Who: Scarlet West
gunnin_for_ya, Reeve Tuesti
animus_inspire, Elena
puisne_turk, Rude
tacit_turk, and anyone I might have forgotten?
When: MORNING, Day 45
Location: WRO HQ
Rating: PG-13 for, um, Scarlet?
Summary: The gang from ShinRa arrive at the WRO, and go about their work from there. Let's get the ball rolling!
you mighta heard I run with a dangerous crowd // we ain't too pretty we ain't too proud )
Comments 15
It had taken many, many long days (and some sleepless nights, she would admit) to come up with the specifications. So much so that her pets had started to pine for attention. Odd then that the answer lay in a children's toy... one she had found planted in her desk after discussing the logistics of the turbine generator with her boss.
It seemed even more odd that her boss had gone off on some tangent about the toys he so loved as a child before asking her to go meet some damn broad woman and "likely a couple of very smart looking people in suits ( ... )
"So he's not even going to bother greeting me himself." Had she said that out loud? Loud enough to be heard? Oh, oops. Fine, then.
Sweeping past the outstretched hand, dress whirling and fluttering madly about her in a wild dance, the thigh-high slit meaning most of her long legs were bared, she called on her most impressive sashay to press through the wind toward the meagre cover of the open-air hangar.
"Then take me to him!" she shouted back. "And hurry it the hell up! I'm not standing around here all Shiva-damn day!"
[[ooc: Awwww, man. Way to get my hopes up XP *runs for teh party*]]
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