Title: 13 - Abandoned - Yongguk
Fandom: Kpop (B.A.P)
Pairing: none
Word count: 479
Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff.
Notes: Previous days can be found
here and the full challenge
It's raining, darkness falling, when Yongguk wakes up alone. He looks around him, but his girlfriend, or the girl he thought he was dating, is gone. They weren't living together, but they were basically living together. They'd been dating for almost two years and while he didn't go to her flat that often, she was always at his. He reached over and felt her side of the bed, but it was cold, as if she hadn't even been there. But he knew she had. They'd gone to bed early, had sex and then fallen asleep.
He crawled out of bed and flipped the light on. Her slippers and bathrobe were gone, so was her phone. Then he looked at the night stand again, everything of hers was gone. He tripped over himself, walking to the bathroom. But there, too, everything was gone. There wasn't even a trace of her makeup, which usually ended up scattered across the counter.
He walked unsteadily back to the bedroom. Once there, he pulled open the drawers that contained her clothing, but they were empty. He yanked the closet doors open, but aside from the hoodie of his she loved and a few of his dress shirts, and the rest of his clothing, it was empty, too.
He grabbed the hoodie, which still smelled like her at least, and pulled it on. The rest of the flat didn't contain much that belonged to her. The living room had a couple of shelves of books and movies, mostly his, but some were theirs. They were all on the shelves. He looked for her magazines, spread on the coffee table, but they were gone. The kitchen, too, was devoid of any evidence.
The coffeemaker stood quiet, her mug was gone, along with her coffee. He opened the fridge and was relieved to see that all the food was still there. At least she hadn't taken that, too. He turned and walked toward the door. He didn't know why, it wasn't like he expected to see her purse hanging from the hook, or her jacket in the closet. Or even her shoes or slippers by the door.
He didn't see those things, but he did see the envelope. It was white and the only word written on it was his name. He ripped it from the door, where it had been taped, and tore it open. The letter was short, an apology. She'd been sleeping with someone else and had slowly been moving her things out over the past few weeks. She hadn't wanted to tell him because she was a coward.
Yongguk slid to the floor and cried. It wasn't that he was lonely or even sad they were over. It was that she hadn't even said goodbye. Maybe that wasn't important to her, but it was to him. Maybe she hadn't known him at all.