So, We're Kind of a Little Clichéd too. - Kris x Tao - 04/?

Jun 22, 2013 10:46

Title: So, We're Kind of a Little Clichéd too.
Chapters: 04/?
Author: paranoiascreams
Genre: fluff, romance
Warning: unbeta'd
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Kris x Tao
Synopsis: They've met. They went out (it's not a date!). They fall in love but it's not as easy as Tao thought. Kris is oblivious about everything, or is he really?
Disclaimer: This is the sidestory of Kris and Tao for the completed chaptered HunHan fic, " Of Movie Clichés". Aside from that story i own nobody and anything else.

[01] [02] [03]

Kris wakes up the next day way too early than his usual wake up calls. He rubs the sleep off his eyes and smiles to himself when he finds Tao cuddled up to him snugly. The blond stretches his neck a little to take a look at the other bed and he's relieved to find Jonghyun and Minho still fast asleep.

He leans closer to Tao and brushes his nose against the younger's. The raven-haired boy groans and flinches, turning his head away and burying it further on Kris' arm. Kris decides to be playful and pokes Tao's cheek, the younger groans again and pushes Kris away before turning his back on his boyfriend. The blond chuckles to himself before hugging Tao by the waist and breathing against the younger's nape.

Tao giggles softly, "Stop it... It tickles."

"Good morning..." The blond whispers against his ear and Tao flinches at the tickling feeling. Kris continues to breathe down his neck and Tao's free hand reaches over to pinch his boyfriend's cheek to make him stop. He turns over again to face Kris, "Good morning..."

"Kiss me then." Kris challenges and Tao's face turns beet red. "You already kissed me good night last night..." Tao whispers, Kris raises an eyebrow, "And today is the start of another day, so kiss me."

Tao pouts, before he leans his face up to reach Kris' lips. He gives him a quick peck before covering his face with his hands. "Urggh, so cute. Too much cute." The older teases before locking his boyfriend into a tight hug.

"Kris... I can't breathe...!" Tao complains and Kris loosens his grip. The younger looks up to his boyfriend, "Should we go out for breakfast?"

"Well..." Kris starts when he's abruptly cut off, "Should we all go out for breakfast, then?" The new couple turns their gaze to the other bed where Jonghyun is smirking at them while Minho is just smiling.

"OH MY GOD THIS IS EMBARRASSING!!!" Tao screams and covers himself with a blanket. The three older guys laugh at the young Chinese. "You're not supposed to laugh at me too!!!!" Tao's muffled voice reminds Kris who is now sitting up on the bed.

"Good morning kids. Let's go get breakfast." Jonghyun jumps off the bed and Minho follows. The two of them go to the bathroom to wash their faces together. When the door closes, Kris lunges himself over his blanket-covered boyfriend and nuzzles his neck, "Don't be embarrassed, okay? I'm pretty sure you've caught them in situations like this before."

Tao removes the cover from his face, "God! The memories are flashing back to me! I've caught them in worse situations!"

"See? We're okay." Kris kisses Tao's cheek. The younger turns to looks at his boyfriend and he smiles at the blond, "You're so perfect..."

"Only because you are too." Kris smiles and kisses Tao, more intimate than the earlier kiss. The blond wants to take everything slow with Tao so even if he wants to lick the younger's lower lip and ask permission for his tongue's entrance, he stops himself. He cuts off the kiss when he feels himself losing oxygen and just in time before the bathroom door opens.

"You're looking flushed." Jonghyun teases. Kris eyes the couple from head to toe before smirking, "You're not looking very differently either."

"Touche." Minho smiles and Jonghyun hits his boyfriend's arm. "We'll see both of you downstairs. Please don't take too much of your time. We're hungry." Jonghyun reminds the couple still on the bed before he pulls Minho out of the room.

Kris pushes himself off Tao and rummages his bag for his hygiene kit. He joins the younger inside the bathroom and they brush their teeth together. Kris doesn't say anything but they look like a married couple, or somewhere along the likes of one. To him, everything with Tao is perfect, is familiar and he guesses that the comfort they have for each other helps in their new relationship. Kris is happy that he's making Tao happy right now but he knows that aside from all the smiles and small laughter, his boyfriend is still troubled with one of his friends.

Kris thoughts are cut off when he finds Tao brushing stray hair away from his face, "Bedhead, Kris... Ugly." The younger teases and Kris makes biting gestures aimed at Tao's nose. "Let's go?" Tao asks, but before the shorter can turn away, Kris cups his face and presses a long and playful kiss on his lips.

"YAHHH!!!" Tao pushes Kris away and hits his boyfriend's arm, "Stop that!"

Kris just smiles because his boyfriend is blushing deep red, "But I've waited too long to kiss you, so I'm just making up for every lost time and chances before."

Tao sticks out his tongue, "I should limit you to only 5 kisses a day! You already had 3!" The younger turns and leaves the bathroom.

"You're giving me a limit?!" Kris asks as he follows his boyfriend. The younger takes just his wallet and leaves his phone while Kris takes his bag. "Yes, you have a limit unless I say otherwise. You're gonna start bruising my lips if you don't control yourself."

"Fine." Kris smiles, takes the younger's hand and heads out of the room. They're walking down the stairs when Kris suddenly asks, "Wait. Does the 5 kisses only applies to me or for the both of us?"

"Huh?" Tao asks with a raised brow, Kris grins at him, "Technically, I only kissed you twice today. You kissed me first earlier."

"But...! T-that was... Fine." Tao slumps his shoulders in defeat and Kris is already doing victory dances in his head, "You still have four kisses from me."

"So, in lieu of this kiss limit, we have to make sure we use all five in a day or the kisses unused are added to the next day, and so on, okay?" Kris teases Tao and the younger just nods with a pout, "Okay."

When they reach the lobby, Jonghyun is already asleep on Minho's lap on the couch while the taller of the two is reading a newspaper. "Took you almost 20 minutes, man." Minho smiles at the couple and shakes Jonghyun awake.

"Sorry, hyung." Tao smiles childishly and the two older Koreans couldn't help but just coo at the boy and they head out to grab their breakfast.

The four of them enjoy their breakfast together, Jonghyun and Minho teasing Tao about Kris and the blond just taking it all in a stride. About an hour later, Minho kisses Jonghyun goodbye for his soccer training later. Kris decides he has to go home too. He looks at Tao with intent, "W-what...?" The younger asks, Kris pouts his lips towards Tao and Jonghyun just chuckles to himself.

"If you wanna do it, you have to use your remaining three."

Kris shakes his head and just leans closer to tease his boyfriend, Tao rolls his eyes and gives him quick peck then pushes him off. "Now go home."

"See you later!" Kris grins and waves the roommates goodbye.

"So! I wasn't able to ask you this, but... How did Luhan take it? I mean, I get what Kris did yesterday but does your boyfriend know about Luhan at all?"

Tao shakes his head and the younger sighs, "I'm gonna cling onto Kris for awhile. I kinda have to evict myself from the group."

"Didn't go too well, huh?"

Tao tells Jonghyun about what happened when Kris left the practice room, to Jonghyun's relief, Tao isn't crying about it unlike the few days when he's talking about the things happening in his life.

"But at least you're happy."

Tao scrunches his nose, "I feel bad when Kris isn't with me. It makes me think and starts to feel guilty. I just... I have no idea how I'd even face Luhan-ge. He's in one of my classes and it would feel really weird. But when he's around, I mean Kris, I just... I feel wonderful. I'm happy."

"Luhan will come around. Don't worry."

"I need to apologize."

"You don't have to apologize for being happy, Tao."

"You seem to be so experienced with this type of situations, hyung."

Jonghyun laughs awkwardly, "Let's just say I had mine worse."

"With Minho-hyung?"

Jonghyun nods, "But it's all in the past. We've been together close to three years now, and we're still in love."


It's Sunday night and Tao is in the middle of studying when his phone rings. He raises an eyebrow when Sehun's name flashes onscreen.


'Hey, Tao? Can you still go out? Meet me at the Thai restaurant on 5th street if you can.'


'I just want to talk to you before tomorrow's class. I'm gonna be alone, don't worry.'

"Okay." Tao hangs up the phone and calls Kris first before heading out.


"Hey, I'm heading out. Sehun wants to meet up with me." He tells Kris as he takes his coat and keys (Jonghyun is still out with Minho).

'Where to?'

"That Thai resto on 5th street."

'Alright. Tell me when you're done talking so I can pick you up.'

"Uhm, okay." Tao ends the conversation and runs out of the dorm. He walks faster since Sehun lives on 4th street while he's in 10th.

He finds Sehun seated in one of the booths, he's still catching his breath but looks at the younger intently as he asks, "How's gege?

"Coping? Breaking down and lashing out on movies. He'll be okay." Sehun tells him with a smirk. The younger is gracious enough to order something to drink for Tao and he takes a sip once he sits across the young Korean. "Why did you call me out here?" Tao asks once he catches his breath.

Sehun puts his chin on his palm, "How are you and Kris?"

Tao sighs, "We're okay."

"Does HE know about...?"

"No. I mean... Do YOU want him to know?"

Sehun shakes his head, "Of course not. Hey, Tao."


"Do you like Kris? Be honest."

Tao bites his lip and nods, "I really do... A lot. I just couldn't tell gege last Friday."

"Tao, don't base your relationship on hyung's feelings. This is about you and Kris. Your boyfriend is even oblivious to all of this."

"I... I guess." Tao sighs, "but..."

"Well, he'll be okay. Don't worry."

Tao smiles, he notices how dreamy the younger sounds when Luhan isn't around. "Hey, Sehun."


"You're in love with Luhan-ge, aren't you?"

Sehun laughs, "WHAT?! NO!!!"

Tao makes a face, "Oh, come on! I won't tell anyone!"

Sehun turns beet red then scratches the back of his neck before glaring at the boy across him, "Huang Zitao."


"I don't care if you do wushu, if you tell anyone I will punch you so hard on the face Kris will break up with you."

Tao laughs hysterically, "Oh Sehun, you're so adorable!"

"Shut up, Tao!"

Tao is still laughing when Sehun's phone rings, "It's Luhan, keep it down!"

Sehun answers the call, stepping out of the booth and walking away to a quiet corner of the restaurant. Tao texts Kris that his conversation with Sehun is over. A few seconds later his boyfriend replies that he's already on his way. Tao watches Sehun's back as he talks to Luhan and the young Chinese smiles at the waitress when she places Sehun's take out on the table. After a few minutes, the younger returns to the table and sits across him again.

"Hey, we're still friends, okay? I'm not mad at you nor the rest of the guys." He tells Tao and the Chinese sighs in relief. He smiles genuinely, "I understand, Sehun."

"I called you out here just so you know that whatever happens on Monday and the days to come, we're friends. It will be a bit awkward with hyung but we'll eventually be okay. I have no ill feelings towards you and your relationship with Kris." Sehun explains and it makes Tao feel a bit better knowing that his friends care enough to understand and not take sides.

"Sehun, I know you can win Luhan-ge's heart too." Is all Tao can say and the younger laughs a bit apprehensively, "Are you encouraging me so you can win that bet?"

Tao throws a ball of napkin on Sehun's face, "Stupid. You're amazing too, Sehun. Luhan-ge is just a bit blinded to see you." The black-haired Chinese smirks, "Though winning the bet comes close second to the reason why I'm encouraging you."

Sehun laughs then checks his watch, "It's quite late and I live just a block from here, are you okay going home alone?"

Tao shakes his head, "He's picking me up."


"Speak of the dragon..." Tao waves at the person behind Sehun, "Hey! Gege!"

Sehun looks over to find Kris walking over to their booth and sitting next to Tao. "Hi, Sehun. Nice seeing you again." Kris greets him and the maknae just nods, the senior then turns to his boyfriend, "Ready to go?"

Tao nods his head and the three of them walks out of the restaurant. "Should we walk you home? It's only a block from here." Kris asks, Sehun shakes his head. "Are you sure? You're a young kid, it's not gonna be a hassle for the both of us."

"No, Kris-hyung. I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

Tao knows Kris will keep insisting and Sehun would keep resisting because of Luhan. "Kris-ge, don't be too persistent..." He tells his boyfriend, but Kris just keeps insisting to walk Sehun home. Tao pouts cutely, "Come on, take me home."

Kris scratches the back of his neck as he blushes at the sight of his boyfriend's aegyo, "Ahhh.. Okay," he turns to Sehun, albeit a bit embarrassed, "Maybe next time, then."

Sehun nods and is about to leave when Kris calls him out. "Oh, and Sehun-ah. You, me, Tao-er and Luhan should eat out sometimes. He said the two of you were his first two friends when he came in the university."

Sehun lets out an exasperated sigh before smiling at Kris, "We'll see hyung. We're a bit busy."

"Whenever the both of you are free. That will be nice."

"We should go, ge. Their dinner is getting cold." Tao yanks on Kris' arm slightly, the older waves goodbye to Sehun before holding hands with Tao as they walk to the opposite direction. "Speaking of dinner, have you eaten?" Kris asks and Tao shakes his head. "I was just gonna go down to the convenience store and buy some ramyeon but Sehun called me out. How about you?"

"Zhou Mi brought home food so yeah, I already ate. Wait, you haven't met my roommate. You should come to my dorm!"



"No. It's Sunday and I still have some homeworks to do. I was in the middle of studying when he called."

Kris juts his lips, "Okay. Come on. Let's buy you some decent dinner first before going home." Kris pulls Tao inside a Japanese restaurant and orders some takeout before walking him back to his place.

"Are you coming in?" Tao asks as he entes his dorm and places the food on the floor. Kris doesn't respond and just walks after his boyfriend who's shedding off his coat and placing it on the bed. He sits next to Kris who's already setting up his boyfriend's dinner.

Tao eats the bento box heartily and sometimes he'll feed Kris too. "Aren't you busy?" Tao asks as he takes another maki in his mouth. "Busy? Not really. I can manage." Kris opens his mouth and Tao feeds him. "I'm just curious since you're an overachiever as part of the student council and basketball team captain."

"I was able to do it in my Senior year in high school with my ex."

"Right." Tao picks up the containers of his take out and puts it all in a plastic bag to throw out. He turns quiet and Kris notices this, "Are you jealous?"

"No. I just, you never told me about him before. Henry said you've been single for more than a year but that's it."


Tao nods his head, "That's what he told me when I first met him."

"Ahhhh... He's my high school classmate and we dated in Senior year up to my 2nd year here."

"Why did you break up?"

"He studies 4 hours away from here. We barely saw each other and when we do, whoever goes to who, we're too tired to function and we fought a lot."

"Okay." Tao stands and leaves the room with the trash bag, Kris gets confused and asks Tao what's wrong when he returns.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Why?" Tao sits across his boyfriend, "Don't I look okay?"

"You don't. Let's just drop the subject of my ex. How about yours?"

"Me...?" Tao laughs nervously, "I don't have an ex."

"You mean...?"

Tao pouts, "I told you to figure it out..."

Kris smiles and leans closer to Tao, "I never would have known."

"Why not?"

"You're a great kisser."

Tao covers his face with his hand and pushes Kris away with the other. He hears his older boyfriend laugh and then he's being hugged tight.

"You'd never have an ex, Tao. I promise."

Tao looks up to meet Kris' eyes, "What if I want to break up with you?"

"I won't let you. I will never give you a reason to break up with me."



"Heeeeh." Tao grins and kisses Kris briefly. "Okay. You go home now. I have to study."

"But Jonghyun isn't home yet, I don't want to leave you alone."

"And I don't want to get distracted when you're around."

"Give me the rest of your kisses before I leave."

"Why not use yours?!"

Kris grins, "I'm adding it up for future use."

Tao scrunches his nose then cups Kris' face and gives him 4 continuous pecks on the lips before standing up, "Now go home."

"See you at lunch tomorrow." Kris tells Tao once he steps out of the dorm.

"Okay. I'll call you before I go to bed."

"Don't stay up too late."

Tao nods and waves goodbye to Kris. He sighs because tomorrow, reality will strike him back to the existence of Luhan and the problem at hand.


Tao couldn't concentrate well while he's in his first class. He's distracted by many things, and he can't focus. In a few minutes, his class will be over and he'll be meeting Kris in the cafe on 3rd street for lunch. His phone vibrates in his pocket and he subtly checks his message from under the table.

From: Baekhyun
Sent: 11:42 AM

Hey! Chanyeol, Minseok-hyung and Kyungsoo-hyung are joining you for lunch today! I guess it's time for us to formally meet le boyfriend. <3

Tao smiles to himself, he feels relieved that true to Kyungsoo's words from last Friday, he won't feel alone. He doesn't have to be when his friends are like this.

To: Baekhyun
Sent: 11:44 AM

Of course. :) I'm sure Kris won't mind meeting you. I'll meet you at Grandia. We're eating lunch there.

He returns his phone to his pocket and continues to wait until his classes end. 10 minutes later and his professor decides to dismiss the class a little earlier and Tao makes his way to the cafe. He smiles when he finds Kris sitting in one of the tables by the window reading a book.

"How long have you been waiting?" Tao asks as he sits beside him, Kris puts down the book and holds his hand from under the table, "Hmn. About 15 minutes? Professor Song said he's already hungry and dismissed us rather early."

Tao laughs, "I see. Oh! M-my friends want to join us for lunch, is it okay?"

"All 10 of them?!" Kris asks, his eyes widening in shock.

Tao shakes his head, "I think only 4 are coming." Kris breathes a sigh of relief, "Good. I'm not ready to be totally interrogated just yet!"

Tao is about to say something when they hear loud chattering enter the place. The younger holds Kris' hand with both his own because 'Good god, they're so loud.'.

"Ah! There you are!!!!" Baekhyun yells and runs towards their table. Tao feels Kris turn rigid and holds his breath because it's a ball of energy running, followed by a giant marching after him. The pair sits across them immediately, followed by Minseok and Kyungsoo who are both shaking their heads. Minseok sits next to Chanyeol while Kyungsoo sits beside Tao.

"My. God. You look gorgeous upclose!!!" Baekhyun beams, leaning over the table to stare directly at Kris' face. "W-what's going on?" Kris stutters, holding his boyfriend's hand tighter but cannot take his eyes off from the other boy staring at him.

"Baekhyun-hyung... Please?" Tao mumbles and the said boy turns to him, "Oh. You're here too."

"Baekhyun you obviously stunned Kris." Chanyeol ruffles his boyfriend's hair, "I'm Park Chanyeol, this is my boyfriend Byun Baekhyun." Chanyeol extends a hand and Kris shakes it. "Hi, I'm Do Kyungsoo and this is Kim Minseok. Sorry for intruding your lunch."

"N-no, it's alright." Kris smiles a bit nervously and runs his free hand through his hair. "I-I'm happy to meet Tao's friends. Finally."

The waitress comes to take their orders and Baekhyun just makes Chanyeol order for him as he keeps on gawking at Kris. "T- Tao? A little help here?" Kris tells his boyfriend and Tao sighs, "Hyung? Please? You're scaring him."

Baekhyun smiles wider and retreats himself to his seat. "No wonder Lu---"

"HYUNG!" Tao cuts him off and Baekhyun flinches. "Sorry, babycakes."

"Babycakes?" Kris asks and Baekhyun nods his head, "Yeah. He's my babycakes."

"I'm not your babycakes! Stop teasing him!"

Chanyeol's laughter erupts and Minseok just facepalms because he knew it. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

"Both of you, behave. Please." Kyungsoo finally speaks and the couple sits properly and stops laughing altogether.

The wide-eyed boy claps his hand together and turns to Kris, "So! How about you introduce yourself now, hyung?"

Kris clears his throat but doesn't release Tao's hand from under the table. Tao can feel him getting sweaty and it amazes him how his new boyfriend is getting less composed than he usually is (come on, Kris immediately got close with Jonghyun). "Uhm, I'm Kris Wu. I'm in my Senior year, majoring in Political Science. I'm the varsity's basketball team captain and I'm also part of the Student Council."

"Boooring." Baekhyun comments and Kyungsoo throws a ball of napkin at him. "What? We already know that! Let's move on to a more interesting part!" Baekhyun claps his hands together and is about to ask Kris something when their food arrive. They dig in and forget the questions for a bit because they're all really hungry.

"I don't like this, ge..." Tao mumbles as he sets aside the carrots from his plate. "Right, you hate those. Give me." Kris opens his mouth and Tao feeds him the vegetables he hates so much.

"Why don't you do that to me?" Baekhyun hits Chanyeol's arm and the taller boy flinches, "Because before I can even do that to you, you probably stole half of the good stuff on my plate already."

"Well, that's true." Baekhyun beams and shrugs before eating his food again. "So," he starts, without looking up from his plate, "How did you fall in love with Tao?"

Kris chokes on his food and Tao blushes but immediately gives his boyfriend water. The both of them has never spoken the 3 magic words yet, nor have they ever talked about how the two of them started getting attracted to each other.

"Baekhyun, stop being so blunt." Minseok reprimands the younger and he just nods. Baekhyun smirks, "I see, I see. You're still on that stage. Ok, nevermind the question then."

"Let's just change the question, how did you end up meeting each other?" Chanyeol asks and Kris composes himself before responding. Kris tells him he helped Tao in the library and he guesses everything fell after that. His boyfriend doesn't need to tell him that he wants Kris to leave out some of the details so the blond never mentions about going to his dorm or meeting often after classes.

Kyungsoo leans closer to Tao and whispers, "You... Haven't told him yet?"

The younger shakes his head, "I don't think he still has to know about hyung..."

"... Maybe he does?"

"In time, hyung."

They talk some more and Kris feels at ease little by little. Tao checks his watch and it's only 15 minutes before his dreaded next class. "Uhm, I have to go ahead, I have to get to my next class." Tao starts and his friends stare at him. "Are you gonna be okay?" Minseok asks and Tao nods, "I think so."

Kyungsoo stands up to make way for Tao and Kris. The couple bids them goodbye and walks out of the cafe. Kris holds Tao's hand as they walk back to campus. "This feels nice." The blond starts and Tao looks up, "What does?"

"I'm just glad we can walk together openly like this now."

"Oh." Tao smiles, "Yeah. Nice indeed. And, I think that went well."

Kris nods, "But Baekhyun kind of scared me."

Tao laughs, "You'll get used to him. If he doesn't bother you that means he hates you."

They walk comfortably together until they reach Tao's building. The younger is about to release his hand when Kris enters the building with him.

"You don't have to walk me to my class." Tao tells him but with an appreciative smile on his face.

"But I'm your boyfriend, and I want to."

"So stubborn!" Tao exclaims and pinches Kris' nose. The younger then turns to where his classroom is and releases his hand from Kris when he sees Luhan and Sehun looking at them.

"You should go, ge..." Tao pushes Kris away from him, he almost runs away when Luhan glares at him (and maybe Kris too). Sehun bows at them before following Luhan. Kris pulls on Tao's arm lightly, "Tao-er, is there something wrong?" The younger shakes his head and smiles (as genuinely as he possibly can), "Everything's fine, gege."

"If you say so." Kris gives him a peck on the cheek, "I'll pick you up later after you do your wushu."

Tao just nods and heads inside the classroom. He takes his seat and Luhan turns his head away from him. It hurts because it's almost like the mere sight of him disgusts Luhan. He bites his lips and just takes out his notes to focus on the lessons instead.

Thirty minutes through the class, Tao notices that Sehun is stiff next to him. The Chinese looks over him and then nudges his arm subtly. "What...?" He mouths, hoping Luhan won't notice.

Tao smiles then whispers, "Are you okay?"


Tao shakes his head, "Look."

Sehun turns to see Luhan sleeping next to him again. The younger smiles at Tao when he turns back to him, "Well, that's better." Tao nods then turns back to the professor when he notices how Sehun relaxes a little now.

Thirty more minutes later, Luhan groans, "I hate this class..." He mumbles and Sehun pats his back, "I really hate this class..." Tao bites his lower lip, he tenses with Luhan's words - it might not be directed at him nor was it intended to be heard by him but it hurts. He bites back the lump lodged in his throat and suddenly stands up from his seat. He gets the attention of his professor, "I don't feel well. Excuse me, sir." He leaves the room, not even knowing whether or not his professor gave him permission to do so.

To: Kris
Sent: 2:02 PM

I left my Asian History class. :(


Tao goes to a bench a few feet away across his building. Kris texted him not to go anywhere and he's picking him up. The raven-haired boy is fiddling with his phone to pass time when someone speaks from beside him.


Tao looks up to find Kris hovering him. He smiles weakly, "Hi."

"Tao-er, are you okay?" The younger bites his younger lip and shakes his head, "I'm okay, ge. I just..." The younger stands so he can be face to face with his boyfriend.

Kris hugs him briefly then releases him, "You still have an hour left for class, and you never cut classes. What's wrong?"

"... I feel feverish?"

Kris places the back of his hand on Tao's forehead then on his, "You're not sick. What's wrong? You just don't text me and tell me you left your class. I was in the middle of a council meeting."

"I'm sorry?"

Kris sighs and sits on the bench, he motions Tao to sit next to him, "Are you or aren't you gonna tell me?"

Tao shakes his head no, "... But, to be honest, I just feel suffocated in that class."

"Come on." Kris takes Tao's hand and they walk silently towards Kris' dorm. It's a silent walk and Kris notices how his younger boyfriend kept his head low as they walk out of campus.

Kris dorm is larger than Tao's. There's also a lounge area for visitors and the both of them settle on the lounge's couch where only a few students are present. "Tao-er..."

"Hmn?" He looks up at Kris. He's busy fiddling with the hem of his shitr once they've sat down.

"I miss you."


Kris laughs half-heartedly, "You were more open to me when I was still wooing you."


"I'm your boyfriend now Tao. Your burden is mine too."

Tao smiles wearily, "I'm okay."

Kris sighs, defeated, "Fine. Come here." The older opens up his arms and Tao settles his head on Kris' chest. The blond wraps his arms around the boy, "We're new to this Tao, so I guess I can't really push you into telling me things you'd keep a secret. But I'm here okay?"

"I know. Thank you."

"Wanna go upstairs? If you're exhausted you can rest there."

Tao nods. Kris takes his hand again and they use the elevator going up to Kris' floor. "Ge, this is the first time you're taking me here. This place looks expensive."

Kris scratches the back of his neck, "I have Zhou Mii for a roommate. I think that says a lot already?"

"It says a lot about you, too." Tao snickers and Kris feels relieved that his boyfriend's spirit is finally looking up. "Not too much." The elevator dings and they both step out. Kris unlocks the door and Tao gapes at the room, "My dorm looks like shit compared to this!"

Kris just ruffles his boyfriend's hair and pushes him inside before closing the door behind them. The blond leads his boyfriend to his bedroom and Tao hits his arm, "Your place looks amazing, why do you insist coming to my place?"

"Because you're there? And it's cramped so I can sit closer to you."

Tao rolls his eyes, Kris walks to his dresser and hands his boyfriend a towel and change of clothes, "Get a nice shower before you rest, okay? I'll see what we have in the fridge."

Tao nods and turns to leave the room, he looks back at his boyfriend and asks, "Don't you have to go back to the meeting? And don't you have classes too?"

"It's okay to miss some of them once in awhile."

"Okay... As long as I'm not a bad influence." Tao smiles and steps inside the shower. Twenty minutes later, the younger emerges from the bathroom with his damp hair and Kris' oversized shirt. He's wearing an old basketball shorts as well, going only to half of his thigh. When he sits next to Kris (who's watching TV in the living room unaware of his presence), the shorts ride up and he looks like he's only wearing the shirt.

"What are you watching?" He asks and Kris looks at him, speechless. "Ge?"

"... You look hot."

"W-what?" Tao blushes and pulls his knees to his chest. He covers half of his legs with the shirt. Kris laughs at his boyfriend's childish behavior and just kisses the top of Tao's nose. "Well, we can watch movies on my laptop in my room. There's nothing interesting on TV and if ever you fall asleep, at least you're already on my bed."

Tao nods and stretches his legs that come out of the shirt with a 'pop'. The younger heads inside the room first while Kris grabs some chips and drinks from the kitchen. When he returns to his room, Tao is on his bed, sitting cross-legged and just waiting like a little child for him. "What are we watching?" He asks.

"I don't know what you'd like to watch, though. I have tons."

"Can I pick?" Tao asks with eager eyes and Kris sits next to him, "Of course, babe." The younger smiles at the new petname and then turns on the blond's laptop. He moves his legs and drapes it over Kris' lap as they wait for the laptop to finish loading. "How many guys or girls have you brought here?" Tao asks, looking around the pristine bedroom. "Only you, babe." Kris responds then nuzzles his nose on Tao's neck. He loves how his younger boyfriend's scent is now similar to his and he's just so addicting. He pulls his boyfriend closer by the waist, Tao seems so unfazed with the little nips and bites Kris is leaving his neck at the moment. "Ah! It's done!" Tao exclaims then pushes himself off of Kris who whimpers at the loss of contact. Tao then lies on his chest with his legs dangling in the air as he browses Kris' laptop, "Ge, won't I find porn here?"

Kris laughs and shakes his head 'no'. The blond proceeds to just take in the sight of his boyfriend dangling his legs in the air, his cute (but firm) butt sticking out while he's too busy looking for something to watch - all of it on his own bed. "You're such a tease." Kris mumbles and sits closer to his boyfriend. He stays seated beside Tao with one hand on the younger's waist for support. He looks on after Tao highlights the movie, "Gantz". The younger turns to him, "Have you seen this?" Kris shakes his head and Tao turns to the laptop again and plays the file. Tao moves the laptop on the side near the pillows and lies on his side with his face directly to the monitor. Kris sighs and smiles as he crawls behind Tao, fluffs his other pillows higher and lies on his side with Tao's back pressed against his chest. He wraps his arm around the younger's waist and Tao holds his hand.

Kris notes that Tao really is a silent type of person when he watches a movie. He's observed it before but he thought that Tao was just focused so much for his French Lit paper but not now. The younger only flinches or holds his hand tighter when the scene intensifies. He lets out small gasps when it's a little shocking (or in this movie's case, gorey) and Kris finds it endearing.

Halfway through the movie, he notices that Tao has gone quiet and his grasp on Kris' hand is a bit loose. The blond leans over to find Tao already asleep. He smiles to himself and turns off the laptop before pulling Tao lightly by the arm and letting his younger boyfriend sleep on his chest. Kris brushes away loose strands of Tao's hair and runs his hand through it. Moments later, he falls asleep too.


Tao wakes up to Kris' scent invading his nose. He leans up from his boyfriend's chest and checks the time from the clock behind him. It's around 4 in the afternoon and he feels himself getting hungry. The unopened chips and drinks from earlier seems so unappealing now. He sits up and shakes Kris awake. The blond grunts and lazily opens his eyes, "Ge... Let's go out. I'm bored."

"Noooo..." Kri groans and pulls Tao's arm getting the younger pressed against his chest above him. The younger leans up and traces doodles around Kris' clavicle, "Wake up, babe..."

Kris opens his eyes and finds Tao blushing and biting his lip, "Say that again?" Tao shakes his head and buries his face deep into Kris' chest.

"You look really adorable." Kris grabs Tao's arms and pulls him up so that they're face to face. He stares at Tao, who stares right back. "Are you feeling better?" He asks and the younger nods. Kris cranes his head and kisses his boyfriend. Tao relaxes immediately to the contact and the blond lies his head on the pillow while they kiss. Tao pulls away moments later after feeling flustered, "Can I keep the shirt? I'm gonna go change into my pants." Kris nods and Tao jumps off him then heads out of the bedroom.

After 15 minutes and Kris changing his clothes too, the both of them are already walking out of the building. "Babe, can you put this in your bag for a bit?" Kris hands Tao his wallet and phone, the younger smiles and places the items in his messenger bag. Kris talks about how boring the meeting was and he's thankful Tao distracted him earlier. They're just talking while walking when they pass through Grandia. "Want something to drink while we walk?" Tao nods, "Ge, can you buy me a sandwich too? I'm hungry. I'm just gonna check out the magazine stall, okay?" Kris smiles and then goes inside the cafe. Tao browses around the magazines and finds something interesting to read. He opens his bag to get his wallet then finds his boyfriend's stuff inside. He laughs at himself and turns away from the magazine stall to enter the cafe. He marches next to his boyfriend and gives the wallet to Kris with a smirk.

"Stupid, ge."

"Sorry." Kris smiles then wraps his arm around Tao and pulls him closer. They wait in line in silence until Kris gives their orders and wait for it by the counter. Tao hears the familiar laughter of his friends and he watches from where they are and sighs. He misses everyone as a whole. They're always together ever since 'forming' the group and although it's only been a few days since he and Kris officially hooked up, he feels so bad and guilty dividing the group like this.

"Wanna join them? They're your friends." Kris cuts his thoughts, Tao shakes his head, "It's fine."

Kris scrunches his brows, "Sure?"


The couple's orders are called out and Kris takes the bag. They're about to leave when Kyungsoo, Joonmyun and Jongdae walks in, "There you two are!"

Tao looks at Kris then to his friends, "Us?"

"Uh-huh!" Jongdae nods then stretches out his hand, "We haven't been formally introduced, hyung. I'm Jongdae and this is gramps, Joonmyun-hyung."

"Hey! I resent that!" Joonmyun protests but smiles nonetheless.

"I'm Kris. Sorry about last Friday, it must've been awkward for me to ask you guys like that." The blond shakes Joonmyun and Jongdae's hand, Kyungsoo nods at him. "So, uh, why are you looking for us?" The blond asks. Joonmyun and the other two smiles wide.

"Because you two are joining us!" Joonmyun goes between the couple and slinks his arms on each, pulling them to where Sehun and the others are.

"Wait, what?" Tao groans as he tries to pry himself from Joonmyun's grip. Kris watches as his boyfriend tries hard to release himself from his friends but to no avail. He notices the panic in Tao's eyes and it actually hurts him to see his boyfriend get stressed like this.

"This might work!" Kyungsoo chirps in, helping Joonmyun as he pushes Tao and Jongdae pushes Kris. The blond laughs at the 3 short boys' antics trying to get the attention to him rather than Tao's helpless attempt to escape.

"What the hell?" Lay exclaims after he notices the group approching their booth. The others look up to see Tao squirming and Kris laughing, Joonmyun struggling and the other two are just plain obstructed from view.

"Sehun, let's leave!" Luhan frantically stands but Kai leaps forward to hold him down. Sehun stands but out of nowhere, Kyungsoo jumps at him and keeps him on his seat. Tao stops trying to escape and just bites his lip in defeat. Kris watches his boyfriend peripherally and feels bad himself.

"Nobody leaves." Joonmyun commands, pushing Kris next to Sehun, cornering Luhan by the window. Tao is then pushed next to Kris, Jongdae next to him.

"Is this some kind of initiation process in your group?" Kris asks, his arm around Tao's shoulder, keeping him close. His free hand from under the table takes Tao's and he rubs his thumb on the younger's palm trying to calm him down.

"No? Maybe?" Lay responds, looking for answers as well from Joonmyun and the others.

"What are you guys doing?!" Tao panics, and he throws Kris' arm off him, even swatting away the hand rubbing circles on his palm, "Please!"

"Tao-er, are you okay?" Kris asks, Tao shakes his head frantically, "I need to go!"


And the whole booth stays still, all eyes go to Luhan who just spoke, "Stay, Tao. Kris."

Tao's lower lip trembles, his heart races against his chest, and tears threaten to fall. "Can I just go? Please..."

"You're shaking... Are you scared?" Kris whispers, becoming generally worried to the panic attack his boyfriend is having, Tao nods silently.

"There's nothing to be scared of." Kris assures him and takes his hand from under the table again.

"But I..." But before Tao can finish his sentence, he sees Luhan smiling at him rather wickedly, "Just stay, okay?" He glares, "Okay?!"

"Hyung!" Sehun slaps Luhan's shoulder, "What the hell?"

Kris ignores Sehun and Luhan bickering beside him and just pulls his boyfriend closer to him, "You heard Luhan-hyung, let's stay for a bit, Tao-er." Tao nods weakly and keeps his head down. Kris squeezes his boyfriend's hand to reassure him that everything's gonna be okay. The blond then turns his attention to the other boys in the group, "So, uh, hi guys? This is really new to me since I'm a senior and you're all my underclassmen but I hope you do welcome me to your rather... Small group." Kris tells the boys, Joonmyun nods, "We welcome you! You should hang out with us more often!"

Tao sighs in defeat, "Fine..." He mumbles under his breath and looks up. He earns another squeeze from Kris' hand.

"Woah, everyone's here." Chanyeol's voice booms, Baekhyun and Minseok with him. "Did we miss something?" The chubby cheeked boy asks as he pulls a chair from another table. "Yes. You missed a lot." Jongdae smirks, Tao glares at him.

"What? What happened?!" Baekhyun fires out, sitting on Chanyeol's lap since there aren't any free seats and he's too lazy to pull out another chair from an empty table.

"I dunno. I think I'm getting initiated on joining your group." Kris responds, Baekhyun grins. "Weren't you already initiated by me already?!"

"Right." Kris nods a bit nervously, Tao pouts at Baekhyun, "Stop scaring him again, hyung!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun laugh until Joonmyun's voice gathers everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys. Sembreak's around the corner. Plans?"

Kris nods his head, "I have training."

"Boo!" The group voices out, the waitress next to them almost drops her tray from it.

"I might fly back to China." Tao tells the group, Kris whines, "You're leaving me? Can I come with you?"

"I said I might. And you just said you're gonna train."

Kris sighs, "You're right."

"Boo to you too!" Baekhyun blows raspberry at Tao, Luhan's voice cuts the younger Korean teasing the youngest Chinese, "So you'll be gone a long time?"

Tao looks at Luhan apprehensively, "I... Yes. Maybe 2 weeks."

"Perf--! Umph!!."

Sehun covers Luhan's mouth and laughs very, very awkwardly. "Pardon him, he was dropped on the head when he was born."

Luhan struggles to get Sehun's hand off his mouth, "I told you I wasn't!!!"

"You're adorable, Luhan-hyung." Kris comments innocently looking at Luhan, but everybody in the table tenses, most especially Tao and Sehun.

"I am?!" Luhan's voice hitches at the blond's compliment. Kris just laughs then turns to Tao, "But I like you the most." He whispers, and his boyfriend blushes beet red.

"Okay. Awkward. Anyway, right, sembreak." Joonmyun starts again, "Can we at least go to the beach?"

"Yes!" And this time a tray definitely drops on the floor, it's a wonder their group isn't being chased out yet (no it's not, the manager doesn't actually mind. A group of 12 good looking guys, gay or not, is a sure way of drawing in customers.)

"My training starts immediately for two weeks so I don't know if I can come with you." Kris starts. "I'm thinking of flying back to China as soon as I can after this sem ends." Tao tells them as well.

"Okay, aside from this couple," Joonmyun speaks and Luhan cringes at the word, "Anybody else busy?"

"I'll be gone a week after the sem ends. It's my sister's wedding and it's gonna be in Busan." Kai speaks, and then the others tell each other their plans, Joonmyun takes note of everything. After a few minutes of chattering, Joonmyun drops his pen with a slam, gaining everyone's attention.

"I guess everyone's back on the third week. That's the last week before 2nd sem starts. Can we not make other plans but going to the beach?"

"Alright." Kris replies then turns to Tao, "You'll be there, right?" And his boyfriend nods. Kris turns to the group again, "Uhm, I have to go now. Me and Tao will just talk about this and then he'll inform you."

"Bye guys." Tao tells them, Jongdae scoots away as he gives space for the couple to go through. Kris turns to the group again, "See you!" He takes Tao's hand then they both leave the place.

They're walking towards Tao's dorms now while drinking their milk teas when Kris raises the question, "When were you planning to tell me you might fly back to China for sembreak?"

"I was still planning it... And I was panicked earlier. I'm sorry. I just... You know grandpa died and I just want to spend some time with mama and papa."

Kris smiles, "I'm cool with it. I'm just hoping I knew this first hand though."

Tao nods his head, "Okay. Sorry, I'll tell you all of my plans next time."

Kris narrows his eyes at his boyfriend, "Sarcasm?"

Tao shakes his head 'no' and Kris wraps his arm around his boyfriend's waist, "Ge, thank you for earlier, by the way."

"I told you, right? Your burden is mine now too."

"Got it." Tao smiles and leans his head on Kris' shoulder as they make their way to the younger's dorm.


Author's Notes: Sorry for the cheesy opening. Me and my ex-boyfriend woke up like that before (I have no roommate though). I hope everyone falls in love with Kris because I want him to be the perfect boyfriend (I think I'm in love too). So here's another update. Right now I'm not sure whether a 5th chapter will be underway immediately or I'll update ' Daily Lives of College Boys' first.

Until then!

length: chaptered, title: so we're kind of a little clichéd, pairing: kris x tao, !fanfiction, band: exo

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