Title: Silence of the Bells
doumeki Fandom: Bleach
Rating: PG-13 for Uryuu's thought process.
Genre: Humor
Characters: Uryuu, Ryuuken
Wordcount: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. Tite Kubo owns all.
Author's Notes: Day 016 of my holiday advent calendar. Today's prompt is brought to you by carols.
“So,” Uryuu begins. “You expect me to sing. To the patients.”
Ryuuken takes a drag of his cigarette. “Yes.”
Uryuu shakes his head. “I refuse.”
“You will,” Ryuuken says. “The carolers are at the nurses’ station downstairs.”
Uryuu watches his father walk away and glares. He turns and heads toward the stairs, bypassing the elevator. He will not sing, so his father can just take his pompous ass and shove it.
He sees the caroling group at the desk. He makes it two steps past before he turns and picks up the sheet music and tersely tells them to follow him.