Title: "Three beloved men"
Tragedy Chain, 4/4.
Characters: Colby, David, Megan, Larry, Amita, Liz, Ray, Ian, Don, Charlie, Alan
Word Count: 300.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mention of several characters death.
Spoilers: None.
Author's note: Set after "
Saturday afternoon," "
It's over" and "
No answer."
Summary: People mourn three beloved men.
Written for:
numb3rs100, prompt #100, Tears.
Beta: The lovely
Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs or anything related to it.
Previous chapter:
"No answer" (Colby, David, Megan, Larry, Amita, Liz, Ray, Don, Charlie, PG-13)
The funeral was short, respectful and emotional. The team arranged everything and told the news to the Eppes family’s relatives all across the country.
A lot of them came, but most of them left early because they couldn’t handle the pain. Even Aunt Irene, who was famous for having a terrible relationship with Alan, mourned the three deceased men.
Many agents brought beautiful flowers and spoke kind words about the family. But of course, the most important speeches came from the family’s closest friends.
Amita explained what a good person Charlie had been, besides being a very successful mathematician; she also pointed out that Alan had been the most caring and kind person she’d ever met. Both David and Colby talked about Don’s great leadership and his brother’s valuable insight when it came to solving criminal cases. Liz said that she especially regretted Don’s loss, given the fact that they had shared some wonderful time together.
Ian Edgerton, who had showed up unexpectedly, focused his speech on the great assets the FBI was loosing, and the fantastic people the Heavens had taken from earth.
Holding back the tears, Ray Galuski allowed himself to say that it was scientifically possible for Charlie, Don and Alan to be together in the Beyond.
That made Larry start to cry desperately. Amita tried to comfort him while Megan pronounced the last words. “Today we’ve lost three beloved men. They may be gone from our lives, but they shall live inside our hearts forever.” Silence followed her speech and the ceremony was soon over.
The FBI team took a minute of silence while Alan, Don and Charlie were buried in the same lot as Margaret Eppes. All of them were together now, in a better place. No matter where they were, they were reunited again.