16 days post; What's weak this week

May 01, 2008 12:26

My torn bits haven't shown any sign of healing up yet (the nurse insists it'll take a LONG time as dilation prevents proper granulation in that spot), but it's certainly showing no signs of getting worse, so that's good.  Dilation itself continues to be a pain in the ass (er, not there... you know what I mean), but I'm keeping to my schedule and am maintaining more-than-ample depth.  I'm half tempted to try stepping up to the #2 size ahead of schedule, at least for a single session, but I've learned a few things about pushing limits, so I think I'll just wait till monday after all.

My certified letters documenting that surgery's been done arrived in the mail, so I'm all set to file paperwork at the courthouse, but since I'm still in low-energy mode, I suspect it'll be June before I actually get down there.  This shouldn't be a big deal since my current passport will last for several months beyond that, and I don't see traveling internationally anytime soon.   Sure I'm anxious to see a bright shiney new birth certificate, but I've waited long enough, I can wait a little longer.

I'm getting around the house and the neighborhood well enough.  Made a loaf of banana bread on tuesday, and a couple stacks of enchiladas yesterday (going easy on the sauce as it tends to.... survive the journey).  A daily walk around the block is getting my heart pumping without causing me to pass out 10 minutes later, and I think I'll be up for walking to the grocery store by next week.

I hate sanitary pads.  I've used 'em on a couple occasions in the past to deal with drippage from UTIs (not uncommon in diabetics), but never for more than two days at the absolute most, and never to catch more than a teaspoon of fluid per day.  Nowadays, I'm burning through multiple pads per day, soaking up as much as a tablespoon of lube and blood at a time.   Ewww.  Ewww. Ewww.  My sympathies to all the ciswomen and (pre/non-HRT) transmen out there who've had to deal with having periods.  I still wish I could carry a child of my own, but I have a renewed sense of distaste for the broken design of human reproduction.

I've been spending my mornings playing GTA4 the past couple days, it's basicly just GTA3 on a larger, more detailed map, with some incremental improvements to the world interactions, and of course: Online play.  Excellent time waster, but the days are long and it's starting to get a little repetitive...

I'm trying to get interested in work, but every-thing's going basically alright without me, and since I'm burning vacation time for this, I'm really not feeling too bad about not answering every email than comes into my inbox.  Here's hoping H can provide enough interference for me that first week that I'm back in the office (and still on my 4x schedule).  That's going to be the acid test, if I can get through that week, then I'll be alright.

That's all for now.

recovery, dilation, surgery

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