Title: Tomorrow is my turn, fun fic friday entry 6-12 -2013
Author: parishs
Rating: nc-17
Summary: Luke tries to figure out what's important in life (Luke's POV)
Disclaimer: I owe nothing.
Author's notes: English is not my native language, so all mistakes are mine.
Chapter 1:
http://parishs.livejournal.com/8674.html Chapter 2:
http://parishs.livejournal.com/9455.html Chapter 3:
http://parishs.livejournal.com/9839.html Chapter 4:
http://parishs.livejournal.com/10119.html Chapter 5:
http://parishs.livejournal.com/10337.html Slowly I let my fingers slip through the reddish curls. The guy sleeping on my chest was a famous doctor. Well respected and successful.
But here with me it didn’t matter if he was a bartender or a gigolo, here at my cabin he was a guy who made me realize how wonderful life could be.
I saw it in his eyes, how he worried about us. I had the same ideas, to be honest. What did it mean, what we did? Shouldn’t we talk? What if the attraction faded, would there be a thing left between us? Was it just sexual need?
But what if it was? Was that less important than any other reason we were sucked to each other? Noah and I had been talking, and postponing, and we had acted like we were a couple of grownups while we were teenagers. It had been difficult and heavy. Not something to look back at with a smile on your face.
If this thing with Reid didn’t work, I would always remember him with such good memories. And a hard dick. It had never been like this, not even close. The way he made me feel totally knocked me off my feet, his gaze showed how sexy and hot he thought I was.
His hands were curious, his fingers barely touched my skin sometimes, as if he was afraid to hurt me. It made me aroused, wanting more, and he saw it, how I needed to be held, grounded, owned.
I never thought I would feel that, afraid to let my guard down, lost in the idea that I had to be in control. I had to be with Noah. And at work. At OU. People expected an opinion from me, an intelligent comment, some critique. Or maybe I expected that of myself. I was brought up that way maybe.
Reid didn’t expect anything from me, maybe that was what made me feel so special. He probably didn’t know who I was and that was good. If he Googled my name he would run fast, away from me, after reading what I had caused and witnessed. My history was a mess.
But he didn’t know, or, and that would be so freaking wonderful, he didn’t care. He just wanted me, that was no secret. His eyes on me in his office the first day we met, o my god, they burned a hole in my memory. I had been so clueless then, when I pushed him down on his desk and opened his legs. I couldn’t have figured that he could arouse me that much. That only by looking at me he could drive me wild. That everything he did was about making me feel good.
Even when he surprised me tonight, it wasn’t about him. He held my eyes locked with his when his fingers teased my ass. He is not forcing me to do things I don’t like, he is showing me what he is capable of. And that is so much more than any guy ever has.
What more do I need in life? Do we have to talk about the future? Our work? Does it add something to what we already have? I have his commitment, fully. We send text messages to each other when we are apart, to tell the other we can’t wait to see each other again.
Does he need me to say I love him? I have wondered, at night when I couldn’t sleep, if this was love, or just lust. It made that I couldn’t sleep for hours, trying to define love for myself. I thought I had loved guys before. Could I love Reid although I didn’t know much about him? Why was love so overrated?
I didn’t come to a conclusion, because every time I tried to get an answer, I fell asleep. And when I woke up, no answer was needed. If I looked into his eyes, nothing seemed to matter anymore. The sense of belonging I felt was so huge that it made me emotional.
Reid was such a giving person. It was time I landed on mother earth again and tried to give something back. Tomorrow would be my turn to show him my devotion. Ideas tumbled in my head when I thought about spoiling him.
Till now we had acted on instinct, a drive invisible and so strong that it made it impossible to think. Maybe thinking was overrated as well, I could think of a few things I wanted to give my lover, but my fantasies didn’t even come close to reality.
The spell he had on me when he watched me made everything so much more intense. I should try and read him, maybe if I looked better I would see what he needed.
I yawned and rolled closer to my man. I needed his warm breath on my skin, the scent of his hair in my nose, I wanted him as close as could be. The words slipped out of my mouth, into his neck.
“I love you”, I whispered.
Obviously that was what I felt, what came from deep within. I had never felt better than laying in my grandmother’s cabin with that ridiculous plate on the wall. I had given it to her last Christmas, trying to knock some sense into that old woman, trying to make her see that work is not the only important matter in the world.
What did I know back then? I was working my own ass off, struggling with my soon to be ex. I had no idea what the plate meant. I felt warm inside when I thought about my family, and I always thought that was intense.
But now I knew Reid, I realized what a home was. A small cabin like this could be my home for the rest of my life, if Reid was in it. He was all I needed. He made me content with myself. He made that I wanted to race home and see him again. Have him again. Give myself again. If that wasn’t important, what was?
Next chapter