Up on the roof

Feb 01, 2014 10:32

Title: Up on the roof
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Reid is his obnoxious self (Reid’s POV)
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Up on the roof (1-31-2014).
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

previous chapter


Today Bob dragged me from meeting to meeting and he introduced me to so many people that I am a little dizzy. Sitting on the rooftop of this poor excuse of a hospital I look at the skyline of Oakhell. Nothing but grain on the land and cows, many cows. Inside and outside the building.

When I squeeze my eyes a little I see horses. Marc and I had been riding on the big animals when we were at his parent’s home. I always held my breath when we sat on the saddles, afraid that I would fall off. Don’t think about him now.
This village of the damned is small. I must have seen them all today, the Oakdalers. I got invited for barbeques and lunches, the people here eat a lot. Maybe I will fit in after all after some time.

I have only one concrete invitation, and that’s for dinner tomorrow. With the hysterical lady marinated in very expensive eau de parfum. What was the name of her company? Something with global. Next time I am going to tell her not to call me darling again, it’s like she is imitating a drag queen. But I have to be nice to her, she is going to finance a new wing at the hospital. With her grandson, she said. They must be eating caviar for breakfast.

Anyway, it was exhausting today. When I still did surgeries I had 12 hours shifts, and I took home my administration, but I was never as tired as I am now. Marc never complained, he was busy himself. After he had left, I was wandering around in the hospital even on my free days, trying to be too busy to think about him. Or grab a bottle. I don’t have memories of that time. It’s all blurry.

Bob is an idiot, I don’t understand how he can be a chief of staff. People bother him all day with their futile problems. He knows everyone and everything. He told me how important it is to listen to people, to make them feel important. It’s one of the management basics, but I never saw it happen in real life. And I don’t think it’s necessary. I never put my shit on someone else’s table, right?

Old town does its name justice, man what a dump. I heard music coming from a bar and looked inside. Guess what: a country bar with a mechanical bull. Really. It still exists. A bunch of young people were riding it and they were having fun. I stood there and watched, till someone came and talked to me, he even offered me a beer. I am so proud of myself that I said no. But he kept on trying, he ordered water for me and introduced himself to me. Reg. As if I cared.
He did, obviously. He flirted with me. He must have a hell of a gaydar, because I know I don’t look gay. Marc needed proof before he believed me. I didn’t leave much to the imagination then.

Stop thinking about him. I have to concentrate on the here and now. Or I will grab a beer and start again. I never thought I would be weak and I didn’t read the signs. I am an alcoholic. Reg understood immediately, he ordered water when trays filled with beer and shots passed me. He invited me in and introduced me to his friends. No idea what connected these people, maybe it was the local gay community. They were physical with each other, and me. At some point he got dizzy and when I offered to bring him home, he accepted with a grin. On our way out he bumped against a guy who he embraced and kissed. He called him Snyder. I have seen the guy before, no idea where.

I have to admit that I was tempted, at his doorstep. I had lived a celibate lifestyle for much too long, but somehow I felt no connection to this drunk. Maybe it was my brain kicking in, warning me to stay far away from this person who drank so much.

He kissed me on my mouth and caressed my cheek. I opened his door and wished him good night.

“You can find us there every Friday doc, so if you liked it, come and join us. Try the bull, it’s nice”.

“You’re not serious about me riding that thing?”, I asked.

He smirked. “Those who can, do. Those who can’t…”. He moved his arms to show me I was a chicken. How did he know I was a doc anyway?

Saturday morning was filled with reading, I wanted to be prepared for tonight’s dinner and fundraising. It was the first step in a long process of negotiations and adjustments. Bob had made some raw sketches, but I didn’t like them, he wanted to change the whole hospital at once, every unit a little. I wanted to handle it per unit, changing the hospital in a modern environment in a couple of years. Maybe we could raise more money and do it quicker, but what we did had to be good.

I missed the operating room, I knew this new job of mine wouldn’t be as satisfying as my old job was, but I didn’t have a choice. I had screwed up big time. In my relationship and my work. So now I had to deal with it, and be happy with this opportunity Bob had given me. But it hurt, to look at drawings. It was so boring.

I showered and put on my flashy suit. When I looked into the mirror I smiled to myself. What was I doing here? Trying to impress a rich woman. Trying to build up some kind of life again. I wanted to have a goal, without it days were too long. Lonely. Sometimes, especially at night, I think that no one would give a shit if I died. Maybe Marc would come to my funeral, and some colleagues from Dallas, but only because they thought they had to. It had never bothered me, that I was alone. Till I met the guys in the bar last night.

next chapter

love hurts, funficfriday, pg, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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