(no subject)

Aug 07, 2011 17:34

Soup soup guys, I am offering up a group loss today! A few of you might already know how this one goes, since I've been saying C'MON I'LL DO IT, I'LL DO IT TOMORROW for a few months- but now here we are!

Basically, this is a Kids Turned Bad loss: banchous, punks, thugs, all that jazz. What will essentially happen is thus:

- Wake up someday (late August?? Whenever works for people)
- Are bad. Juvenile delinquent attitudes, basically, but not so much a change of the character as a severe twisting of their moral codes. They're just not giving a fuck anymore about the rules, about playing nice: everyone can go to hell.
- Join the gang! The kids will gravitate towards one another and begin doing the Damn Kids thing: loiter, steal, break some windows. Enough to cause a ruckus and really get the adults to notice that all the teens are being...bad! Gaspu.
- After a few days of this ruckus, your technicallyabug will come in and do some busting up! Gangs are bad, guys. Didn't you watch those after-school specials?!
- Awaken, either after being knocked out or just regularly, and realise what you have done. Oh, the guilt! It burns! Etcetera.

However serious/cracky you want to make this is up to you! I think - I hope - it'll be a cool way to explore the side of your character as they'd be if they just stopped playing by ~*society's rules*~. Other heroes and such can join in if they like, too! That'd be the other part: giving them and others something a little more mundane to deal with.

Ideally giving kids, teens, and capes something to do here, but anyone is welcome! I'm sure we all want to see The Question in oldstyle punk gear.

- ofmywill
- heirdom
- rhymebell
- fluthlu
- frostandfrogs
- fishy_go_byebye
- explorationist
- eat_me_beat_me
- billiardsplz

Annnd the people who said things on Plurk, redo here please? TY. Hope to have fun with you guys on this! :3
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