
Sep 28, 2010 10:21

Um, I'm not sure if anyone needs or wants any, but I have a few squash - maybe... one, two, three... seven - seven of them; and one watermelon. I won't be able to use them all by myself before they go bad, so if anyone wants them while they're still good, let me know and I can even deliver them to you.

vincent valentine, axel, kairi

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Action paopupyramid October 5 2010, 00:41:24 UTC
[Since she had last spoken to him, Kairi has strove to be more aware of her surroundings; even so, she could barely sense his approach until, from her peripheral vision, he became more conspicuous. The flowers were, just possibly, doing something to damper her still-only-average senses; or, she was simply that distracted.

Somehow, Vincent is not exactly what she anticipates. The redhead tilts her head up to study him for a moment; blue eyes dart about him before they drop and settle on her bundle of vegetables. He definitely reminds her of Riku in a certain way, thus far looks alone differing. The fact that there is more to a person than outward looks alone, the aloof but still well-meant disposition, the invaluable rare moments of intimate friendship - they all come to mind, and it... hurts, somehow; but she has a smile ready anyways when she finally looks up. Both hands extend to offer the goods.]It probably is less trouble to have to walk around and pick it up, so I don't mind delivering. Can I bring you anything else, since I'm ( ... )


Action paopupyramid October 10 2010, 00:27:53 UTC
[It would have been surprising to see anything but some sort of affirmative response - after all, there had technically been no Heartless sighted in Paradise yet.

At his nod, Kairi takes a moment to gather exactly all she wants to say in her mind, and then she continues, somehow having mustered some courage to even make eye contact. This is not exactly the most common thing to discuss with anyone, but she will try anyways.]

If you have a heart, then it's never too late. As long as you have your heart and you're still alive, then you always will have some kind of feelings. You can still care about people around you - about your friends.

[She is unable to look at him too long; it feels like a cheesy, speech about how good always triumphs over evil. It is somewhat embarrassing. Still, she cannot understand how anyone could think he was "too late."]

I don't see how you can think you are... too late. You still have people important in your life who are your friends, right?


Action forever_last October 10 2010, 02:34:17 UTC
I..do, yes.

[This girl seemed like she knew a thing or two about togetherness; a good thing, considering the severe lack of it he saw back on Gaia.]


Action paopupyramid October 10 2010, 08:09:36 UTC
[Kairi really never had anything but friends; they were all she knew on the islands where she grew, and they were the only ones to have carried her through the past few years of struggle. Even if it was just in memories, it was they who would keep her strong now. It was a strength she wanted to see in others.]

Then, as long as you have them, it can't be too late.

[The lights to follow in the darkness... it will be those friends who will always be there for us. They are the most precious. They cannot be allowed to burn out.]

We have to keep going for those important people around us. That's the least they would do for us. [A slight, sheepish smile. The redhead still feels somewhat awkward; it really is not her intent to have a lengthy lecture with Vincent - she only was here to drop off some vegetables.]

Do you stay here all the time, or do you have an apartment or house somewhere else?


Action forever_last October 11 2010, 22:46:37 UTC
[It was a good speech, especially for her age.]

I have an apartment, but I prefer this place. It helps me think, I suppose.


Action paopupyramid October 12 2010, 05:09:10 UTC
[She really should be going. There really is no rush - but she wants to make sure she is not staying past her welcome. Better keep it short and wrap it up, Kairi!]

Then, if I bring more things here, you'll get them?


Action forever_last October 12 2010, 21:58:39 UTC
[Well...yeah. Pretty much just that. Vincent nods in response; confirmation!]


Action paopupyramid October 15 2010, 05:06:42 UTC
[That, then, is settled. Kairi returns the nod, her own perhaps a bit more animated in the bob, and she straightens up. This time, leaving somehow seems less awkward.]

I might be stopping by to drop off some more things later then. Take care until I see you again!

[Then she turns and is off to stroll back toward the Tower Apartments.]


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