Oct 01, 2011 17:59

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mod post, please read

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orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 22:40:10 UTC
I'm confused--you're saying that as long as I have made 1 comment to a log (that I did not post) and have my character tagged into it, my one comment counts as having a post for that month?


randomtology October 1 2011, 22:43:39 UTC
Yeah, pretty much.

Honestly the time it takes to write a single log comment takes often times more effort than to write any sort of main comm post. So sure, why not.

If it's a repeated thing and their CR and castmates find issue with it, it can be dealt with then.


stormwind October 1 2011, 22:46:06 UTC
But what if the comment is simply:

"I love cats," Nepeta said, "I love every kind of cat."

And left it at that. Do you feel that the single line, because it was in a log reply, should count for the entire month?


randomtology October 1 2011, 22:54:03 UTC
A single line would count for a post wouldn't it? If Nepeta went

"I love cats.

I love every kind of cat"

as a private post, then yes. It would count.


stormwind October 1 2011, 23:08:02 UTC
That's actually a very good point. But then that stems back to my strong dislike of private entries and opens up a whole other discussion.


miseternity October 2 2011, 02:22:24 UTC
I've seen posts made to the main comm shorter than this and with less to reply to. PRIVATE posts on the main comm count, when NO ONE can reply to it at all. So, yeah. Even if the tag into the log comm looks like that, it should qualify.


+1 moleculars October 2 2011, 03:30:08 UTC
I cannot plus one this even harder. Why should private posts be allowed to count as activity when one comment to a log can't? How is that fair? This just encourages people to not even make the effort to make their post open. I've ended up on the AC list twice for my characters because I didn't make my second post - because I couldn't figure out a way to make them open at the time - but if I had made them private, I would've avoided being on that list? I don't understand how that is fair at all.


orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 22:46:46 UTC
So if I commented to 2 separate logs, made 1 comment each and never did anything else, there's my AC met for the month? Or did I misinterpret sdkjghskg


haruno October 1 2011, 22:47:28 UTC
Based on what is currently being said, you are correct.


randomtology October 1 2011, 22:50:34 UTC
In theory, except how often does this actually happen without someone talking to them about it? Or going to the mods about it?

Am I thrilled if someone skates by AC wise a lot like that? No. But I'm less thrilled that active muns are getting punished for rules that you guys keep coming up with (which I can verify - this is a new development unlike what was claimed that you guys ALWAYS never counted the non-poster). That's my main point.


orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 23:00:07 UTC
Like I said before I had assumed this was how things have always been since I started playing here ): And that's my own fault I know but that's how I read the rules, and now I can see that other people read them differently.

I know that generally "not everyone will do this" but to me it kind of feels like the "wait one month after you app" rule. While hardly anyone ever did it, it still bothered people--so while allowing the 1 comment to count may not happen very often, it still bothers me that a loophole like this could exist ):


phaseshifts October 1 2011, 23:10:03 UTC
Obviously the loophole exists, but I don't think a conscientious player will take advantage of it, and we have a lot of conscientious players and people who do have the wherewithal to go talk to the mods when they see people repeatedly abusing loopholes like that. One time using it is unfortunate, constantly doing it is something else - acting like because the loophole exists, everyone will be using it constantly, is extending the argument to the absurd.


orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 23:21:11 UTC
No I didn't mean to imply that's what we should do ): I was just saying I feel uncomfortable having a rule like that similar to how people were uncomfortable with the 1-month wait loophole. I didn't mean to say that I think everyone will use it constantly.


phaseshifts October 1 2011, 23:26:15 UTC
I don't think it's a loophole that's really a problem to leave hanging around, is all - if people are constantly making log posts and only doing one tag on them and using that to make AC, then it's a problem that should be brought up with that player, not something that should punish all the other players participating in logs.


randomtology October 1 2011, 23:16:28 UTC
I guess we'll have to see if multiple people care about such a loophole, as we did with the wait one month after you app thing. As I distinctly recall, I argued that from day one with many reasons why I felt it was an unfair rule and the general response I got was "wait and see" from the mods and helpers.

And since this is supposed to be an equal grounds discussion...we'll see if a lot of people are bothered by that, I guess. As a single player, I am not.


haruno October 1 2011, 22:46:54 UTC
I do have to agree that I feel this isn't necessarily fair to claim -- there are posts in the journal community that can have no responses, for whatever reason, and that's a direct comparison to one response in a log/one tag into a log.

Yet with a log comment to be ignored/dropped, sure, count that -- otherwise I feel one log comment is not enough to be post equivalent when you are not the original poster of the log. Seeing that threading has started, one, two, maybe three responses beyond that initial one? Sure. Prose can be more demanding, I understand that, I feel it, even if the log comm isn't all prose.

But one comment to a log that you did not create, and that alone? I don't think is equivalent. The only exception I can see to this is at the end of the month, due to time constraints on the other person's part.


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