What's up doc? (dancing lessons chapter 8)

Apr 17, 2015 07:04

Series: Dancing lessons
Chapter: 8
Written by: Parishs
Inspired by: zzzfreckles
Rating: pg
Summary: What happened after Luke has heard a shot? (Luke's POV).
Sequel of the Yule challenge 2014: A Christmas wedding
Following the FFF prompt "What's up doc" (04-10-2015)
Disclaimer: I own nothing


I was so glad that my dad always had a gun in his dashboard this time! I grabbed it and opened the door before Damian knew what happened.

Hiding behind a tree I peeked around to see what was going on, I had to be sure that Reid was safe. My heart was beating in my chest like a maniac and the adrenaline made me reckless. Slowly I came near the cabin, but I didn't see anyone. In the distance I heard the sirens of the police. Why did they always do that, announce that they were on their way? If only things wouldn’t escalate...

When I neared the small cabin I heard people talk softly. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek when I realized that one of them was Reid, he was still alive. Thank God! I peeked my head around the wooden door and saw that Reid and Winston were bend over something. Without a sound I came closer, holding the gun ready to fire. What were they talking about? Why wasn’t Reid running away? Winston didn’t put a gun at him.

It was an absurd scene I entered. When I walked into the cabin I saw what they were doing: Noah was lying on the floor, bleeding heavily and Reid tried to stop the bleeding with his t-shirt while he ordered a numb Winston around. What was happening here?

While I pointed my gun at Noah’s dad's head I cleared my throat, letting the men know that I was watching them. Reid looked at me and all I could think of was what a gorgeous man he was, He didn’t seem stressed, just focused on the man whose blood was trickling between his fingers.

"Call 911 Luke", he said softly.

I was startled to death when I heard my dad right behind me say that he was going to take care of that. I could just look at the 3 men on the floor.

"What happened Reid?, I asked and I heard the panic in my voice. How could he stay so calm?

Reid felt Noah's pulse and cursed. "We are going to lose him Luke, come and help me, he said.

I shook my head, locking eyes with my lover. I wasn’t going to do anything until the police had arrived, at this moment in time I was only busy with his and my safety so all I did was keep the gun towards Winston's head.

"Noah's dad is a highly trained general so he can help you Reid, I can’t risk it that he is taking advantage of the situation and runs away or shoots us", I explained and pushed Winston out of his daze by pressing my knee against his back. He finally seemed to hear us and started CPR on his son.


I don't know how long I had been sitting on the chair in Reid's room, feeling my heart throb in my neck. Everything was a daze from the moment the paramedics entered the cabin. Reid told them in a soft voice what they needed to do and he jumped in the ambulance with them, soaking in Noah's blood.

He looked at me for a second before the doors were closed. I felt our connection, the love he radiated towards me although it was because of me that he ended up in this nightmare. He even managed to form a kiss with his lips.

I still pointed my gun at Winston until the cops arrested him. I heard Damian curse next to me but I couldn't move. I was in shock. Damian pushed me into his car and brought me to the hospital we’re he planted me on the chair I was still sitting on. I had no idea if it was day or night, or what Reid was doing; maybe he was operating on Noah. I was alone in my timeless bubble.

A nurse startled me to death when she entered the room and brought me a coffee.

"Can I do something for you?, she asked concerned. "Can I tell the police where you are, they are looking for you, they want to hear your side of the story mister Snyder".

I shook my head. "I have nothing to tell them, please let me sit here until Reid is finished, do you know how long it's going to take?", I asked and heard how shaky my voice was.

She shook her head. "Not exactly no, but I guess not so long since his patient didn’t make it", she said softly.

How weird could a life be? My lover had tried to save the life of my ex, the guy who kidnapped him. Slowly I felt my blood starting to flow again, and with that the tears started to run down my cheeks.

Finally I came down from my adrenaline-high and I felt how exhausted I was. Noah was dead. His dad in prison. All facts that should have made me breathe again but it didn’t sink in yet, I was only worried how Reid was doing, how he would look at me, if he would stay by my side. He probably would but I needed assurance, I craved to look in his eyes and see for myself how he would think of me. I wanted to lie in his arms and just sleep, knowing that he wouldn’t blame me for what had happened to him.

I must have fallen asleep because I didn’t hear him coming in; suddenly I felt his hand on my shoulder. I stood up clumsily and took him in my arms, smelling the scent of blood and sweat in his hair. He tried to push me away telling me that he was dirty but I didn’t care, nothing in the world could stop me from clinging him against me as close as could be.

"I am so sorry Luke", he whispered. "You have to know that I tried everything possible to safe Noah but in fact he was already dead in the ambulance but I couldn't accept that so I opened his skull to see if I could do something but it was useless, it was all blood. How are you doing baby?

"You are asking me how I am doing? Are you crazy? My ex kidnapped you and you moved heaven and earth to safe him! I am so glad, so freaking glad that nothing has happened to you, I was so scared to lose you", I whispered and felt my legs starting to shake. Reid was just in time to grab me and put me on my chair.

He kneeled before me and locked eyes with me; "I’m fine and yes I was scared when he showed up at our hotel room, I thought it was you when someone knocked on the door but he wasn't a very good criminal, he didn’t ask me to give him my phone so I could text Lucinda. I was sure that she would be able to follow my I-phone".

In his eyes I read all the things he didn’t say, that he had been scared, that he was pissed that he lost a patient but also that he was relieved that I was okay. And I thought I saw something else.

"What's up doc; are you okay, tell me what you think?", I said softly.

His eyes started to glow a little, the spark I had seen before came back but somehow he was fighting it.

"Are you not sad that Noah is dead? I know he has hurt you a lot but now you can’t talk to him anymore because I failed. Didn’t you need to speak to him about the past"?

Slowly I started to smile while I pulled the pale man against me.

"Yes I am sad that Noah is dead, of course I am but I didn't have unfinished business with him if that’s what you are thinking. He has hurt me but it doesn’t matter now I have met you. What he did isn't important anymore. I want to spend time with you and get to know you Reid. I want to look ahead and not back. The depth of my feeling for you became clear when I heard that Noah held you hostage, I was so scared that I would lose you, it was the most intense feeling I have ever felt. I think I love you Reid. Or...I am pretty sure I do".

Reid leaned forward and kissed me softly while he combed with his fingers through my hair. Noah had never done that, no one ever made that gesture before except my mother but it felt wonderfully intimate. "I love you I", heard myself say against his lips.


dancing lessons, atwt, pg, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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