FIC: The Tricks of Fate, Part 1 (Don/Colby, PG-13) for the 4th Annual Numb3rs Slash Ficathon

Sep 29, 2008 23:28

Written for the 4th Annual Numb3rs Slash Ficathon - first time for me! :D

While people usually write what's really popular for this ficathon, I'm writing pairings I've never worked on before, besides a pairing I'm pretty sure it's never been writen in the past.

This is the unknown for me. Enjoy!

Title: The Tricks of Fate, Part 1
Characters: Don/Colby.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: 4.07 - Primacy.
Warnings: None.
Summary: If Don has to play a ridiculous videogame in order to become a better FBI agent, he'll do it.
Feedback: I'm all for feedback, since this is all new to me.
Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs or anything related to it.
Beta: The wonderful fredbassett. You totally rock!


The Tricks of Fate
 Part 1

The tricks of fate. How had he ended up like this?

Don asked himself the same question over and over again, as he took deep breaths and his fingers slowly reached for the keyboard.

He remembered Charlie’s words perfectly. A few days ago, Don had caught his brother playing videogames with his laptop in the solarium.

“What are you doing?” he had asked him.

“I’m playing, doesn’t it look like I’m playing?” Charlie had replied.

“Yeah, I guess… Wait, isn’t that the game that got Amita in trouble?”

“Exactly. I’m playing Primacy.”

Don had lifted his eyebrows, not understanding why Charlie had a big grin on his face. “Why are you looking so proud of yourself?”

Still grinning, Charlie had turned to the laptop again. “I’m whimsical,” he had stated.


“Amita thought I couldn’t be like that. Well, I’m showing her she’s wrong.”

That had been a very confusing answer. “But you broke up with her last week,” Don had said.

“Yeah… I know.” His brother’s grin had turned into a sad expression. “You know, this isn’t really about her. It’s about proving to myself that I can get into this kind of entertainment.. Because I can, you know. I’m not a boring, uninteresting person.”

“Oh, of course, Charlie.” Don really hadn’t wanted to make Charlie feel worse than he already felt. Since he had broken up with Amita, he had been taciturn and a little bit weirder than usual. “Is it any good?”

“You mean the game? Yeah, it is, actually. You get to meet really fascinating, mysterious people here, through these characters you see here,” Charlie had explained, pointing at the different figures that represented several players. “Maybe you should try it sometimes. It’s all about using your mind. It could help you develop your skills as an FBI agent, solving puzzles and quizzes and stuff.”

That had seemed to be pretty amusing. “Oh, I don’t know, Charlie. I’m a busy man, people need me. I can’t spend my time playing videogames.”

And when his cell phone had rung, Don had left his brother in the solarium and returned to the life he had built for himself.

Yet, there he was, seated at the table, in the solarium, with Charlie’s laptop in front of him. He had taken the device from his brother’s bedroom after he had fallen asleep.

His last case hadn’t gone exactly great, as because Don and his team hadn’t been able to figure out the leads of a serial killer in time. Maybe the guy was now in jail, but there had been victims. When they had reached the place he used to lock them up in, it had been too late.

Also, there had been one agent down. A bullet had hit him right in the heart, killing him immediately.

The case was over, Don knew it very well. But he felt guilty. He couldn’t make the same mistake again. He had been through a lot of training in his life, he had learned the best techniques - yet, nothing seemed to be enough to make the cases go the way he wanted them to. He had to protect his team, he had to protect innocent people; if playing a silly game would help him to do it, then he’d try it out.

“What the hell,” he grumbled, and he ran his fingers through the keyboard. Soon, he had chosen a character which had a very nice, smooth grey suit and cool sunglasses. His virtual representation was really accurate - he seemed to be an FBI agent, even the features of the guy’s face looked Don’s.

Satisfied, he got into the game field. There were several places he could go, so he spent the next half an hour figuring out the game controls and how things worked in a world in which pretty much everything was allowed.

And on his third night playing Primacy, it was all starting to get interesting. Some characters were even starting to talk to him, when the avatar of a curvy woman named Alexia approached him.

Go away, I’ve got things to talk to him about, was the message that came from her. When she said those words, the other characters finally decided to leave. Hey, she continued, waving her little hand.

Don analyzed the way she was dressed. She was wearing a miniskirt which wouldn’t have hid anything from view in real life, and high-heeled leather boots. The woman continuously flipped her hair, as if she was trying to show off how beautiful a couple of hundred pixels could make her.

Hi, Don typed up, and he waited for a response, not understanding why suddenly the appearance of the woman seemed to be very suspicious.

You look nice, she stated, walking around him.

“Whoa, whoa, what are you suggesting?” Don muttered as he started to get nervous. “I have a partner, lady.”

In seconds, he typed up, I’m not alone, sorry.

She sent him a new message. Is he any good in bed?

Don was starting to find her annoying. Sex with Colby was really good.

That’s none of your business, he responded. Something immediately hit him. Wait a second, you said ‘he.’

Yeah, I said ‘he.’

How could you possibly know…?

I just know.

And with that, the woman disappeared from his view. Don’s avatar was alone again.

Not even after a few minutes did he pay any attention to the people who were trying to give him more clues and stuff. He stared at the screen, his brain trying to figure out a reason for what had happened.

How the hell could she know he was into guys?


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4th annual numb3rs slash ficathon, genre: slash

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