(no subject)

May 14, 2011 19:48

SUP PARADISA. This is a plot info post for Claire's first temporary loss, which will be leading into a permanent loss change, all of which is mod-approved. (TY Fudgey!)

Starting tomorrow and continuing through the pre-baby week, Claire will be on a loss and looking very different. Very different. Aside from the hair/clothing style makeover, she'll be sporting a new, colder, bitchier attitude. That's because we'll be dealing with a future AU Claire, from the episode I Am Become Death. She's lost everyone important to her thanks to one stellar, heroic uncle, and to cope she more or less buried her own humanity in favor of becoming an agent for Pinehearst and working under her only living parent out of the four she had once -- Nathan Petrelli.

She'll be relentlessly pursuing Peter with the intent of killing him. If you bother deterring her with reminders that he'll come back in two weeks, she won't care. She'll just plan to kill him again when it's over. What's more, it's probably best not to get in her way, because getting rid of Peter is going to save the world and it's worth however many people it takes. The ones who try and stop her are just the bad guys, anyway.

That said, she'll faintly remember most of her close CR from Paradisa, but she'll basically be going through a four year timeskip temporarily, so if you haven't talked to her much, don't expect much recognition.

She's gonna at least get in one big blow-out fight with Peter, but if any of her hero friends would like to volunteer to do what's best for her and knock her out, she'll appreciate it in the future. Preferably one who knows about her ability so they can figure out how to power her down and keep her knocked out. Once knocked out, she'll stay unconscious for 3 days and come back with a loss change.

Instead of forgetting Peter, her loss will be the inability to feel pain. To rework the double negative so it makes more sense, Claire's going to be able to feel pain again. Guarantee you she's gonna find that out the hard way. After 3.01, she stopped being able to, and it's been an awfully long time since then. With her pain sensory nerves out of use that long, it's gonna be pretty messy at first. Papercuts will feel like murder, that kind of thing, but she'll eventually get back to being a normal person.

Questions/concerns/wanna get involved somehow? Let me know here. Otherwise, this is your FYI that for the next week or so I'll be tagging with startingtobe instead of autophoenix. Don't be alarmed! I just don't want to swap out icons for brunette ones.
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