Title: The Academy Is...
paranoiascreamsChapters: 3/?
Genre: AU, crack, funny, high school life.
Pairing: Shou x Hiroto, Tora x Saga, Kai x Uruha, Aoi x Reita, Kazuki x Manabu, Jin x Yuuto (unknown names are OC)
Rating: PG - 13 for now.
Warning: dialogue-driven, un-beta'd
Disclaimer: The Academy Is... is a band. I dont own them, nor the boys. The story is all
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Comments 35
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and yeah. toraaaaa~! so hot. hahaha. Saga didnt even notice he was getting checked out.
Jealous Yuuto is jealous. ^___^
thanks for reading!
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Teehee. Tora and Saga!!! TORA AND SAGA!!! *is swept off to TxS world*
sorry. i am crazy today. im just happy!
And Aoi and Reita, hahahaha. YES URU YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY.
SHOU IS MADE OF AWESOME 8D Tora and Saga... 8DD Tora totally likes Saga now 8DD
Kazuki and Manabu, awww. Though Kazuki with the professor... eh. ):
I loooved this 8D
something's a-brewing for everyone, ne?
will update this when muse gets back from vacation. :P
I appeared! XD Ne, I won't be stealing Jin from Yu-chan right? :D
AWW!! Pon and Shou!!! XD
And Reita's being sneaky... I can't imagine him doing those secretive-wooing-techniques if he's such a bully~ XD
Kazuki x Manabu! XD
Tora x Saga! XD
I love it and can't wait for the next chappie~ :D
thanks for the update mama~ XD
reita so manrii, yes? XD
no problem bebeh! will update more soon.
noo! me don't want to ruin my own otp! XD
When the second chap came out I read the first again (same with this one)...
I love Shou(he reminds me of a much younger version of my dad...cute when it's Shou, annoying when it's my dad...
Tora checking out saga(who wouldn't?)
Is Reita being all romantic! I think so...
Uruha needs someone hmmm ^^
Great chapter!
Thanks for reading dear!
I LOOOOVE Manabu in this story! ^-^
can't wait to read more. Especially Shou's parts which are so awesome. LOL!
Epic Shou is epic.
thanks for reading, love!
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