Fresh start: chapter 13

Sep 27, 2015 23:55

Series: Fresh start
Chapter: 13
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Reid is a neuro surgeon in Dallas with a burn out who tries to figure out what life is really about (Reid's POV).
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta!!!


"So he is bossing you around already", Faith said and smiled.

"I am only here to get the things for the Snyder's lunch", I said and smiled back.

"We both know that that's not true", Faith winked. "And from what I've heard you have made quite an impression on my brother".

"Who told you that", I asked confused?

"Luke of course, he has been bragging about his time with you. But I have to confess that I have stalked him to get to know the truth".

I shook my head in disbelief. "You have? But why? Have you ever heard of the concept privacy?".

"In our family we don't know that word Reid so if you want to stay with Luke you have to get used to that. I just want my brother happy and to be honest I saw the spark between you two when you were here last time. I just wanted to know if I was right".

"Okay, in that case I accept your nosiness. Yes we are good I suppose, I like him very much and we get to know each other".

"I have brought you some after-sun, Luke asked me to get it for you because you got sun-burned?".

The twinkle in her eyes made that my embarrassment disappeared a little. "How close are you two that he shared that with you?", I asked.

"Very close as you can understand. I tell him everything and he tells me the highlights of his life.

The fact that he has been texting me for hours about you says something Reid. I hope you are going to be honest to him, that's all he needs.

He can be a real PIA but that's just an act to keep people at a distance. So is his dedication to his work, he doesn't need to work to pay the bills but he drowns himself in his job to make sure he doesn't have to think about his private life".

"What’s happened that he is trying to escape reality?", I asked.

"Let's say life has been hard for him, has hardened him, he doesn't think that he deserves to be happy, he has trouble believing that he is a good guy beneath the rock hard surface. By taking control he tries to hold a grip on things. Not everyone can handle that but from what I've heard you just accept him for who he is".

Jesus, why did Luke share all that with her? I had the feeling that I was standing there naked, but it also made me warm inside that Luke had told her so much about me. That was a good sign, right, that he talked about me so much. Did I need his dedication to me; did I want something permanent with him?

"So Noah didn't accept that from him?", I asked. I could bite my tongue for asking but I had to know what the connection was between the ex-lovers.

"You have to ask him that Reid", she said. "I already told you too much but I want to help you guys, maybe you need a little push in the right direction and I am more than happy to give you that. And the answer to your question is yes, but you didn't hear that from me".

"Of course not! I am just curious what Noah is to Luke before we...we eehh are getting closer. And since you are so honest I can tell you that Luke isn't bitching me around, he is very relaxed with me. It's not that we have to adjust when we are together, we can be ourselves".

"You are such a romantic Reid", she said and handed me the quiche Luke had asked for.

"Why is everyone telling me that?", I asked. "I have no idea what courting is or how you write romance, but being with your brother brings up something in me, a need to care for him, does that make me a softy? I just like to do things to make life a little easier for him".

"Are you coming to the lunch with him?", she asked.

I shook my head. "No, he didn't ask me and to be honest I am not looking forward to the famous family thing. I am not much of a people's person".

"Yes you are", Faith said. "But Luke doesn't want to pressure you, he knows that you don't want to be there so he didn't ask you, it's not that he didn't want to. He told me that the day he brings you to the lunch will be a milestone, a sign that you have chosen for him. But I didn't tell you this Reid; promise that you won't force things. Let it happen between you two".

She said so much in so little time that I got lightheaded. Luke wanted something steady with me? The realization hit me like a ton of bricks but warmed my heart because I couldn't think of a life without him anymore, even though I didn't know him.

I wanted to make dinner for him and ask him about his life, but I couldn't right now because I didn't have a kitchen and Luke lived in his office.

Maybe I could ask him out; maybe if I asked him nicely he would sigh and leave his office for me. That was a good thing to do, relax outside his working space and then go back ASAP to use his bed for our lovemaking.

Thinking about that made that I felt my cheeks get flushed. Everyone saw Luke as a man in control but god, I had seen him when he let go, when he surrendered to my hands and mouth. He was a very sensitive man deep down when no one was looking; a man who wanted me. It was hard to believe.


atwt, fresh start, : !author|artist: parishs, lure_atwt, luke, reid, rating: pg-13

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