Title: The Academy Is...
paranoiascreamsChapters: 4/?
Genre: AU, crack, funny, high school life.
Pairing: Shou x Hiroto, Tora x Saga, Kai x Uruha, Aoi x Reita, Kazuki x Manabu, Jin x Yuuto (unknown names are OC)
Rating: PG - 13 for now.
Warning: dialogue-driven, un-beta'd
Disclaimer: The Academy Is... is a band. I dont own them, nor the boys. The story is all
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Comments 28
loved the part where kazuki dated 75% of the school~ XD
and i loved the jin and yuuto part too, as always~ XD
uruha and kai are so cute~ XD
update~! XD
hahaha. Kazuki is the playboy!
teehee. of course. for you!
will update this before the weekends. maybe since i am actually done with chapter 5.
shou made me laugh so hard~ XD
Nice update. Post the nex one up daliiiiii!
LOL at Hiroto and Shou.
"Yes. He makes me laugh." Hiroto answers, Shou smiles, eyes twinkling in delight. "Well, he IS rather funny." Uruha adds, making Shou pout, gloom cloud looming over his head again.Shou making Hiroto laugh was just awww, but Uruha's reply made me laugh too ( ... )
i really want to emphasize on friendship too (watching lovely complex affected this chapter) since high school is like that.
i kinda had the problem in the conversations they'll have with the person they're with and im pretty happy with the result of this chapter!
Thanks for reading this chapter.
ill publish the next soon, as it is already finished too. ^_^
Poor Tora and his fear of the dark, good thing his Prince Charming is right there when he needs him. =P
I know! hehehe. Saga will be there for him. thanks for reading!
soon tora's secret will be revealed. XD
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