Now for those of you wondering what the general function is of a drabble-a-thon community, here are some basic guidelines:
Rules/Guidelines for SUBMITTING PROMPTS:
→ Drabble prompts should be kept short and sweet. One word, a short phrase, or a short quote always works best, the key word being "short."
→ Prompts should be submitted as comments to the prompt entry. More than one prompt can be submitted at once. If you submit several and happen to think of more later, you have the option of either editing your comment or posting a new one; doesn't matter. But please try to refrain from spamming the entry with multiple comments.
→ No rating requests will be accepted in prompt submissions. Authors are free to choose whatever rating they want when using a prompt. If you submit a prompt but would prefer a specific rating on it, don't be afraid to take a stab at it yourself! Writing a drabble is for everyone, not just fanfiction authors.
→ Occasionally, the community may do prompt "themes," such as song titles, lyrics, movie titles, etc. If a certain round has a theme, please stick to that theme to the best of your ability. Google is always a great resource for song titles, lyrics, etc. if you have trouble.
→ Prompts should always be kept clean -- what does this mean? No obscene prompts, plain and simple. Any comments containing obscene prompts will be deleted without warning.
→ This is not a "claim" community -- anyone can use any prompt. Just be sure you list which prompt you're using in your comment subject (see below section for drabble submissions).
→ Any other questions or comments regarding how to submit prompts should be addressed in this post.
Rules/Guidelines for SUBMITTING A DRABBLE:
→ Your drabble should fit into one comment. That means it can be no longer than 4300 characters. LiveJournal will alert you if your comment exceeds the character limitation.
→ You need to use a comment subject line create a subject line for your submissions that should look like this: Title, Prompt, Rating. For example: 'Love In An Elevator, elevator, R'. LJ's new comment pages don't allow for the use of subject lines, so instead bold your Title, Prompt, and Rating at the beginning of your comment. If you don't know how to bold your text, see
this entry in the LJ FAQs.
→ Each drabble should be a new reply to the main drabble submission post. Please don't reply to one drabble with another as it makes things confusing for the readers and the writers. If you do happen to do this, please make sure you take the steps to correct it. Once you've re-posted your drabble the correct way, I'll delete the incorrect one (as sometimes we all just write on the fly, in the comment box -- it'd be a shame to lose all that hard work!)
→ Anyone can pick any prompt to write, and multiple prompts can be chosen -- it's basically whatever you're inspired to write. That means that if it was your prompt but you really want to write it, do it. Also, more than one person can pick the same prompt, because we all have different ideas and points of view. They are all fair game to everybody.
→ Drabbles can be any rating you choose. Just please make sure that you follow the above template for the comment subject and have the rating clearly labeled so if someone doesn't want to read an NC-17 drabble, they don't have to.
→ Once you've written a drabble, please feel free to cross-post it to wherever you feel like cross-posting it. Just make sure to let everyone know that it was written for our drabble-a-thon. That way, we get a little bit more publicity and, hopefully, a few more watchers (possibly writers) for the next round!
→ ANYBODY can write a drabble! Never written a fic before? Doesn't matter, you can still write a drabble. That's how easy this is.
→ Any other questions or comments regarding how to submit a drabble should be addressed in this post.
Rules/Guidelines for SUBMITTING FEEDBACK:
→ If you read a drabble, be courteous and take a moment to let the author know your thoughts on it.
→ NO FLAMES will be tolerated in this community. This is supposed to be a fun, respectful atmosphere and any flames will be deleted immediately. Repeat offenders will be banned from commenting. The same goes for anyone behaving in a disrespectful manner toward the mod(s).
→ When leaving feedback, please make sure you are replying to the comment in which the person posted their drabble and not to the main submission post. Floating comments will be deleted, so please make sure you're submitting your feedback to the drabble itself and not the entry in its entirety.
→ Once again and most importantly, if you've enjoyed what you've read, please take the time to tell the author. And pimping the community is always a good thing. ;)
→ Any other questions or comments regarding how to submit feedback should be addressed in this post.