Title: It Began with a Tie, Part 26/30 - Treat Them Right
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Spike, Wordy.
Word Count: 500.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Wordy tells Sam what he has to do to fix things.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, weekend prompt: scars.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.
Beta: The awesome
Previous chapters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Comments 7
You soooo need to tell us about Spike and his father in a series!
I know! I'll do it someday. I promise! *g*
Thank you!
it's lovely sweetie. *hugs*
Thank you... *hugs back*
Yay! They're gonna talk...talking is good...now if they can manage to actually talk and not be guys about it!
*snort* And I say this after spending the morning with an Italian guy.
They're going to talk, yes... and you spent the morning with an Italian guy? Awesome!! ♥
Thank you!
Good...they need to talk...clear the air so to speak.
Yeah a friend of the family and also one of our mechanics--we were waiting for the tow truck. We just chatted...for quite a while. Since the truck took forever to get there. He's a cutie.
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