Title: "No plan"
Series: In the Arms of the Wicked, Part 10/?
Characters: David, Don, Megan, OMC, Ian, mention of Charlie/Colby.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: Season 5.
Warnings: Mention of rape.
Summary: "How much more do you want to mess things up?”
Feedback: Yes, please. :)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything (characters, situations, etcetera) except my OCs.
Beta: The fantastic
Previous chapter Next chapter Part 10: “No plan”
As soon as David entered the FBI office again, he noticed Don, Ian and Megan’s eyes on him. The agents were in different places - she was at her desk talking to a man who seemed to be the Egyptian Consul, while the boss and the sniper were in the interrogation room, talking to a suspect.
While he walked towards his own desk, David knew all the questions they wanted to ask him. How did the appointment go? How did Charlie react? Is Colby okay? Are you okay? Of course, he could answer those questions one by one, but he really wasn’t in the mood to do it. For some reason, he felt annoyed and tired; all he wanted was to keep the negative thoughts locked in the darkest corner of his heart and do the job he was supposed to do, at least until the paternity test results were available.
“Good afternoon, I’m Special Agent David Sinclair,” he introduced himself to the man that was talking to Megan. They immediately shook hands.
“Amun Mubarak, I represent the Egyptian Consulate in the United States of America. I’m pleased to meet you, even if what gathers us in this place is not exactly a pleasant matter,” the man responded. There was still a strong reminiscence of the accent of his mother tongue in his pronunciation. He seemed to be very polite but also very determined; his dark skin and his short, straight hair gave him an intensely serious presence .
“It’s true…”
Megan’s voice sounded polite and transparent when she spoke. “The Consul was telling me that he’s very worried about the disappearance and traffic of the pieces of art we found. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo has opened several investigations on them, but they didn’t go too far.”
“Ah,” David muttered. “In that case, please, follow me.” When Megan agreed, he guided the Consul into the war room, where he offered him a seat.
The Consul turned out to be extremely worried about the situation, just like Megan had said. He expressed how much his country was looking forward to recovering the stolen pieces, as they were a symbol of its land and a part of its culture, too. He offered any help that was needed from Egypt, even if the issue was U.S. jurisdiction.
“We’re doing our best. We have several experts working on it,” Megan assured him.
“Experts?” questioned Mubarak.
“Yes.” She looked at David, silently seeking help to convince the Consul. “Dr. Christopher Farrow has agreed to help, for example,” Megan explained, looking back at the Egyptian man.
“Ah, Dr. Farrow. I can assure you that my country will be very happy to have him on such an important case.”
Looking a little surprised, Megan nodded. David couldn’t blame her for being worried. He was wondering himself what had Dr. Farrow done that made everybody so pleased to have him around, when there were also so many weird and suspicious facts floating around about him.
“I’m going to see Don. I’ll come back in a minute,” David said when he saw Don and Ian yelling to the suspect in the interrogation room. He left Megan with the Consul and prepared himself to deal with a very angry boss and an annoyed sniper.
It wasn’t even necessary for him to enter the interrogation room. Don left the room first, looking very mad, and ran into David in the corridor.
“How did things go in there?” David asked as they walked.
“The entire interrogation was a waste of time,” his boss said. “That guy owned the backyard where the last pieces were found, and he’s completely clean.”
“That’s impossible. How could the thieves bury the items without him noticing? I mean, there had to be some kind of sign on the grass, something out of place, maybe a…”
“And you don’t think I know that, David?” Don had stopped walking but he was now yelling at his agent in frustration. “I spent one hour in there with Ian, and neither of us could get a damn lead to the bastards’ location! There’s not a single thing we can come up with to make that guy guilty of anything!”
Don’s venting his frustration caused David to get angry, too. He had enough with the paternity samples and having to witness Colby not doing anything to get Charlie back; he didn’t need his boss to start blaming him for things he hadn’t done. “Hey, Don! Listen to me, there’s no need to yell, okay? That’s not my fault, do you understand me? So don’t take it on me!” he stated, raising his voice a little bit more than was necessary.
Don calmed down and muttered, “I’m sorry, David, I’m sorry…” Then he gesture his agent to come into the tech room. Once in there, he found a lonely corner and continued, “I’m just… Forget it, okay? I’ll be fine, and I’m sorry again that I yelled at you.”
“But why are you so mad?”
“Let’s talk about the tapes.” Strangely, Don had refused to answer David’s question and now he wanted to get into a discussion about a matter that was way over his head.
“There’s nothing we can do about them. That Noah Cameron has them, McGowan told you that.”
Looking significantly tense, Don walked around the room, running one hand over his face while he landed the other on his hips. “I have a plan.”
David blinked once, then twice. “What?” he whispered, suddenly feeling the need of some air.
“You’re not going to like it. In fact, you’re going to hate it, probably more than I hate it myself, but it’s the only way.”
He was interrupted by the door being open. Ian entered the tech room and went towards Don and David, looking worried. “Don,” he called, “is everything all right? You left the interrogation room all of a sudden.”
“Yeah, I just needed some air. Things weren’t exactly going well in there,” Don answered.
“Well, then I’m going to get harder on the guy. We’ll see if he can handle it.” He gave the other agents his familiar scary, confident face before turning around and walking away.
Again, Don and David were left alone in that corner of the tech room, and the matter that had reunited them there hung in the air. After taking a deep breath, David walked towards his boss, licking his lips. “Don, there’s no plan. Look, I know that you and I erased those files and that you agreed to it, knowing that you were risking your job.” Don nodded while his agent kept talking. “But now I don’t feel like fighting it anymore. Not after finding out that Amita is pregnant. I love my job and I think it’s the only thing that will keep me sane, but if Cameron listens to those tapes and decides to suspend me for psychological treatment or anything, I’ll take it. If that baby turns out to be mine… It would change everything.” He looked into Don’s eyes, trying to make his legs and arms stop trembling. “I’m not saying that I’d take care of that kid. I’m just saying that… if it’s mine, then I don’t know how I’d react, but I’m sure that I wouldn’t give a damn about people knowing that Amita took advantage of me. A child born from a rape is far more terrible than everything else.” David could feel Don’s eyes on his and he could sense his heavy breathing, too.
Don’s words seemed to belong to another person when he responded, “The plan…”
“I told you, Don, there’s no plan! How much more do you want to mess things up?”
“What about Charlie and Colby, huh? What about their relationship, what about their jobs?”
The last thing David had thought about lately were the possible consequences of the tapes coming out for Charlie and Colby. He suddenly felt guilty, and he was out of words.
“I’m not asking you for permission to perform the plan, David,” Don stated, with a dark look on his face. “I’m just informing you about it.”
Even knowing that he was about to have a nervous breakdown, David was finally able to catch some air and put a couple of words together inside his mind. “Have you told Charlie what you’re going to do?”
“No, but I will, eventually.” Unexpectedly, Don’s face turned from angry to furious, like if something had pulled the trigger, and he started walking towards the door. “I will, because I’m always there for him! Even if he doesn’t give a crap telling his own brother that he’s going to the hospital to take samples for a damn paternity test!” he yelled before slamming the door on the way out.