CURRENT adroitDilettante [CAD] RIGHT NOW opened public transtimeline bulletin board NAMING THESE THINGS IS BORING
CAD: Alright so surprisingly enough, our dreamselves are here on Prospit and Derse
CAD: Strange that the game
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Comments 70
Nah. You'll just use your dream computer in your dream room for now. Your real body is pretty worn out.
> Fine, just answer the memo.
CURRENT vigilantAegis [CVA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CVA: i think i a/// pretty ///uch ///id-level. ///y server player got killed and i've been trapped on so///ebody else's planet for a bit so there \\\as nothing to do but kill i///ps and try to solve the place.
CVA: ///y group's leader was ///essing around with so///e ghost sludge \\\igglers and t\\\o of us had killed denizens but everyone \\\as too busy freaking out and fighting over shit to tell ///e anything ///eaningful about \\\hat was going on.
CVA: space player \\\as doing so///ething \\\ith frogs but i'/// not sure ho\\\ far she got either.
CVA: oh and so///e of us \\\ere apparently hearing voices?
CVA: i don't really kno\\\ \\\hat to ///ake of that one but it hadn't happened to ///e.
CAD: Wasn't anyone helping you get back to your own planet?
CAD: Though with one of your players dead mid-game, you might not have been able to make it in the long run
CAD: What do you mean they were hearing voices?
CAD: You don't mean the Horrorterrors, do you?
CVA: the teal bloods \\\ere sort of trying to ///urder one another or establish kis///essitude or so///ething and that caused a lot of proble///s.
CVA: i don't kno\\\ if it's horrorterrors or \\\hat.
CVA: it depended on \\\ho you asked. so///e \\\ere just getting one voice and others \\\ere getting a lot.
CAD: What the hell does that even matter when the rest of anyone who might give half a fuck about the hemospectrum is dead?
CAD: Honestly, some trolls really need to get their fucking priorities straight with this fucking game
CAD: Now, as far as the rest of that goes, it sounds to me like your session had more than one problem
CAD: Especially if something other than Horrorterrors is talking to anyone
CLE: ...I'm uncertain as to what point we were at..
CLE: ...Due to the failure of the session..
CLE: ...Why a songbird?
CAD: Catastrophic or what?
CAD: Well considering her lusus, it's just the way she picked up on talking I guess
CLE: ...Apocalyptic may be more accurate..
CLE: ...Is there another word I could use to emphasize the damage?..
CLE: ...Perhaps some slang terms..
You will most likely continue to talk to yourself unless interrupted.
CAD: What went wrong in your session, exactly?
CWR: we were nearly done with our session
CWR: but looks i got knocked down my echeladder some when i came in :(
CWR: which is a stupid thing to do really |D
CAD: Now by 'almost done' you mean you were on your way to fight the Black King or-?
CWR: we were going to make bilious slick
CWR: think the black king comes while he's gone :?
CWR: im not sure it was just about party time
CWR: and then this happened :|
CAD: Sorry you're stuck here I guess, I mean that's kind of a bitch move pulling you guys in at the last second like that
CAD: But at least you guys will probably be more help than some of the ones already here
You can't do that, this is actually useful! Even if you really don't want to talk to this guy.
Anisez: Leave information and go.
Maybe you can just answer and leave it alone...
CURRENT solarSignatus [CSS} RIGHT NOW responded to memo
CSS: ...
CSS: ...The forge had been lit.
CSS: ...and the space player had begun alchemizing the frogs.
CAD: Is that all?
CSS: ...You'll be disappointed.
CSS: ...Our session was-is-fairly normal as Sgrub goes.
CSS: ...And unless there's anything else that might be useful to the group.
CSS: ...I'm going.
CAD: Like what you had to do to light your forge, maybe?
CAD: Just to see if it was any different than what we had to do
CAD: Seriously, how you ever got anything done in your session is beyond me
CCC: before galeru
CCC: anyway
CCC: guess not
CAD: Seeing as you don't exactly seem to be too keen on that whole 'effort' thing
CAD: It's a bit perplexing, frankly
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