[i don't want to] set the world on fire, aiding and abetting the vault dweller

Jun 15, 2010 22:51

I come from a place far to the Northwest. It's called The Pitt.

My people, some of the only survivors, are slaves. Nearly everyone who lives there is sick, dying, or worse.

--Excerpt from a holotape recovered in Rockopolis after most of the population was captured and sold into slavery

Jared had to fight just to survive since the moment he was born, yet he's always been lucky. Not many people are able to conceive children, even if they are, it's not likely that the fetus will survive to birth and even if it does, it's highly unlike the baby will make it into adulthood. Both of his parents were breeders and they managed to have three healthy children. Unfortunately, they were also branded as slaves from childhood.

His parents got captured again after fifteen years on the run, when Jared was just 10 years-old. He grew up in The Pitt where everyone mined for steel as soon as they were able to pick up a shovel. It didn't take long for Jared to figure out that the only way to escape was to become one of them, the Raiders that ran the Pitt. The only way to do that was to fight in The Hole and kill his opponents.

He still winces when he thinks of the blood on his hands from people just as desperate as him to escape death.

It feels good to have a purpose now; even if he's not entirely sure why Jensen is so keen on getting to MAX. All MAX does is announce shit everyone already knows over the radio and play songs recorded by people who died long before the Great War.

They're wandering through the Metro system, have been for days, and Jensen is still barely speaking to him or Murray. Jensen seems to think he doesn't need them despite the fact that Murray has gotten them through the system with no more than a couple of scratches.

"I could've done that," Jensen mutters after Murray's killed off a nest of feral Ghouls.

Murray just snorts and then starts patting down the bodies looking for Caps. Jared watches Jensen's face twist a bit in disgust. Whether it's over Murray or scavenging, Jared can't tell and doesn't ask, because it doesn't really matter; both are necessary in the Wastes, more necessary than morals, modesty or even retaining the basic components that make a human, at any rate.

Jensen is a mystery in many ways.

Most Vaults opened more than a hundred years ago as programmed. Vault-Tec thought that by then most of the radiation would have cleared up after the nuclear bombing that effectively ended the Great War between China and the United States, but also made most of the planet completely uninhabitable. So it's strange to run into someone who must have been born in a Vault, whose parents and their parents were probably born underground as well.

It must have been a shock for them to come to the surface only to find nothing but a wasteland. A United States nothing like what they surely studied in their history books as part of the mandatory Vault-Tech curriculum. Meanwhile, people like Jared could barely read and only knew what was passed down from survivor to survivor over the years.

"Let's get moving. Only a couple hundred feet left until we can get back above ground," Murray says, interrupting Jared's thoughts.

He's right, and they find themselves in what used to be Chevy Chase but is now a bunch of rubble. Murray has them hold at the exit and sweeps the area. There's a blast of gunfire and Jensen moves toward it, but Jared grabs him and holds him back.

"What the fuck, man?" Jensen pushes Jared away. "He could be in trouble."

"Not fucking likely." Jared shrugs. "Besides, he hasn't given the signal."

"Do you always let him fight your battles for you?"

This time, Jensen is up the stairs before Jared can stop him.

What do you want?
I have joke for you. Ready? Knock knock.
Who's there?
Humans who?
Kill the humans! Kill them all!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh… oh! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
That's a good one! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

--Excerpt from a conversation between two Super Mutants in the Capital Wasteland

Jensen knows Murray is a capable guy. He knows it's probably safer to sit around until he comes back. But Jensen has never been one to let someone else fight his battles or do his dirty work, and he's not going to start now just because, for reasons he still doesn't understand, some super human Cyborg is following him around.

So he comes out fighting, his 10mm raised to find Murray backed into a corner, trying to fight off a Super Mutant with his bare hands. Jensen's gun isn't going to do much, other than annoy the yellow bastard, but he shoots anyway and it gives Murray just enough time to grab a pipe and break the giant's kneecaps. It goes down hard and Jensen moves in quickly, capping it in the back of the head.

Murray is panting heavily and Jensen can tell his armor is damaged. After making sure the Super Mutant really is dead, Jensen moves toward Murray's side.

"Didn't expect that fucking ugly yellow bastard." Murray spits blood onto the concrete. "Even I have trouble taking one down on my own sometimes. Fuckers are dumb as shit but they've got more strength than ten humans put together."

That's probably as much of a thanks as Jensen is going to get, so he just nods. "Your armor needs repairing, right?"

"Yeah and I don't have the parts to do it."

"What do you need?" Jensen asks as he sets his pack down and starts digging through it.

"You got any scrap metal? Maybe surgical tubing?"

Nodding, Jensen comes up with the items and hands them over. He watches, amazed, as Murray strips his armor and then proceeds to repair it with nothing more than a hammer.

"You've got some crazy Repair skills," Jensen murmurs.

"Been around long enough to pick up most skills."

Murray slides his armor back on while Jensen shoulders his pack again. He's curious about how long Murray has been around because he looks like he's maybe in his twenties but no matter how quickly you grow up in the Wastes, there's no way to pick up skills that fast.

"How long?"

He doesn't expect Murray to answer. For a long moment, he's sure the man didn't even hear him.

"Since before the Great War," Murray finally answers as his eyes narrow in on Jensen's face. "Jared may not have a damn clue what you're doing but I sure as fuck do and I'm not about to let you get us killed over it."

Jensen's mouth opens and then shuts before he blurts out, "How the fuck do you know? I don't even know!"

"Your daddy's a famous man 'round these parts."

Before Jensen can ask about that, Murray whistles and Jared comes running. It doesn't make sense to Jensen; how can his dad be famous when he just came out of the Vault a couple of weeks ago? What has he done in that time? Where is he hiding?

"Fucking Super Mutants," Jared spits in disgust. "Must be more around here then."

Jensen shrugs his pack back on, holstering his 10mm for now. "Lucky for you, Murray and I aren't scared as shit to take them down."

"I'm not scared," Jared snarls.

"Prove it," Jensen smirks.

"And now, a little story. A story about a boy who climbed out of a hole. I'm talkin' about that Vault Descendent, of course. Here's the latest."

--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

The closer they get to Galaxy News Radio Plaza, the louder the sounds of lasers and the pounding of heavy feet get. Jared is still seething over Jensen's comment even though he knows it's partially true. He's not a coward so much as a survivalist and Murray has always come out okay from fights with even the toughest enemies. Why should Jared risk his neck when Murray is trained--no, genetically and technologically enhanced--to kill?

Murray holds them off behind a pile of rubble and goes to scope out the noise. The heavy footfalls have to be Super Mutants, but the lasers could be anyone; and there are some groups Jared would rather not mess with, so let them kill each other off while they keep safe. Jensen, of course, has other ideas; he keeps tapping into his Pip Boy, checking his ammo, scoping out the area beyond their hiding spot with his Perception.

For someone who spent his life in a Vault, Jensen has a lot of survival and tactical skills.

"Fucking Brotherhood of Steel is knocking off some Super Mutants," Murray announces as he comes back to them.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Jensen asks.

"Hell fucking no," Murray laughs. "Bunch of self-righteous assholes can go fuck themselves."

Jensen looks like he's going to protest, but instead he goes back to fucking around with his Pip Boy. Jared sighs and adjusts his armor so the padded leather with spikes sits right on his shoulder. Murray has some crazy grudge against the Brotherhood of Steel and Jared suspects he may have been in the splinter group of Outcasts on the West Coast at some point, but the man isn't exactly the sharing and caring type. It took years to get Murray to talk about the past at all and even then all Jared could get out of him was that he came from a big family, all of them long dead, and that he has a pathological hatred of green beans.

Now he's following around another closed-mouthed son of a bitch. What did his momma always call men like that? The strong and silent type? Murray and Jensen definitely fit that bill. They're also both stubborn and tenacious and apparently hell bent on getting themselves killed.

"They're gone," Jensen says a few minutes later, flashing his Pip Boy at Murray.

They come out from their hiding place and run across the Plaza and into the Galaxy News Radio building. The lobby is deserted except for a machine pitching softballs at the entrance. One almost hits Murray in the groin and he slaps the thing off with a growl.

"MAX! Get your ass down here," Murray bellows up the stairs.

Jared's heard MAX on the radio for years but he's never met him. From the voice he hears, he's expecting an older guy. Some cool cat who read a little too much about the glory days. The person that comes down the stairs would have been his last guess on the planet.

MAX is a petite brunette woman with a killer smile. She's wearing coveralls and her hair is in pigtails. No, this is not what Jared would've pictured at all.

She immediately goes to Jensen and hugs him. "The Vault Descendent! The Lone Wanderer!"

"Okay, children. I've got the skinny on the Capital Wasteland's newest Citizen. Curious? Of course you are. Check this out."

--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Jensen doesn't know what do to when MAX hugs him, so he falters between hugging her back and pushing her away. He cannot believe that this girl is the voice he hears on the radio. The deep voice that howls during every broadcast.

"Voice modulator," MAX grins as she pulls back. "Like anyone would listen to me otherwise, huh?"

She nudges Jensen's ribs and then drags him up the stairs. The building is remarkably clean, all things considered. Her broadcast booth is a mix of old and new parts though. Obviously, she's scraping by just like everyone else despite her fame.

"You do realize you're supposed to be, you know, alone, right?" she asks as she perches on the edge of her desk.

"Not really." Jensen looks over his shoulder where Jared and Murray are hovering in the doorway. "I'm just looking for my dad."

"Ah, yes." She hops off the desk and yanks open a drawer, pulling out a pad of paper and a pencil. "Dear old Dad. Just saw him a couple of weeks ago."

"So you can tell me where he is?"

MAX winks at him. "Sure thing, sweetheart. But you know nothing's for free in this town, right?"

Jensen's jaw drops as she starts unbuttoning her coverall. "Whoa!"

"Oh, please." She rolls her eyes and then pulls out a wrench from an inner pocket. "You're going to need this."

"For what?" Jensen gapes.

She scribbles something down on the pad of paper, rips off the sheet and hands it to him. "This. You fix my satellite, I tell you where Daddy Dearest is, got it?"

Jensen was taught to never hit a lady and that's the only reason he keeps his fists at his side. "I could make you tell me."

"I'm sure you and your punk friends could, but how would you know it's the truth?"

"How do I know you're going to tell the truth at all?" Jensen counters with a growl.

"I'm a fair and reasonable human being." She looks over Jensen's shoulder at Murray and Jared. "Ain't that right, Chad?"

"Just for that, I should let him hit you, Jessica," Murray grumbles.

"You have a first name and you never told me?" Jared punches Murray in the arm. "Asshole."

While Murray and Jared are arguing, Jensen leaves down the back staircase. Once he's outside, he unfolds the note and sighs. Directions to one of the old museums and then instructions on how to use old technology to fix the Galaxy News Radio broadcast signal. Not exactly something he wants to waste his time with at the moment.

Besides, Murray seems to know of his dad at least. Maybe he knows where he might be located. So much for ditching these guys at some point.

||press left trigger to load the expansion pack now

"Hallelujah! The Urban Legend is real, children! He's real, and he's out there, everyday, helping poor shlubs like you. The latest and greatest."

--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Jared doesn't get why they aren't helping MAX but he follows Jensen and Murray. No, Chad, the fucking bastard. They're heading for Rivet City, supposedly for supplies but Jared gets the feeling that Chad knows Jensen may find his answers there without trading favors.

Of course, this all depends on them being let into Rivet City.

Most cities aren't exactly Raider-friendly. He's forced to shuck his armor and tame his Mohawk so he'll at least pass. Chad's robotics aren't as easy to hide, but he just dives off the walkway, something about meeting them inside getting cut off as he hits the water. Jensen, meanwhile, is able to walk right in despite his armaments.

"What are we looking for here?" Jared stage whispers once they've passed the guards.


With that, Jensen heads into the bowels of what used to be an aircraft carrier. Now it's a small city of humans who let outsiders in to trade and that's about it. Jensen walks right up to the chems stall in the market and hands over a fistful of caps for five Stinkpacks, which he then shoves into his pack. Jared trails behind him as he upgrades to a better gun, an assault rifle, buys ammo for it, and then heads over to the bar.

The alcohol sold in these places is for shit, but Jared takes a beer anyway since Jensen's buying. Some of the locals are eyeing them up like they either want to kill them or are afraid that any second him and Jensen will break out the guns, but the bartender coughs and then they all turn their eyes away.

"Why did MAX call you The Lone Wanderer?" Jared asks just to make conversation.

Jensen rolls his eyes. "Because I'm supposed to be alone. It's a prophecy, I guess. I don't know. Everyone seems to know a lot more about me than I do about anything going on around here."

"So, what, does the world end if you have a couple of tagalongs?"

"Fuck if I know." Jensen leaves some caps on the bar and stands up. "Let's get moving."

They leave the trading post and head up a ramp into the residential section of the city. Jensen doesn't seem to really know where he's going, but Jared lopes after him anyway. There are some crazy people living here; at least one chem addict and the woman with the kid? Not exactly mother of the year material there, considering she's letting him run ragged while she watches old holotapes on a busted reader. He's scoping out what looks to be a chem lab when he's suddenly yanked into a stairwell.

"The fuck!"

Someone claps a hand over his mouth, their body pressed up tight against Jared's back. He thinks it's Jensen because he can see the Pip Boy on his arm out of the corner of his eye. The closeness reminds him of the drug Chad shot Jensen up with and how horny he was after, rubbing up against Jared, making him just as hot.

"Murray found a way in, he's a floor below us," Jensen whispers in his ear. "But we have to watch for the guards. All the floors below are restricted access."

Jared nods to show he understands and Jensen removes his hand but stays close behind him. A few seconds later, there's the heavy pounding of boots on metal but before he can think twice, Jensen spins him around and slams him against the wall. He opens his mouth to protest, but that's when Jensen kisses him.

It's messy and hot and Jared moans low in his throat, his hands reaching for Jensen's hips to pull him in closer. Jensen goes with it, but turns his head from the kiss, nipping his way along Jared's jaw instead.

"Is he gone? The guard?" Jensen whispers in his ear.

Jared tries to focus over Jensen's shoulder but it's a bit difficult at the moment. He looks at the staircase and sees a pair of feet disappearing up to the next floor.

"No," Jared whispers back.

He turns his head and captures Jensen's mouth again. Jensen sighs into the kiss, his lips parting as Jared licks across his bottom lip then inside Jensen's mouth, tasting him as he pulls Jensen even closer, spreading his legs so their groins line up. Jensen's cock is a hard, hot line searing into his skin even through their clothes. Jared wants Jensen to take him, to fuck him hard right against this wall. His hands move to Jensen's ass, cupping him right underneath the curve, and he hauls Jensen up higher so they can get better friction.

"Fuck," Jensen hisses against his mouth.

Jensen throws his head back, panting heavily. It gives Jared the perfect opportunity to admire the long line of his neck and watch sweat pool in the hollow of his throat. He can't help but whimper and then bend his head down to lick up the salty moisture there before moving up to nip his way up Jensen's neck to his ear. His whole body feels like it's on fire, like if he doesn't come, he's going to burn up, explode into pieces like he's been hit by a laser gun.

"C'mon, that's it," Jared murmurs as Jensen snaps his hips harder.

That's when Jensen makes this inarticulate cry, his back arching and his mouth going slack. He's so beautiful like this, Jared thinks as he pulls Jensen closer, attacking his mouth with little nips until his own orgasm hits him. His head hits the wall as he comes. It feels like it's never ending, a long, drawn out moment of bliss.

When he's nothing but a boneless mess, Jensen gives him a soft kiss and then steps away. His eyes are the brightest green that Jared's ever seen, his mouth is kiss swollen, his neck littered with bruises, and there's a wet patch on his pants; he's the most beautiful creature Jared's ever seen.

Jensen coughs and then rubs a hand against the back of his neck. "We shouldn't have done that."

Jared steps forward and reaches out, brushing his fingers through Jensen's hair. "Don't say that."

It looks like Jensen is going to say something else, but the distinctive sound of Chad's whistle floats up the stairwell and he just shakes his head instead.

"Now, the Lone Wanderer, aka that kid from Vault 101, has done some pretty interesting things, but this one takes the cake."

--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Jensen cannot believe he did that. It was just supposed to be a ruse so the guard would pass them by without questioning them. Instead, he's fucked out with come cooling in his underwear, sticking to his skin. If that wasn't embarrassing enough, Murray gives him a knowing smirk when they meet up with him on the lowest level of the aircraft carrier.

Of course the sexual release was nice, but for a second there, Jensen let himself think it went deeper than that. But the Wasteland isn't exactly wired for romance and Jared isn't the best candidate for that anyway.

He tries not to think about it as Murray hacks the lock on the door. The sign above it proclaims it to be the Science Lab, which reminds him of growing up in the Vault. His dad is a scientist and Jensen spent most of his childhood sitting on a stool, swinging his feet while his dad ran experiments to try to grow plants or build new tools out of spare parts. Jensen learned most of his Science skills from those long afternoons in the lab and they've been useful for hacks, among other things.

Through the door is a gangway and below that is a lab ten times the size of Jensen's dad's space back in the Vault. Lab assistants with clipboards are running back and forth between hydroponic gardens filled with vegetables. It's what his dad always dreamed of: coming up with a way to grow food in this hostile environment.

At the center of the madness is an older man with slightly graying hair. He's barking directions and scribbling notes on his own clipboard; he's obviously the head scientist. Jensen wonders if this man knows anything about his dad. He can see his dad stopping here if he heard about it.

Quietly, the three of them descend the stairs into the heart of the lab. A few people look up from what they're doing but don't say anything to them. Murray leads them to the head scientist; his name tag says 'JD Morgan', and he glares at them for a second before tilting his head at Jensen. His face breaks out into a wide grin before he engulfs Jensen in a bear hug.

"Jensen!" He steps back and looks Jensen up and down. "The last time I saw you, you were just a baby."

"You were in the Vault?" Jensen asks in confusion.

Dr. Morgan sighs. "I suppose your father never told you?"

"Told me what?"

"You weren't born in the Vault. Neither was your father. Both he and your mother worked here, with me, but they felt it would be safer for you to grow up in a Vault," he explains with a sad smile.

Jensen blinks, trying to process this news. All he's ever known about his parents was that his mother died in childbirth and that his dad is a scientist. It makes sense now though; the Overseer of the Vault never did seem to like them and treated them like outsiders. No one in the Vault seemed to know his mother or any of their history either. And with so many generations living there, that was a bit unusual.

"Anyway." Dr. Morgan clears his throat. "I suppose you're wondering where your father went?"

"Yes," Jensen answers, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Yes, I am."

Dr. Morgan walks over to a desk and pulls out some holotapes. "This is all I have. I hope it helps you."

With that, he turns away and starts yelling at an assistant about something. Jensen plugs the holotapes into his Pip Boy and hits play, his throat tightening as he hears his dad's voice.

Project Purity: Journal Entry One

Dr. Morgan, Dr. Shaffer and I have convinced the board at Rivet City to let us use the abandoned lab in the lower decks of the ship to perform our experiments as long as we do not interfere with their day-to-day operations. Our goal is to find a way to filter the water in the river to remove toxins, providing clean drinking water for all denizens of the Wastes.

Project Purity: Journal Entry Forty

Today's experiment was successful. We have found a way to cleanse the water, but only in small batches. It's enough to attempt to start our next phase; hydroponics. My only fear is that The Enclave will discover our secrets at the Jefferson Memorial…

The transmission cuts off abruptly, but based on the timestamp, it was recorded the day he was born. All of the journal entries in between are missing, but it's enough. If something was going on at the Jefferson Memorial, maybe there are clues there.

"Well?" Murray asks, interrupting Jensen's thoughts.

He still suspects that the Cyborg knows more than he's telling, but Jensen figures he'll probably never get it out of him.

"I need to get to the Jefferson Memorial."

"Today's weather: excessively violent with a chance of dismemberment! Tune in later for our 5-Day forecast!"

--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Jared isn't exactly thrilled about trampling across the river to get to the Jefferson Memorial. The place is probably crawling with Super Mutants and fuck knows what else. Plus, the river is radioactive sludge with Mirelurks hiding in its depths. Mirelurks may be giant, ugly fish with legs and tiny brains, but they're fiercely territorial. Chad and Jensen don't seem to see the problem with any of this; they just shoot up some Rad-X and start wading in. He's tempted to tell them he'll wait for them over here where it's safe, but instead he grumbles under his breath as he shoots up his own Rad-X before following them.

The water is warm and smells like death, but Jared supposes it's at least washing the come of the inside of his pants as he gets soaked. He's about halfway across when his foot hits something soft and he has just long enough to come to the conclusion that it's a Mirelurk egg before he's being dragged under the water.

He tries to keep his eyes shut against the burn of the toxic sludge, hold his breath, and kick at the Mirelurk all at the same time, but isn't having much luck. The creature is biting into his ankle, ripping at the skin and the pain is warring with the burning pressure in his lungs. Of all the ways he thought he'd die, this one never made the list. He thought he'd go down against a gang of Super Mutants or Deathclaws. Not because he crushed a Mirelurk's egg while trying to cross the river to help a Vault Dweller on some quest he doesn't even understand.

Jensen's lips against his, the warmth of his body as they held each other, and that one second where Jared thought they could be something more are his last thoughts before everything goes black.

I say I’ll go through fire
And I’ll go through fire
As he wants it, so it shall be
Crazy, he calls me
Sure I’m crazy
Crazy in love, you see
--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland, featuring 'Crazy He Calls Me' by Billie Holiday

"No," Jensen screams as he watches Jared get sucked under the surface. "Jared!"

His first instinct is to dive in after him, but Murray pulls him back. "You can't just dive in there. They're swarming. We have to find another way."

Jensen looks and sees other Mirelurks moving toward the thrashing. So many of them plus their King. He understands that Jared probably disturbed one of their nests but he can't just stand there and watch someone drown. Especially not Jared. Not now.

Ignoring Murray, he struggles free and brings up his assault rifle, spraying the ones at the outer edge of the circle with bullets. It's enough of a distraction that he's able to dive into the water. The toxins burn his eyes but he keeps them open anyway in hopes of being able to find Jared.

Instead, he sees a red mist--no, blood. He's frantic then, swimming faster and deeper. Jared is pinned to the bed of the river by a Mirelurk. It's gnawing on his ankle and the bites have gone so deep that Jensen swears he can see bone. He powers through the hoard and grabs Jared's arm, yanking him away as fast as he can. Above him, he can hear gunshots. There's more red mist and then they're finally at the banks of the river.

Jared isn't breathing. Jensen can tell that even though his eyes feel burnt out and everything is a blur. He starts CPR between desperate gasps for air of his own after being underwater for so long. There's no more gunfire and he can't hear Murray, but then again, over the pounding of his own heart, he can barely hear anything.

"C'mon, c'mon," Jensen pleads before forcing air into Jared's lungs again. "Breathe. Breathe. Please breathe."

He moves to chest compressions and that's when Jared turns his head and spits up a lungful of water. Jensen holds his breath until Jared sucks in air and then he collapses on the other man's side. It's only then that he realizes he's got bites on his arms that are pulsing with every beat of his heart, little points of pain that make him gasp for breath; Jared is still worse off with his ankle.

Slowly, Jensen crawls to where he dropped his pack and digs through it with shaking hands, looking for Stinkpacks. When he finally finds them, he sighs in relief and then drags himself back to Jared. It's hard to get his hand to work well enough, but somehow he manages to plunge the needle into Jared's thigh. He's still so pale and his ankle isn't healing but at least he's breathing easy now. Jensen plunges a Stinkpack in own leg as soon as he's sure Jared is stable; he'll be of no use to either of them if he goes into shock.

They're going to have to find shelter. Jensen can shoot Jared up with all the chems in the world but until he gets rest in a bed, he'll never truly recover. He scans the horizon for Murray but doesn't see him anywhere. There's no way he can go searching and it's not like Murray can't take care of himself, so Jensen taps into his Pip Boy and looks for a place to rest on the map.

The only place that's going to have a free bed is either Megaton, where he's already burned his bridges, or Welling Tower. Either way, he's going to have to Fast Travel there. He fucking hates Fast Traveling because it scrambles his insides and makes him puke up his guts, but he doesn't have much of a choice. So he covers Jared's body with his own and then hits the combination of keys that will get them there.

Living for you is easy living
It’s easy to live when you’re in love
And I’m so in love
There is nothing in life but you

--Excerpt from Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland, featuring 'Easy Living' by Billie Holiday

The first thing Jared sees upon opening his eyes is a Ghoul standing over him and he shrieks. Not exactly manly of him, but a flesh-eating, decaying zombie is standing over him and he doesn't even know where he is right now. The Ghoul chuckles and then steps back.

"I won't hurt you. I'm a doctor. Doctor Rosenbaum," the Ghoul tells him.

Jared allows himself to relax a bit. At least it's not feral. "Right. Uh, sure."

"Let me go get your companion."

Companion? Jared frowns and then bolts upright when he remembers what happened at the river. Has Dr. Rosenbaum gone to get Jensen or Chad? If just one is around, where is the other? Did Jensen finally abandon them?

He gets part of his answer when Jensen comes into the room and settles himself on the edge of the bed. Jared pulls Jensen into his arms and buries his face in the man's neck. Of course he's still worried about Chad, but at least he hasn't lost everyone. Not yet.

"That's the last time I let you cross a river all by yourself," Jensen murmurs against his neck. "Thought I lost you, you big lug."

"I told you, you're not getting rid of me," Jared murmurs back as he kisses Jensen's temple.

They lie there in silence for awhile. Jared takes comfort in each exhale of breath from Jensen's lips across his skin. They're alive.

"Where's Chad?" Jared finally breaks the silence to ask; curiosity getting the better of him.

Jensen lifts his head, a deep frown on his face. "I don't know. When I pulled you out, he wasn't there."

"He wouldn't just abandon us. Something must have happened."

"I don't know." Jensen sits up and runs a hand through his hair. "You were dying and I was injured, and I had to get us to safety. I couldn't go looking for him and leave you there like that. I had to make sure… I'm sorry."

Jared pulls Jensen back to him and kisses him softly. "I understand. He'll find us, he will."

"You should rest," Jensen whispers against his lips. "Dr. Rosenbaum said you're lucky to still have your leg."

"Lucky to still have you," Jared says with a small smile.

Jensen hits his shoulder lightly. "Sap. Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up."

"You better."

It's surprisingly easy to fall asleep, all things considered.

"According to reports from the ever so hoity toity Welling Tower, a group of displaced Ghouls have been trying to gain entrance. Ah, but lush-at-large Thomas Welling says, No zombies, no how! Come on, Tommy, cut the Ghoulies a break. If they've got the caps and you've got the space, it's a win-win, right? Whadaya say?"

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Despite his promise, Jensen sneaks out of the room once Jared is asleep and heads out into the hallway. When they Fast Traveled here, they wound up in the middle of a long standing battle between Thomas Welling and a band of Ghouls. Welling wouldn't let the non-feral Ghouls into the Tower to live so the Ghouls decided to take it for themselves. Of course, in the process, a small war broke out that killed both humans and Ghouls, while Jensen and Jared lay bleeding in the courtyard.

Jensen was about to Fast Travel them to Megaton despite the consequences, but Dr. Rosenbaum stopped them and had some of his Ghoul friends help carry them up into one of the Welling Tower's residences.

There they recovered under the watchful eye of their savior. Meanwhile, chaos reigned below until a tiny Ghoul by the name of Kristin Kreuk managed to shoot Welling dead. At that point, the rest of the humans gave up and let everyone in, thus ending yet another pointless round of bloodshed in the Wastes.

Walking further down the hallway, Jensen knocks lightly on the door to Erica Durance's room. She's a Lawbringer, the closest thing there is to military or police in these parts. Not that her actions are exactly sanctioned by anyone, but she does have a lot of good contacts.

"You hear anything on Murray yet?" Jensen asks once she's given him the okay to come in.

"A couple of my informants may have seen him up north. Round about Paradise Falls," she answers without turning away from her satellite communications link.

"Paradise Falls? The Slaver camp?" Jensen blurts out in disbelief.

"I just report the news. Now scoot."

Jensen leaves her alone and walks in a daze back to Jared's room. Murray being in Paradise Falls means one of two things: either he's been captured as a slave or he's attempting to help the Abolitionists and free slaves. He refuses to believe that Murray is a Slaver himself. The man obviously has a lot of morally gray areas but that's going too far.

Jared is snoring lightly when Jensen crawls back into bed. Asleep, he looks so much younger. Although, knowing how things are in the Wastes, he could be any age at all. Some people, like Murray, live forever and some people die quickly from the radiation. Still, it's nice to see all the hard lines smooth out of Jared's face, to see him relaxed and almost vulnerable in a way he probably never is outside of sleep.

It's amazing how quickly Jensen went from hating him to being attached to him in a way that might even be love. This tattooed man with a green Mohawk who wears leather spiked with deadly metal and is alternately brave and a coward, amusing and annoying, has somehow become the center of Jensen's journey in just a few short days.

Even if his quest is so far off track that Jensen doesn't even know where to turn anymore.

Obviously, their next stop has to be Paradise Falls to rescue Murray. Or at least scope out what he's doing up there. Jensen knows the Wastes are a harsh place and people do what they have to do to survive, but even he can't see buying and selling people like cattle.

Paradise Falls is so far north though, and Jensen doesn't have the ability to Fast Travel there. They'll have to make their way on foot, which will take weeks. Meanwhile, whatever evidence that's left of his dad will probably be long gone from the Jefferson Memorial.

But maybe whatever his dad is doing isn't his battle to fight. Hell, he never heard one word about Project Purity until he stumbled on to Dr. Morgan. If his dad thought it was so fucking important, important enough to leave his only son behind to be taken care of by the Overseer, then why didn't he ever mention it?

It's not like Jensen doesn't get how life-altering a large supply, possibly a never-ending supply, of clean water would be for everyone in the Wastes. If it was free for all, there would be no more competition for resources, no more factions, and maybe the world could even start to rebuild itself. On the other hand, if the technology got into the wrong hands, things would be even worse than they are now.

"Quit thinking so damn hard. You're keeping me awake," Jared mutters.

"Sorry." Jensen kisses Jared's cheek. "Go back to sleep."

||press right trigger to load the expansion pack now

"I'm coming to you live with a special report! We haven't heard squat about our old pal from Vault 101 for two weeks now, and it's been looking pretty grim. Well buck up, pilgrims! Our friend is alive and well!"

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

To say that Jared wasn't exactly thrilled when Jensen told him where Chad was last spotted is a serious understatement. If there's one thing Jared genuinely hates with all of his soul it's Slavers. His own skin is branded with their mark. Even though it's been hidden by tattoos since Jared's escape from The Pitt, he can still feel it there when he runs his fingers over the back of his neck. There's a raised mark there with his serial number and unit location.

Although no one has tried in years, technically anyone can haul him in to the nearest Slaver camp, no questions asked. That's what happened to his parents and they're probably dead and gone now. It sickens him to think about how they must have died in agony from the high levels of radiation that ate away at their skin.

He can't say no to Jensen though. He's a good man and determined to rescue Chad. Jared has his doubts about that; Chad isn't someone who gets captured. Chad is a Cyborg, a creature so powerful that sometimes even the Enclave runs away in fear of him. He's older than all of them and knows every trick in the book. So, no, Jared can't believe he's a Slave now.

Paradise Falls is in the mountains, which means a long trek on tough terrain. Both he and Jensen have healed, but neither of them is at full health unless you count all the chems swimming in their systems courtesy of Dr. Rosenbaum. They shouldn't be attempting something so dangerous right now. Or ever.

But here they finally are, on a ridge overlooking the Slaver camp.

For an hour they just sit there watching Raiders trade Slaves for caps. It's sickening. His gang never did that no matter how desperate they were. Most Raiders don't value human life that much so it's not really a surprise that most of them trade like this, but Jared wishes he didn't have to witness it.

Jensen is too busy using his Perception and tapping into his Pip Boy to notice Jared's apprehension, which is probably a good thing. He's the one with the tactical skills and if they're going to make it out alive, he needs to concentrate.

A few minutes later, Jensen nudges him and points toward the gate. Jared lifts his binoculars to scope it out. Sure enough, Chad in chains, being led into the camp by the one around his neck. He doesn't seem to be putting up a fight and one of his bionic eyes is hanging from its socket. How did he get so damaged?

"We've got to get him out of there," Jared whispers. "He's hurt."

"Only two ways to get in there, Jared," Jensen whispers back.

Jared knows what Jensen means without having to ask: either you go in as a Slave or you go in as a Slaver. No one else gets past those gates otherwise. He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath before grabbing Jensen's hand and pressing it against the back of his neck so Jensen can feel the raised skin there. Jensen gasps and then pulls Jared in for a lingering kiss.

"Are you sure?"

"Just promise that if you can't get me out, you'll kill me. Please? Promise me," Jared begs.

"I can't promise that." Jensen looks stricken, his face growing paler. "I won't kill you. I won't."

"I'd rather be dead than a Slave again," Jared says vehemently. "So promise me. Promise me or I'm not. I'm not going in there."

Jensen closes his eyes. "I promise."

He's probably lying but Jared has to take Jensen at his word for now. Without that escape hatch, there's no way Jared is willingly going into that hell hole. The stink of human despair and desperation is pungent even from this distance. It makes bile rise in Jared's throat, threatening to choke him.

"Okay," Jared whispers in defeat. "Okay, let's go."

"Those scumbag Slavers way over in Paradise Falls have one big ole bee on their bonnet. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Gasp! But what's this? The bothersome bumblebee looks suspiciously like a certain kid, from a certain vault... You heard it here first, faithful listeners. The Wanderer showed up at slaver central and bad guys started dropping left and right. Did they sell him a bum slave and then refuse the refund, or was it some elaborate rescue operation? But more importantly - does it even matter worth a damn? Slavers are dead, slaves are free. That's a win-win if you ask me, children."

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

In retrospect, Jensen probably could've gone in, guns blazing, without forcing Jared through the pain and humiliation of, if only temporarily, being a Slave again. He can only imagine what it must feel like to have a brand on your skin that marks you as property to be shuffled around the same way scrap metal is traded.

Instead, they go with the ruse and make it all the way to the main compound before anyone starts to suspect anything. Of course, by then, Jensen had already planted a bomb. He and Jared took off running as it exploded; killing most of the Slavers in one go. After that, it was only a matter of picking off the rest.

Most of them try to surrender, but Jensen isn't feeling generous; he kills them all off anyway. They're the scum of humanity, the lowest of the low. People do a lot to keep alive in the Wastes, but trying to make a profit off someone else's flesh? That's just sick and wrong.

He lets Jared do the actual freeing of the Slaves while he starts looking for Murray. Jared had seemed happy to put his lock picking skills to good use even while his eyes kept darting around as though he expected the Slavers to come back to life and capture him at any second.

Jensen finds Murray in what used to be the doctor's office. He's lying flat on top of a table, most of his bionic parts cut out and tossed aside, but he's still alive, still breathing.

"I'll fucking rip your heart out if you take one step closer," Murray growls.

"It's me, Jensen."

Murray sighs heavily. "Jesus. Does that mean those bastards are dead? Fucking assholes came out of nowhere and snatched me while you were being a fucking idiot diving into the water after that bigger fucking idiot. Should've just let both of you drown and saved myself the trouble. Fucking idiots."

"How did they get you, anyway?" Jensen asks, ignoring the rest of Murray's tirade.

"They've got lasers now. Must've shorted me out. Bet you it was the Enclave that handed that shit over. Fucking bastards." Murray gestures in the general direction of his bionic parts. "Mind handing me my eyeballs?"

"Uh, sure."

Jensen carefully picks them up and places them in Murray's outstretched hand. It's amazing how quickly the guy pops them back in. His eyes do that creepy focus thing and then he sits up.

"That's better."

"Jared is freeing the Slaves. We should get out of here after that."

Murray nods while he picks up the rest of his parts, shoving them in his discarded pack. "Back to the Jefferson Memorial."

"Yeah, I can Fast Travel us there," Jensen agrees.

"Hey, our friend from Vault 101 is at it again. A true Exemplar, showing us all the true meaning of love, compassion, and all that other crap."

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

The Jefferson Memorial is crawling with Super Mutants and after his run in with the Mirelurks, plus the emotional strain of being around Slavers, Jared doesn't think he's ready to take on a bunch of creatures that could crush him with just a sweep of one of their huge, yellow paws. Jensen and Chad seem to have a strategy though. Apparently, Jensen is something of a sniper. So they want to get up on the old expressway and take them down from there.

Jared thinks even that plan is a suicide mission. Super Mutants have powerful weapons that shoot long range. One of them starts noticing its brethren going down and they'll start firing in all directions. This is why he lets Chad deal with the fucking ugly things.

"All you have to do is keep watch. One of them starts coming up from behind or the sides, you shoot it. It's simple, man," Chad tells him as he hands over an assault rifle.

Maybe it is simple for Chad but Jared isn't exactly a Gun Nut. Give him a tire iron or a baseball bat and he can do some real damage. He's got control over those weapons and they feel like an extension of his own body. Guns? Guns are machines, things he only has so much control over without proper training.

He settles down behind a rusting car and watches out over the horizon while Jensen sets up his sniper rifle. Meanwhile, Chad is still trying to repair his bionics. Jared can't believe he survived getting them cut out, considering that Chad doesn't have many human parts left at all.

The sniper rifle must have a silencer on it because Jared doesn't hear a damn thing except when Jensen and Chad swear under their breath. Before he knows it, Jensen is tapping him on the shoulder, motioning for him to follow them down. They walk along gang planks, keeping an eye out for any Super Mutants Jensen may have missed, until they come to the Gift Shop entrance to the Jefferson Memorial.

Of course, there are more Super Mutants inside there.

Chad throws a bunch of hand grenades in there and then shuts the door. There's a lot of growling and stomping feet before it becomes deadly quiet. Upon opening the door, they're only greeted by corpses, which is just fine by Jared.

Once fully in the room, they find themselves staring at a giant tank of water surrounded by gang planks and computers. It's bizarre and makes no sense whatsoever.

Jensen immediately runs up the gang planks to the control room despite the fact that the place is crawling in radiation. Jared feels anxious watching him; he can't survive much more of this risk-taking, life-ending shit.

It seems like Jensen is up there forever, but then he comes out of the control room waving holotapes and grinning.

"I think I found him!" Jensen shouts with glee. "My dad went to Vault 112!"

"And now, for another exciting adventure of, "The Hero... of the Wasssssttteesss!"

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Jensen stares down at the strange pod in the middle of Vault 112 and wonders what he's getting himself into here. He's not about to trust ancient technology in an abandoned Vault, but this is where is father went, at least according to the holotapes he recovered from Jefferson Memorial, to recover some experiments a Dr. Beaver had done back in the day. If he's gone into what must be a simulated world, there must be a reason why he hasn't come out yet. Maybe he can't get out; maybe Jensen has to go in to get him.

He turns to Jared and gives him a small smile. "It'll be okay. Just, whatever you do, don't pull the plug."

Murray snorts. "Yeah, right. You're going to put yourself in some ancient torture chamber and it's all going to be okay? Fucking crazy is what it is. You see the dying people lying in the rest of them? I don't think it's from old age."

"Of course it'll be okay," Jensen answers without looking away from Jared. "Wait for me?"

"Always," Jared murmurs before kissing him.

Jensen is reluctant to pull away, but he has to or he'll never get inside the pod. With one last look at Jared, Jensen slides into the pod, shutting the hatch down over himself.

When he awakens, Jensen finds himself sitting on a park bench in someone's sepia toned idea of perfection. All around him are white houses on perfectly square green lawns with picket fences. It's definitely a simulation because nothing like this has existed since way before the Great War, if it ever did.

For some reason, Jensen is shorter inside this reality. He goes to tap into his Pip Boy and finds that it's a watch instead. Judging by his height and the size of his hands, Jensen would guess that he's somehow been de-aged to about 10 years-old. One of the people in this strange neighborhood waves at him and Jensen waves back awkwardly.

"You should go play with Jim!"

The neighbor points toward the park in the middle of the circular road and Jensen's eyes meet those of a boy about the age of the body he's in. Figuring he has to play along to find his dad, Jensen walks over there to say hello.

"Want to play a game?" Jim asks as he bounces on his toes.

"Not really," Jensen mutters.

"Fine then!" Jim kicks him in the shin and then runs away.

"I hate this place," Jensen grunts as he reaches down to rub away the ache.

He looks around the neighborhood again. Everyone is outside doing something in front of their house except for two houses; one seems to be abandoned and one has lights on inside. Jensen jogs over to the latter one and knocks on the door. The old woman who greets him immediately starts babbling on about how this isn't real and that the suffering must end.

"Yeah, okay," Jensen interrupts. "So how do I get out of here?"

"There's a failsafe in the abandoned house. That's how Jim is controlling everything. It's horrible, just horrible. We have to end it. End the suffering for all of us."

She keeps babbling on, but Jensen leaves her there and goes around to the back of the abandoned house. Of course, it's locked. He crouches down and picks the lock before sliding inside. The place is covered in random objects but there's no computer of any sort on either of the levels. In frustration, Jensen lifts up the radio to throw it, but stops when he hears a chime. He puts down the radio and picks up a glass pitcher only to hear the same thing.

It takes him four times to get the combination right, but when he does, a panel slides open in one of the walls revealing a console. As it turns out, the failsafe is a Chinese invasion in which everyone ends up dead. It doesn't seem like the most humane thing to do, but Jensen doesn't really have a choice. He presses the key sequence to activate it and then heads back outside to watch it unfold.

All told, the slaughter of an entire neighborhood takes only a few minutes and the only person left standing is Jim. Jensen walks over there and grabs his shoulders.

"Where's my father?"

"Not here," Jim giggles.

"Where have you taken him?"

"Do you want to play? I like to play!"

Jensen shoves him away and runs back into the abandoned house where he keys in the sequence to exit the simulation. A few seconds later, he's blinking up as the hatch opens on the pod and when he sits up, it's to find his dad staring at him from the pod across the way.

"Grab your hankies, children, cause I've got a heart-warming tale to tell. It's about a little boy's search for his... for his daddy. Waaaahh! You see, the kid from Vault 101 has been looking for his dad, a very nice man named Alan, who left his son behind in the vault when he took off. What kind of dad leaves his kid in an underground bunker? Children, I just don't know. It ain't for MAX to judge, and you shouldn't either. But none of that matters now! Father and son were spotted walkin' and talkin' together out there in the Wastes. Here's hoping they can hold onto each other this time around."

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

Dr. Morgan and Jensen's dad are very excited over some technology recovered from Vault 112 and a GECK that may or may not still be in Vault 87. Jared doesn't really get it, but Jensen seems to and looks excited himself. It's a lot to take in at the moment. Apparently the cushy vaults weren't just meant to keep the next generations of Americans alive, no, they were all experiments too. Even in the end, the government was still fucking with the people. No surprise there, Jared supposes.

While the scientists are busy hammering out details and Murray is busy trying to finally finish repairing himself, Jensen drags Jared off to an empty apartment. It's the best idea anyone has had in ages.

Jensen practically throws Jared on the bed and then follows him down, kissing him hard. Jared settles his hands on Jensen's waist and lets him take the lead. The kiss is hot and wet and dirty, and Jared wants more. He wants anything Jensen will give him.

Thankfully, Jensen seems to be on the same page because he starts ripping off his armor, tossing it to the other side of the room. Jared tries to help, but Jensen bats his hands away and strips Jared's armor too. Within minutes, they're both naked except for scars and tattoos and bionic enhancements.

After flashing Jared a wicked grin, Jensen bends his head down and starts tracing Jared's tattoos with his tongue. Jared groans and reaches out to touch Jensen, but Jensen slams his wrists to the bed, pinning him there. All Jared can do is take it; every swipe of Jensen's tongue, every nip and sucking kiss. Jensen is taking his time mapping Jared's body and, even when he lets go of Jared's wrists, Jared doesn't move, he just lets him.

"This is all I've been thinking about for days," Jensen murmurs before taking Jared's cock in his mouth.

All Jared can really do then is make a loud noise of appreciation that he hopes doesn't wake up half of the aircraft carrier. Jensen is good at this. Fantastic, even. All hot, wet suction and nimble fingers. Jared writhes and moans and thrusts his hips up a bit and Jensen takes it all. That gets Jared even hotter until he can't take it anymore and he comes hard, so hard that his vision whites out and there's a buzzing sound in his ears and he can't feel his toes.

It doesn't help that Jensen has moved on from sucking his cock to eating out his asshole. That's making Jared shake with over stimulation and want. He wants Jensen inside of him, filling him up and taking him, making Jared his.

"Please, fuck me, please," Jared begs.

Jensen slides in a finger next to his tongue and Jared bears down against it, trying to take it deeper. A few seconds later, a second finger slides in, fucking him with slow, deep strokes. If he hadn't just come his brains out, Jared is sure his cock would be taking a lot of interest in the proceedings.

"You ready?" Jensen murmurs.

He's absolutely gorgeous, the startling green in his eyes nearly taken over by the black of his dilated pupils. Jared nods and Jensen gets himself into position, guiding his cock into Jared's ass. There's that feeling of too much followed by not enough and Jared slams his hips down, forcing Jensen deep inside of him. Jensen moans low in his throat and then starts fucking Jared slow and easy. His eyes stay glued to Jared's, watching him with affection.

Jared is definitely in love.

The slow thrusts gradually deepen, hitting Jared's prostate. He moans and arches his back wanting more, faster, harder, now. Jensen gets the hint and his hips snap forward again and again, brushing against that spot inside until Jared is fully hard again.

"Want you to come again," Jensen whispers all filthy dirty in Jared's ear. "Want you to come on my cock."

"Yeah, yeah, fuck," Jared whispers back. "Want it. Want you so much."

Jensen reaches down and grasps Jared's cock, stroking it lightly in counterpoint to his increasingly brutal thrusts. It's torture of the sweetest kind, and when Jensen rubs his thumb over the slit, Jared comes for the second time, almost as hard as he did before. The warm burst of Jensen's come inside of him makes him whimper and he reaches up to pull Jensen down, crushing their lips together.

Pulling back a little, Jensen nuzzles Jared's neck, but keeps his cock inside. "Want to just stay like this forever."

"Yeah," Jared murmurs.

But he knows that's not going to happen. Jensen already promised his father otherwise.
I’ve lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you’d love
And with your admission that you’d feel the same
I’ll have reached the goal I’m dreaming of believe me
I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart
--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland, featuring 'I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire' by The Ink Spots

It's been a long time since Jensen's seen his dad this excited about something. He's rushing all over the control room where the strange tank sits in the Jefferson Memorial, making adjustments and playing with the new technology he salvaged out of Vault 112. Supposedly this machine is going to make clean water. Jensen doesn't see it quite yet, but he's not a genius like his dad.

And maybe he's been day dreaming about Jared instead of fully paying attention to every scientific detail.

Dr. Morgan and his dad are conferring on something when loud sounds outside interrupt their conversation. Both of them look fear-stricken, but as though they've been expecting something like this. Immediately, Jensen's dad runs into the control room, sealing the bulkhead, while Dr. Morgan pulls Jensen down into the tunnels.

"What the fuck?" Jensen pushes Dr. Morgan away.

"It's The Enclave."

"What do they want with-"

One of Dr. Morgan's hands clap down on his mouth and Jensen gets the hint. This is not good. The Colonel of The Enclave's military force grabs Jensen's dad and shoves him toward the controls. There are some words exchanged. Jensen makes out some of it by reading lips. Something about handing over the data, the controls? Turning on Project Purity.

How does The Enclave know about Project Purity?

He watches as his dad types something into the main console and then his eyes widen in horror as the radiation warning signals go off. His dad slumps to the floor, but his eyes meet Jensen's and he gives a half smile before mouthing, "Run!"

Jensen knows that he can't save his dad. There's no way to go up against The Enclave and all of their technology. Still, he hesitates for half a second. He just got his dad back and now he's going to die a horrible, painful death? And for what?

Once again, Dr. Morgan grabs him and starts yanking him farther down into the bowels of the Jefferson Memorial. Jensen shoves him off and follows along until they find themselves exiting the Memorial into what must be the Citadel, home of the Brotherhood of Steel.

"Just let me do the talking," Dr. Morgan orders as several guards come rushing toward them.

Apparently the Brotherhood of Steel know Dr. Morgan, knew Jensen's dad, and are more than happy to give them shelter. Jensen sits in their conference room and numbly stares ahead as Dr. Morgan explains the whole situation. He's not going to have time to mourn his dad; grieving is just not an option in the Wastes.

Right now, he wishes more than anything that they had never left the Vault.

"Tinfoil hat time, children. My eyes and ears tell me the Big Bad Government has taken over that big machine thingy at the Jefferson Memorial. You heard it here first, my friends - the Enclave is on the scene. I've got reports of flying ships and shock troops in high-tech power armor. And, when the Man showed up, a bunch of scientists went running. With them was Rivet City's own Dr. Jeffery Dean Morgan and that crazy kid from Vault 101. They're safe and sound now at the Citadel. Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus! No sign of the kid's father, though. Here's hoping Alan is okay. Well, boys and girls, what can I say? Looks like President Collins wasn't completely full of shit after all. Methinks we are screwed..."

--Excerpt from a Galaxy News Radio broadcast given in the Capital Wasteland

"Seriously?" Murray snarls as they all stand outside of Lamplight Caverns. "This is the only way to get into Vault 87?"

"As far as I know," Jensen mutters.

He heads inside the network of caves, not bothering to wait for Jared or Murray. Not that Jared can blame him; Murray is acting like an ass right now.

"Give him a break," Jared hisses under his breath. "His father just died."

"I get that, but do you know what's down there?"

Murray actually looks panicked, which is an odd look for him. Actually, Jared doesn't know that he's ever seen Murray like this.

"No? What?"

"Children," Murray answers, completely serious. "Little things with sticky fingers and gap tooth smiles and too much fucking energy, that's what."

"You're afraid of children?" Jared laughs.

"Shut the fuck up."

Murray stomps after Jensen, and Jared trails behind them. It turns out that the place is run by kids, but all Jensen has to do is remind them that he saved some of them from the Slavers and they let him pass.

"Alright," Jensen says once all the kids have scampered off. "So there's the easy way and the hard way to get down to Vault 87."

"What's the easy way?" Jared dares to ask.

"We've got to hack a terminal to open the back door. But it's a hard hack. I don't have the Science skills to do it," Jensen explains with a slight frown.

"Still haven't repaired most of myself so I can't help you there," Murray sighs.

"I've got some Science skills," Jared admits softly. "Haven't used them in awhile though."

"Well, if it doesn't work, there's always the hard way," Jensen smiles.

They find the terminal and Jared sits down at it and starts typing. After a long sequence of hacks, the rock wall to his left slides open, revealing a tunnel. He's surprised that he was able to do it and happy that Jensen seems very pleased with him, not to mention that Murray even seems to be reluctantly impressed.

After following a bunch of twists and turns, they finally locate the GECK. Jensen picks it up carefully, like it's a delicate flower, but to Jared, it just looks like any other piece of rusting technological garbage you can find anywhere out in the Wastes.

They're about halfway back through the tunnels when the explosions start. Jared pulls Jensen to the ground and covers him, trying to protect him from falling rocks and debris. That's the least of their worries though because heavy footsteps are coming their way. Maybe mutants, maybe the Enclave, but either way, it's bad news. Jared doesn't want to get separated from Jensen, so he holds him tight.

He can hear Murray firing off a weapon, more heavy footsteps, more rocks, and Jared can barely see more than a few inches in front of his face. Jensen grunts, whether in pain or annoyance, Jared can't tell.

They have to get out of here. Jared stands up and grabs Jensen, hauling him bodily down the corridor. When they're almost to the exit, they get hit from behind by a blast. Jared is picked up in the confusion and thrown against a wall. The last thing he sees is Jensen being taken prisoner by the Enclave.

||press b to continue with the main quest

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