and i look across the water

Nov 03, 2011 00:30

So, two hours ago, I was going to go to bed.

Then I ended up taking a shower and writing over 1000 words of porn.

parker = good life choices

Greedy )

fic: potter, porn(ish)

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Comments 28

abigail89 November 4 2011, 01:20:01 UTC
Oh YAY. And it's GOOD porn too. Hot and sweet, just like them.


parkergray November 4 2011, 02:22:36 UTC

They got all filthy on me! Like, unexpectedly. But - what can you do?


kg1507 November 4 2011, 01:37:24 UTC
SO. GOOD. Your Harmony writing is always worth waiting for. Just wondering, do you ever write multi-chapter fics? I love your drabbles, but a multi chater fic from you would probably kill me in the best way possible :)


parkergray November 4 2011, 02:31:31 UTC
Thanks, man.

And hahahaha. No. I'm the queen of one-shots. A very long time ago, I wrote a 'series', if you can even call it that. That I do not remember the name of, seriously. I do know it's on! *g*

Um - Sea Legs and Blue Spanish Sky are related; so are Heart Shaped World and And The Birds All Singing Blue. And Sigh No More is the longest thing I've ever written.

I don't get plots. I get words. *g*


kg1507 November 4 2011, 14:53:59 UTC
Thanks - I understand. Lately all I seem to be coming up with are one-shots myself. College and life simply don't give me the time to write real plots and keep up with them lol thanks for those links, I think I've read most of them but your stuff is always good for rereads!


tinkercannon November 4 2011, 03:12:31 UTC
This is quality porn, quality H/Hr porn none the less, you should be proud. I feel like the internet is lacking in such good H/Hr fic, it's so disappointing. Might have to go back and read all of your fic to make up for it.


parkergray November 4 2011, 23:46:47 UTC
The internet is completely lacking in good H/H fic.

I have fits every six months or so and go looking and yeah. Not so much. I never seen to recognize them as Harry and Hermione. Which is probably why I'm still writing about them, more than ten years after I started. *g*


marenkp November 4 2011, 14:13:08 UTC
Another amazing piece to add to my favorites. I always love your Harry and Hermione, no matter what they're doing; the sheer hotness of what they're doing here is just a fabulous bonus. ;)

Thanks for writing.


parkergray November 4 2011, 23:47:57 UTC
They got all, like, filthy on me. The first line popped into my head and it was going to be this nice, sweet little thing - then Harry start biting her ass and stuff. So. *g*



utkari02 November 4 2011, 16:48:19 UTC
*fans self*

That was delicious. :D


parkergray November 4 2011, 23:48:22 UTC
Why thank you. *g*


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