a decade later, I need a beta

Aug 23, 2021 19:44

Hey community - It's been a minute. I last posted a story here in 2009 and since then I've had one floating around in my brain. When I've finished, I'd love a beta to have a poke at it before I post it. The two I had way back seem to not be active any more so I'm hoping there's still a charitable beta floating around ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

squidgiepdx August 24 2021, 01:48:31 UTC
If it’s not more than a couple thousand words, I can do it. walterhpdx at me dot com is my email or you can message me on LJ/DW.


l57371 August 26 2021, 05:21:34 UTC
I'm afraid it's closer to 5000, but thanks!


fififolle August 24 2021, 07:16:48 UTC
Count me in too if you like!!


l57371 August 26 2021, 05:25:33 UTC
Where shall I send the draft? It's about 11 pages, 5000 or so words.


fififolle August 26 2021, 13:22:53 UTC
Ooh, nice!
Send to Fifi @ fififolle.co.uk
I look forward to it!


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