Title: "Raise the bet"
Characters: Charlie/Amita.
Word Count: 200.
Rating: R for adult themes.
Spoilers: 4x14 - Checkmate and 5x06 - Magic Show.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Amita knows what to do to have Charlie exactly where she wants him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs or anything related to it.
Beta: The great
Written for:
numb3rs100, Prompt #182 - Negotiation.
Author's note: I don't usually write this pairing, but blame the plot bunny that was born with Checkmate and then fed by Magic Show!
Raise the bet
The empty cup of coffee nearly broke when it landed on the table. Bad maneuvers could lead to accidents, but this time, luck was on lovers’ side.
The need for air became unbearable and Charlie broke the kiss. Breathless, Amita let his hand caress her thigh seductively as he spoke perfect words into her ear.
“Remember the day you showed me what magic means to you? That harness of yours... Eventually, it gave me ideas.”
“Ideas? What kind of…?” From the way he was now grinning at her, there had to be an erotic analogy… “Oh.”
“Mhmm… So, what do you think?”
“I don’t know...”
With a wicked smile on his face, Charlie reached behind him; a second later, his newest pair of handcuffs was hanging tentatively from his index finger.
The obvious answer came up. “Deal,” Amita muttered.
“A strap-on and handcuffs,” Charlie said, his eyes widening playfully for a brief moment. He got closer to his lover and cupped her face. “That’s an idea.”
“What can I say? My negotiation skills are irresistible.”
“Yes, Mistress,” he whispered against Amita’s beautiful lips as his eyes admired the curves of her mouth. “You certainly know how to raise the bet.”
The End.