Snapple Caps 4/7 - Jack/Liz

Jun 25, 2011 20:47

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

# 845 A lemon contains more sugar than a strawberry.

“It’s my wedding, so that means I can stick my whole head in that chocolate fountain and no one can say anything, right?” Liz asked as she and Jack approached the table full of foods that could be covered in the milk chocolate flowing from the structure.

“I may object to it,” Jack answered. “We have to go cut the cake.”

“I just want one marshmallow. Or a strawberry. Oooh, no, an oreo!”

Jack made her decision for her and picked up a strawberry and held it under the stream of chocolate, covering the red flesh. “Here. You can come back after we finish with the cake,” he promised, holding it out for her to take a bite.

She let out a decidedly unlady-like moan as she bit into the sweet fruit, “So good,” she added as he finished off what she didn’t eat.

“Can you save the moaning for tonight, please?” he asked before he kissed the dab of chocolate stuck to her lip off.

“Are we taking these with us?” she teased, tugging on his tie.

“Lemon, I will make you forget all about this,” he said, pulling her flush against him.

“That’s Mrs. Donaghy to you,” she reminded him.

“You’re going to change your name?” he asked, surprised.

“Sure,” she shrugged. “Maybe not for work stuff, though.”

Jack smiled, “If you don’t mind, I’ll probably still call you Lemon.”

“That would be fine,” she nodded and kissed him. “Can I have another strawberry?” she asked.

“Cake, remember? You like cake,” he said and took her hand.

“Mmmm…cake,” she said dreamily as she followed him over to cut their wedding cake.

snapple caps, ham_napkin, fic, jack/liz, 30 rock

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