Second Heart ☆ Sora ☆ [Video]

Jun 16, 2010 14:54

[See Sora.  Sora has a stick.  Fear the stick for it is full of mightiness and doom as Sora seems to be flinging it around.  No wait, it has a string attached to the far end and he's flicking it into the water of the lake.  He's fishing.  Or trying to anyway.  Doesn't seem to have caught anything yet.  He leans back on one hand, yawning.]

So do you think fish would be edible if I caught any what with the radiation and all that?  I mean it's not like the lake is green on the map or anything.  Or do you think there's no fish at all and I'm just wasting my time?  It's a lake, you'd think it would have fish in it.  Maybe there's fish further upstream.

[He leans forward putting his chin in hand as he just watches the water.]

Maaan, what I really want right now is some junk food.  Cookies, chips, ice cream - stuff that rots your teeth and all that goodness.

[Blue eyes look at the NOC indicating that he knew it was on and wasn't just talking to himself.]

I should get a job but what can a fifteen year old boy who's spent the last year or so running around exploring, looking for people and fighting monsters do?  Not really all that good at building stuff although I did help a little on a raft.  Okay, I was best at gathering stuff but still, it counts.  Right?  [He flashes the NOC a smile.]

[Private to Riku and Kairi//Easy to hack]

I reaaaaaally looked around.  Scrounged every nook and cranny that I could within the walls.  No way out as of yet.  If there's a way out it's either on the other side of the wall or in the green zones.

† dante sparda, † sora, mercy 'vortex' dyer, † riku, axel, † castiel/jimmy novak, kairi

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