This is a real life picture post, nothing fannish here. A few photos of friends, co-workers, my cats (lol), but mostly, mostly they are pictures of my brothers. It's image heavy, so dial-up users beware.
I post this kind of stuff because it makes me happy. Feel free to ignore it if you like. ;) )
Comments 9
Hey, did you notice the tiny little storm trooper atop the thermostat in the Kyle & Kate pictures? That's our store mascot. Someone gave him to us in our tip jar shortly after I started working there, and he's been taped to our thermostat ever since. :D
You look cool and happy and like you're king a' the world baby! (as you should :) )
I had half a roll of film still in my camera from last time we were all together (the remainder of the pics from this post) so I used up the other half of it tonight plus another WHOLE roll, lol. If/when I post them I will warn everyone it's same old same old, boring pics of me and mine, heh. Hopefully there are some keepers in the mix. Those two rolls are color, so sadly they probably won't be as cool, but we shall see.
I'm gonna try and get back on track with exercising tomorrow. You may not think my face looks fat, Mel, but I feel like a big ol' chunky monkey and I could desperately stand to lose some weight. I hope I can get myself to be disciplined and get healthy again.
Oh! I have a great story from tonight that I need to post tomorrow. If I forget to, you need to harass me about it, because it's definitely a keeper of a tale, lol.
How are you, Lovely?
I hope they were suitably hottie-like in their response! lol
I'm trynna get back to the gym and all that after all this time off with the vertigo. It's so hard getting back into the routine isnt it?
Have you posted your story from last night yet??
I'm doing ok hon - off to see POTC 3 tonight. You seen it?
Aww, your face doesn't look fat with the short hair. I actually like the short hair it's cute.
Can I just say I'm so glad my camera doesn't put the date at the corner... I find when you print them out and frame them, it ruins the loveliness of the photo. *Hugs my beautiful nice Fuji camera*
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