Meme answered!

Sep 26, 2009 16:39

Here's the list from 10 character questions meme!

1. Barbara Gordon
2. Bruce Wayne
3. Charlie/Misfit
4. Dick Grayson
5. Ted Kord
6. Tim Drake
7. Stephanie Brown
8. Cassandra Cain
9. Alfred Pennyworth
10. Jim Gordon

(Okay, so they're mostly Bat characters...)

bluefall asked:

10 goes mad and tries to conquer the world. Can 1 and 3 save the day, and if so, how do they do it?

Okay, so Commissioner goes mad and tries to conquer the world. Can Babs and Misfit save the day, and if so, how do they do it?

Batman disappeared mid-sentence one too many times, and Jim lost it. I'd imagine if Jim went evil, he'd be in a position to blackmail a lot of people, manipulating the police, city politics and criminals to his advantage. So Babs would end up tracking down his connections with Charlie teleporting in to prevent them from doing bad things. Then together they ambush him, make sad puppy faces (as a bonus guilt-inducing measure, Charlie brings the bullet and little stuffed Batgirl doll that Babs gave her when they first met). Babs tells him she's thwarted all his evil plans because he taught her what was right, then there's crying and hugs and everything's better.

(Batman shows up later, with some cookies that Alfred baked and lets Jim leave mid-sentence for once.)

6 falls in love with 8. Where do they have the wedding?

Tim Drake falls in love with Cassandra Cain. Where do they have the wedding?

On the ruins of Blüdhaven. Gah, it's all so wrong! Wayne Manor, the better to weird everyone out given the fact that they're pretty much siblings.

Something goes wrong on a team-up of 1, 2 and 6, and only two of them make it out alive. What happened and who died?

Something goes wrong on a team-up of Barbara Gordon, Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake, and only two of them make it out alive. What happened and who died?

;_; Gah! This would be one of those stories that is just so horribly sad, everyone gets mad at DC for even thinking of doing it. My first instinct was to say Tim would die, whether by way of Return of the Joker influencing me, or just that Robins dying seems kind of expected by this point.

But here's a different scenario. Babs and Tim somehow manage to fall into solving a case in their civilian identities, with Bruce of course helping as Batman, they catch the criminal, who gets arrested and convicted. Then later at some fancy charity fundraising party, an ally and loved one of the criminal (who would have benefited greatly if the crime had been pulled off), infiltrates the party and aims a gun at where Tim and Babs are sitting and talking. It's fast and unexpected enough that the quickest solution is to just step in the way, and that's what Bruce does. =,(

Although I am a strong advocate of grumpy Old Man Bruce (in that I'd like to see him grow old and crotchety), if he were to die young, I think the most fitting way would be in a very similar way that his parents were killed. Simple, nothing superpowered, big, or grand, just stepping in front of a bullet that would have killed people he cares about. Basically, he'd be conquering two of his biggest fears at once (guns/bullets and losing loved ones) while simultaneously being conquered by those fears. (Because he gets shot, and in death he's losing all his loved ones in a sense and they're losing him.)

9 gets a job tutoring 4. What's being taught?

Alfred gets a job tutoring Dick. What's being taught?

Alfred tutoring Dick is pretty unremarkable by itself, but the subject is knitting. We'll set this in Dick's Robin days. Dick caught Babs knitting one day at the library, and when he commented on it, she made fun of him for not knowing how to knit. "What happens when we encounter a villain called the Yarnmaster and you can't knit or pearl one to save your life, Boy Wonder?"

And of course, Alfred knows how to knit, because every good soldier should be able to darn his own socks.

2 & 7 face off against 4 & 5 and 1 & 10 in a three-legged race. How do they all place?

Bruce & Steph face off against Ted & Dick and Babs & Jim in a three-legged race. How do they all place?

Bruce and Steph don't finish the race. Bruce kept alternating between being really nice and encouraging to Stephanie, and telling her to just quit and go home. So she kicked dirt in his face and ran off to go fight crime instead of competing in a stupid three-legged race.

Dick and Ted start off well. Dick can run a bit faster than Ted, though, and Ted's struggling to keep the same pace. Dick offers to let Ted lean on him a bit, to shift their weight a little, but Ted interprets that as a fat joke. He gets mad, they fall out of sync and trip. Ted gives up and Dick is left wondering what just happened.

Babs and her father participating in a three-legged race results in Jim perching on the back of the wheelchair, while Babs propels them forward at a crazy-fast pace, with Jim occasionally pushing off the ground with one foot to give them a little extra momentum, so Babs and Jim win.

All of the odd numbers get shipwrecked together on a distant planet. Who takes charge, how do they deal with the man-eating alien dinosaurs, and how do they get back home?

Babs, Charlie, Ted, Steph and Alfred get shipwrecked together on a distant planet.

Okay, well, Babs takes charge, but there's also good leadership coming from Alfred. They defeat the man-eating alien dinosaurs using a catapult that Ted built, and using a spontaneously-combusting plant that Steph discovered as projectile. Meanwhile, Charlie has been gathering scrap metal and supplies needed to build a spaceship (under direction from Ted and Babs) by teleporting all over the planet and bringing the stuff back to their camp. After about a year, they manage to build it and escape back home.

(Can I just say that I would love the heck out of that particular five-person team-up??)

90scartoonman asked:

If there's a comic where someone draws handles on 1's wheelchair, would she let 8, 9 or 10 push her? Would they offer or would they try to kill her?

Dammit! How did you know #1 was Babs?!? Alas, I am too predictable!

Anyways, if there's a comic where someone draws handles on Barbara's chair, would she let Cass, Alfred or Jim push her? Would they offer or would they try to kill her?

Of this list, those are actually the three most likely people I could see Babs maybe allowing to push her in a wheelchair under certain circumstances. Nobody would try to kill her. I think Alfred would be the only one of the three who would always ask first.

Jim would have learned by now that he should ask, but he's her dad and likes to think he's helping, and he's pretty chivalrous at heart, too, so he might forget on occasion, much to Barbara's annoyance.

Cass wouldn't ask, she'd just do it, but probably only if she read Barbara's body language as wanting to move herself but being unable to for some reason. I could also see it if Cass is all "look! look at that over there!" but figures it's faster to just make Babs look, so she turns her chair the right way for her.

scottyquick asked:

All the even-numbers go to high school together. Are they friends? Foes? Do they even know each other?

Bruce, Dick, Tim, Cass and Jim all go to high school together. Are they friends? Foes? Do they even know each other?

Hahaha. Hmm. Okay, so, Jim is the student council president, but it's a tough job. Bruce secretly helps him, but doesn't let him know it's him. Dick follows Bruce around and helps, and Bruce shows him all the secret passageways around the school. Tim doesn't talk to anyone, but he secretly follows Bruce and Dick around without their knowing. One day around the time of the next student council election, someone tries to throw a football at Jim's head, but Cass steps in the way and stops it, winning Jim's friendship and Bruce's respect.

Three falls in love with Nine, and Seven officiates the wedding. Can One and Five stop 3/9 from happening.

Charlie falls in love with Alfred, and Steph officiates the wedding. Can Babs and Ted stop Charlie/Alfred from happening?

Okay, well, it's not that hard to love Alfred, but Alfred is clearly not in his right mind to agree to marry a teenager. Steph is clearly also losing it a little bit if she's officiating. But damn if the whole thing isn't a funny scenario.

Ted uses his flash-gun-thing at Steph so that she's temporarily blinded and can't read the words and continue the wedding, and Babs administers some kind of anti-crazy drug to Alfred, and breaks it gently to Charlie that the wedding isn't going to happen, and she should find someone her own age.

Four and Two start dating. Would I approve?

Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne start dating. Would I approve?

Well, maybe if they came from some parallel Earth where they were the same age and had never met previously until they were adults. Just on personality alone, they might make a good couple, but otherwise, it makes Bruce into a creep, and even on a parallel Earth, there's too much story baggage for them to be anything but father and son or brothers, so Bruce/Dick always seems wrong in reality.

loissandborn asked:

All 10 are on Survivor, who gets voted off the island first?

Hmm. Either Steph or Jim, I hate to say.

In a drinking contest between 5 and 9, who would be the last to pass out?

In a drinking contest between Ted and Alfred, who would be the last to pass out?

LOL, hmm. This one's a toughie. I don't think either of them would be lightweights, and although I would think Ted drinks far more often than Alfred, I gotta go with Alfred. He's the Goddamn Alfred, and Ted can't out-drink him.

If 2 and 7 were solicited to pose nude for playboy for $200,000, which one would be most likely to take the offer?

If Bruce Wayne and Stephanie Brown were solicited to pose nude for playboy for $200,000, which one would be the most likely to take the offer?

Bruce. Seriously! Think about it, I can't see Steph taking the offer, even if she were to really want the money. Bruce would totally step in, give her whatever money she needed, and then pose in playboy himself. Think of the publicity! The outrage! Totally a Bruce-Wayne-the-idiot-playboy move, to amuse and confuse the masses.

He would have to insist on substantial air-brushing, though, to cover up all his scars.

If all were stranded on a desert island without food or water, who would be the first to suggest that the group eat number 3?

If all were stranded on a desert island without food or water, who would be the first to suggest that the group eat Misfit?

Hahaha, aw. Um, probably either Steph or Ted would make a sarcastic joke about it.

If number 1, 4 and 8 were forced to live together, which one would kill the other two to get the master bedroom?

If Babs, Dick and Cass were forced to live together, which one would kill the other two to get the master bedroom?

Hmm. Babs.

7, 8, 9 and 10 decide to get baked. Which one freaks out? Which one sits in the corner and giggles? Which one eats everything in the fridge? Which one falls asleep?

Steph, Cass, Jim and Alfred decide to get baked. Cass freaks out, Steph sits in the corner and giggles, Alfred eats everything in the fridge and Jim falls asleep.

1, 2, 3 and 4 decide to take a biology class. Which one decides to dissect the teacher instead of the frog? Which one eats the frog?

Babs, Bruce, Charlie and Dick decide to take a biology class. Bruce decides to dissect the teacher (hey, he wanted to do a more "invasive" autopsy on Ollie when Ollie came back from the dead, despite the fact that he was alive), and Dick and Babs are adventurous enough to try eating the frog, much to Charlie's disgust.

Phewf! That was fun, but long!

memes, comics, dc comics, bat-family

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