Okage Chapter 1: The Boy Meets The King

Jan 18, 2007 19:23

...Wow, this took me long enough. There are, of course, spoilers for my canon. LOTS OF SPOILERS. SPOILERY GOODNESS ABOUNDS BELOW THIS CUT!!

Er...without further ado...Okage:Shadow King Chapter One: The Boy Meets The King!

Okage Chapter One: The Boy Meets The King

Prologue: With a backdrop of a moonlit sky (a gigantic yellow moon is taking up 3/4s of the screen, to be exact), the silhouettes of a circus troop go by. Dancers, a juggler, clowns, a musician or two pass over the hill, and finally the figure of the ringmaster. As he walks by, an object falls out of his pocket, only to be picked up by a short man with glasses. He carries it back to his house, an ominous-looking manor, and sets it in a storeroom, where we can clearly see what it is. It’s a pink bottle. A pink bottle, that, once the man leaves the room, jumps a few times in the dark.

Nameless Manor:

*a red-haired woman is cooking the bottle from the prologue is on the kitchen table *
Woman: Hum hum hum…
Da da da da…
I am a super mom.
I am a beautiful wife.
A stupendous chef.
A doting mother.
Hum hum hum…
La da da…

*a girl walks into the kitchen *
Girl: Hi mom!
What’s for dinner tonight?
Mother: Oh, Annie!
You’ve just ate lunch.
You’ll burst your little frame!
Girl: Come on, it smells good.
Tell me, tell me.
See, Ari came too!
*Ari walks in *

As you will see.
This story starts with an ordinary conversation of an ordinary family.
And with the appearance of the inconspicuous boy who appeared behind his little sister
Unexpected as it may be, this unassuming boy is the hero of the peculiar tale that we are about to see.

Annie: Mom, mom! Come on.
What’s for dinner tonight?
Stew? Or steak?
Mother: Well,
Ari, what do you think?
Ari: Responses: -Stew.
- I don’t know.
Mother: Well, the answer is…
A secret!
Annie: Mom! It’s not fair!
Oh, tell me please!
Mother: Hmm, well.
Let me see…(chuckle).
that reminds me, Ari!
Dad brought back a funny bottle
Look, it’s out there
on the table.
But, we couldn’t get the
the cap off of the bottle.
Don’t you think it’s strange?
Ari: Actions: -Try to take off the cap.
-Poke it.
-Smell it.
(Note: If you try to take off the cap, it won’t budge, and if you smell it, it smells musty, so I’m going to go with poking it)
*if you poke the bottle *
Ari: Whoa, did it just moan!?
Must be my imagination!

Mother: See, I wonder what’s in there.
Annie: Mom!
It’s pointless to have a
bottle we can’t open!
Throw it away!
Mother: Well, let’s see.
What should we do…
That reminds me!
I forgot to pick up bread!
I’m busy cooking so I can’t go.
Hmmm, what should I do?
Ari: Responses: -Well, I can…
-I leave it in Annie’s capable hands!
Annie: I so want to but darn it,
I have a test tomorrow at school!
Gotta study! My future’s on the line!
*Annie leaves the room *
Mother: Okay, Ari.
Pick up the bread
at the bakery in the village.
It will be put on our tab there,
so you can just pick it up.
Thank you!
Go to Tenel Village and
pick up the bread at the bakery.
Thank you, Ari.
Oh, you know what?
Before you go to the bakery,
why don’t you drop by and see your
dad at the Town Hall?
Ah, the man I love hard at work.
Oh, I wish I could see your
father in action! Such rapture…

Grandfather: Oh, Ari,
it’s a nice day isn’t it?
This kind of day reminds me of
my youth, going here and there.
Always had my sword with me.
Our family is an adventurer’s family.
You know that, son?
Your mom went on an adventure
when she was young and
met your father.
When she was young, your mom was
strong and spirited.
Just like she is now.
Grandmother: Yes dear.
Right dear.

*Ari leaves the Nameless Manor and sets out for Tenel Village. On the way, he runs into Annie *

Annie: Mmm, then
what’s for dinner?
Come on, tell me!
Ari: Responses: -Well…
-What happened to your homework?
-….Um, what happened to your errand?
Annie: Homework?
Oops, never mind!
I’m going out on a twilight date
before dinner with Morris!
To polish my feminine airs.
I have to build up experience
while I’m young.
My book says so too…
Ari: Responses: -Oh yeah?
-What kind of book says so?
Annie: It’s Mom’s book.
What was the name…Um…
”Controlling Guys Made Easy”.
Well, enjoy your errand, Ari!
La da da, hum hum hum…

*Annie walks off *

Forest of Wilkur:

Pudgy Boy: Hmm, Nancy?
Or Connie?
Ari: Responses: -Huh?
-What’s wrong?
Pudgy Boy: …Whoa!
You scared me!
Oh, it’s you, Ari.
When did you show up?
I didn’t even notice.
Skinny Boy: Ari, you look
real gloomy.
Anyway, you know what?
The circus is coming to the field
over there tomorrow night!
Ari: Responses: -Sounds like fun!
Skinny Boy: I, I, I’m definitely gonna
ask Julia out this time!
I, I, I will do it!
And me and Julia are gonna
go out on a romantic date!
Pudgy Boy: I wonder who I should ask out.
Ari, why don’t you ask
somebody out too? It’s the circus!
Ari: Responses: -Gotta narrow down my list.
-It’s too much trouble…
Skinny Boy: Ha! I bet he doesn’t have
the guts to ask a girl out!
Ha ha ha, chicken!


Childhood Friend Julia: …….
Ari: Responses: -Hi, Julia!
- Uh, hello, Julia?
-(Don’t worry I’m used to being ignored)
Julia: …..
Ari: Responses: -Hellooo, Julia!
-(Stealthy, aren’t I)
Julia: Huh? Oh, Ari!
I was daydreaming.
Sorry about that.
did you know the circus,
is coming tomorrow night?
Ari: Responses: -I know
-I didn’t know.
-(So that’s what the big tents are about)
Julia: Isn’t it great? It’s the circus!
So, aren’t you gonna ask me
to go to the circus with you?
Ari: Actions: -Ask her.
-Don’t ask her.
Julia: Sorry.
Somebody else already asked me.
If you’d have asked me earlier…
Some time soon, I…
I need to tell you
something important…
I have to go. See you…
*Julia walks off *

Posting: Closed due to water shortage.
We don’t get guests anyway. Ha ha!
-Landlord of Inn.

Butcher Fatty’s:

Butcher:Hi! How can I help you?
Good thing water is in stock.
We’re gonna be open today.
Ground Beef is 20 Sukel today.
Buy now
or it may not be here tomorrow!
Ari: Responses: -I’ll buy!
-Not buy.
Butcher: Hey, how are ya?
That was the last of the meat
we have for today.
Now, I’m ready to close.
*Ari has acquired “Ground Beef”! *

Villager in Trouble: ..Oh dear, this just won’t do.
The water supply has stopped and
almost all the stores are closed.
It’s under investigation now…
It might be related to
the ghosts.
If that’s the case,
we’re in big trouble.

Scared Guy: They say there’re ghosts in our
neighbor town Madril, lately.
Brrrr, scary!
Ari: Responses: -Ghosts?
Scared Guy: …hmmm, I don’t know much myself,
but what I do know is that they’re evil,
violent and attack people!
Brrrrrr, chills me to the bone!
…You’ve never been there?
It’s a big town, with lots of machines!
It’s in a different class than Tenel.

Gossip Girl: Ari! Listen to me!
My aunt told me she saw it!
In the woods near the village!
Spooky, black thing like a shadow.
Could that be the ghosts people
are talking about?

Posting: Can’t do business without water.
I’ll be sleeping.
-Blacksmith Shop Owner.

Old Beauty Lover: The prettiest girl in this town
would have to be Julia. She has
a neat and clean air about her.
And your little sister Annie,
she’s a pretty one too. Hmm,
what’ll she be like in 3 years!

Posting: Closed due to shortage!
And for those who owe me money!
Pay up quick!
-Gulp Inn Hostess.

Shop Other One:

General Store Owner: Hi, Ari.
Come to shop?
Take your time.

Wise Old Lady: Oh Ari, thanks for coming.
Since you came here
all the way to see me,
I’ll tell you something useful.
Go shop at the Butchers.
Something good
might happen to you.

Faithful Housewife: I have no idea why,
but the people at the Village Office,
they say the Church is off limits!
If I don’t go to the Church everyday
and pray,
I won’t have any peace of mind!

Loitering Villager: Whoa…Even the bar’s closed
because of the water shortage.
What am I gonna do now?
Hey, Ari, doing errands?
…The Bakery?
The Bakery’s right there.
Why, the sign say so, right?
If you go up the steps in the village,
you’ll see the village office,
where your dad is.
Before you go to the Bakery,
why not go say hi to your dad?
Ah, and tell your dad we have
to have a drink together.

Elder’s House:

Daughter of the Elder: My father is called
the Elder of the Village.
To me he’s just an old man
with stories that go on and on
and on.
He’s in the living room
just over there.
Keep him company and
listen to his story, will you?

Village Elder: Ah, Ari. Good to see you.
Came to listen to my life story, huh?
Ari: Responses: -Sure do!
-I would but I’ve got to...
-(Stare blankly)
Village Elder: Very well, you want to hear it?
Then I’ll tell you about the Evil King.
The Evil King is the ruler of
the Ghosts, his evil creatures.
A fearful King of Terror!
300 years ago,
an Evil King called Gohma
destroyed half of the world.
But a hero called Hopkins
defeated Gohma after a
pitched battle.
Since then,
the world has been peaceful.
But I hear the rumor about Ghosts…
Could it be that a new Evil King…
Nah, never. That couldn’t happen.

Door on the second floor of the house: The door’s locked and
cannot be opened
”koff, koff…”
A coughing can be heard
from behind the door…

Local Goof Off: Hmm?
Aren’t you the Manager’s son?
Yeah, he’s inside.
Uh, I’m out here taking a break.
I’m not goofing off though, really.

Posting: Until further notice
please do not enter the Church.
-Tenel Village Office.

Village Office:

Serious Looking Leader: The most pressing issue
we’re facing is
the severe water shortage.
Trouble seemed to have occurred
somewhere in the waterway at the
basement of the Church next door…

Competent Looking Clerk: We, the public workers, work to
ensure the stability of the everyday
lives of the villagers.
But there is another job.
To manage the “Classification Table” of people in this village.
Ari: Responses: -Classification Table?
-Which Classification do I fall into?
-(Don’t label me!)
Competent Looking Clerk: Yes, the “Classification Table”.
It’s a list that arrives regularly
from the Royal City, far away.
Based on the reports we send,
it’s classifies people
according to their character.
It’s necessary
to maintain public order.
We should get the new Classification
for this year from
the Royal City soon.
You were…
Um, uh…
I don’t remember.
You’re a shady guy.
Sorry, I don’t mean it in a
bad way. I’ll check it for you.

Father (Assistant Manager): Hey son, Ari!
Good. You’re here to come see your
cool father at work?
What do you think of your dad
at work? Too cool for words, huh?
Yeah! I redefine cool! Hahahaha!
Frankly, this Office is in a panic now,
because of the water shortage.
We’re doing everything we
can to find the cause.
What’s for dinner tonight?
Ah, I wanna go home.
Back to where your Mom is waiting!


Bakery Woman: Laalalalalalal, laalalalalala…
Ari: Responses: -Excuse me.
Bakery Woman: Lalalalala, lahlalala…
Ari: Responses: -Hello!!
-(Stare displeasingly)
Bakery Woman: Huh?
Oh, it’s you, Ari.
Don’t I always tell you?
A boy should speak up!
You’ve come to pick up the bread, right?
Here you are!
Anything bothering you?
Come on, keep your chin up, boy.
Girls like the assertive ones, now!
*Ari has acquired “Loaf for Pickup”! *

Bakery Man: Hi Ari. Running errands?
Don’t take it personally,
she has a sharp tongue.
But she cares about you, really!

*Ari finds Annie waiting outside the bakery *

Annie: Ari,
are you done with the errand?
Okay, let’s go home!
I think dinner is ready.
…What’s wrong?
Did the Bakery Woman
lecture you again?
Ari: Responses: -Yeah!
-No, not really…
-(Yes, make me relive it.)
Annie: Let’s see…
Ari, you’re the type that…
blends into someone else’s shadow.
Oh well, at least there’s someone
who sees some good in you.
He he, for instance…
You lucky guy!

Narrator: Thus the boy, being teased by Annie, made his way home.
And the next night…

okage script

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