Title: Team Building
doumeki Fandom: Bleach
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Unohana, Isane
Wordcount: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. Tite Kubo owns all.
Author's Notes: Day 004 of my holiday advent calendar. Today's prompt is brought to you by gingerbread.
“Isane,” Unohana-taichou says in her soft voice and smiles. “I’d like to do a squad activity.”
Isane straightens up and grabs a piece of paper and pen off the nearby desk. “Yes, Unohana-taichou? What kind of activity?”
Unohana-taichou sips her tea and stares out the window. “We will make gingerbread houses.”
“Gingerbread houses?”
“Yes, and we will invite Vice Captain Kusajishi to judge them.”
Isane blanched. “Vice Captain Kusajishi?”
Unohana-taichou is smiling serenely. Isane wonders if someone slipped something in her tea. Maybe Iemura-sanseki.
“We’ll do it on Friday.”
“Of course, Captain.”
“Please let everyone know, Isane.”
“Of course, Captain.”