Title: Curiosity
Author: Yours, truly.
Pairing: Kyumin, possible Eunhae and/or Yewook, ohoho.
Genre: High school!AU, Romance, Fluff, Comedy?, Drama [Do you see how much of this fic I have planned out?]
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Some language [It's not so bad, in my opinion.]
Disclaimer: Like no other here, I do not own them. ;v;
Summary: Kyuhyun never
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Comments 13
brb reading..
Thank you bb. Tell me how it goes...! XD;
I hope you would put more Kyumin interaction in the next chapter
keep on updating please ^^
Don't worry. It's coming soon. Just please be patient! ^^
Thank you for reading, still.
I just finished the 4 chapters of your fic. It's very light, nicely written. I really liked it ^_^
I don't usually read unfinished chaptered fics but well.. I just couldn't stop reading when I started yours.
Kyu and Hae's friendship is so sweet. <3 I always imagined them to be friends when it comes to highchool!AU.
"I hope you would put more Kyumin interaction in the next chapter" - I agree on that one. And maybe some Donghae/Eunhyun interaction too.
I can't wait to see what will happen next.
I'm happy to be an exception! 8'D <3
Yeah, I love writing these friendship bits. It reminds me of my own friends, sometimes. xD
Hahaha, yeah, I got it! XD I feel bad for going so slow and still having barely any Kyumin when I'm posting it to a Kyumin community, l-lol. Donghae/Eunhyuk? Or is that Hae+Hyuk+Kyu? 8D 'Cause that's kind of on its way, too. Ahem. C:
Posting the next installment soon! Thanks so much for reading and commenting~! ♥
W-well, I'm glad :D
I'm kinda big EunHae fan so.. yeah, you got my point. But Hae+Hyuk+Kyu interaction will be extremely gladly welcomed too :D .
Now I'm more impatiant than before. I just have that feeling that the next chapter will be very interesting.
I just really hope I won't fall into a rut again. It was killing me knowing I hadn't been updating.
I love Eunhae~ I don't know why, but Kyumin is the first that comes to mind when I want to write a story now, though. XD So maybe I should experiment with an Eunhae-centric fic sometime. =w=~
Anyway,I really do like your fic.I just wish for more Kyumin?
Thank youuuu. I will try to get to that Kyumin enough to satisfy, hahaha. I know it seems like I've been putting it off. xD But it's on the way!
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