Also, I missed you! You didn't post for a while... *pouts* Anyway, you're back now! *glomps*


parsnip_chan November 15 2005, 17:29:54 UTC
Lol, I guess I haven't posted in a while. I think it's because I had those two weeks of exams and then I was just tired. I wouldn't think of anything to post until I came home, but by the time I got there, I just wasn't in the mood to type. So then the next day would come around and it'd be a moot point by then ;p

That, and Bleach took over my life which made me even more tired because I kept staying up to watch it ^_^

And your icon is so pretty! Who is he and why does he have angel wings? Hmm...???


animethief92 November 15 2005, 17:54:49 UTC
It's Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. I loved this icons so much too! XD


fluorescens November 16 2005, 07:40:22 UTC
Yipee~! Melissa is coming over; I can imagine all the fun u guys will have. Er, yeah. :)
Why don't you ask yr flatmates to clean the apt too? They ain't pigs, are they? Is Melissa sleeping over too? And *sweats*, when is Thanksgiving?
(Im so zonked out myself now, too. Sigh)


parsnip_chan November 16 2005, 07:45:55 UTC
I could, except I never see them ;p

And no, they're not pigs, but at the same time they never take out the garbage or recycling. They just wrap it up and leave it by the door until I finally give in three days later and take it out.

I doubt they even know when the recycling bin needs to be taken out and because I forgot to do it last sunday, it's over flowing. I do to do something about that actually.

And the bathroom...Shalina used to have a maid in Singapore (I think its fairly common thing?) so she's not used to the whole cleaning thing. She does what she can, but if you've never done it efore, it's hard to get in the habit of it ^_^

Meh. I need to get to lab though. Sigh...I slept through my Proteins class unintentionally so now I'm sitting in the library and drinking some pop in an attempt to wake me up. I think I might be good now, but you never know ...

And f you're tired, go to bed! Heh. It's almost midnight for you. Shoo!


fluorescens November 17 2005, 01:05:21 UTC
You are too nice! If I were you, I'll leave a note by the door to remind them. You are not their maid! And yes, concerning Singaporeans, most pple (the rich ones) have maids. I suppose if Shalina can go all the way up to the states to do her master, then her family must be pretty rich too. Unfortunately, I call these pple brats. Some don't even know how to sweep/mop floor, which is a total insult to us as women. Not that females must learn how to do housework, but are the chores that difficult?! *fans myself*
And you slept through yr class! Again! *swipes yr head with my bolster*


parsnip_chan November 17 2005, 07:01:46 UTC
Her dad works for a japanese company so I guess she's definitely in the middle class somewhere even though she's technically not 'upper class' based on the Indian caste system (aka not a brahmen).


And they do a better job then I do at cleaning up dishes so I really shouldn't complain to much. It's just annoying sometimes.

And I didn't technically sleep through the class. I slept while I was at class. And it was a different one then the one I was complaining about. However, today i did sleep through it but that's because I completely forgot to reset my alarm clock so when it went off at 6 am, I just rolled over and grunted. :-p


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