Feb 23, 2011 22:00
Hey Folks!
As some of you might already know, the Animal Shelter passed its one year anniversary not to long ago and, since then, Sakaki has been planning a celebration to honor it. So, for your RPing pleasure, we bring you:
When: Sunday, Feb. 27
Where: The theatre (it's actually getting use!)
Now, in order to make this work, we're going to need some volunteers so we can get everything organized and give the shelter a big hurrah.
Pet Owners/Performers:
Do you own a cool pet? Or are you an animal resident with some pretty awesome moves? Then we're looking for you! All you'll have to do is reply to this post with what kind of animal you're submitting and the trick or talent they'll be showing off. And don't worry, it doesn't have to be something totally awesome... it doesn't even really have to make sense. This is Paradisa. We're not expecting this to go normally.
Basically? Here's we're just looking for people to comment on each of the performers in the actual talent show thread (praise them. Mock them. Stare at them dumbly, etc). You'll just need email or AIM so you can get Red your vote for which pet is tops once the show is done. We will take as many of these as want to sign up. The more the merrier.
Animals up for Adoption:
Last, but definitely not least, we need to know if anyone has new animals they want the shelter to put up for adoption. This could be wild animals, pets left behind by owners who've gone home, etc. We will be listing the animals available in the Talent Show Post for residents who are looking to give some sad, fuzzy (or scaly) animal a home.
Mun: (self explanatory)
Pet Owner/Animal Resident:(Char name here)
Pet Species & Name: (ex: Rabbit - Satan)
Pet's Talent: (what will they do?)Judge
Mun: (self explanatory)
Character Name: (Your char here)
;Contact Info: (AIM or email here)Adoptee
Animal Type: (Cat/Dog/Type of Pokemon/Etc)
Brief Description:(color, personality, or any features/abilities we should know)
Name: (optional)
1. Tardy the Parrot - Five
2. Jupiter (Jupe) the Conure - Ed
3. Lizard the Lizard - Wybie
4. BB the Macaw - Deadpool
1. Ray
2. Eleven
3. Gold
4. Lorne
1. Hiddukel the Murkrow
2. Jasra the Delcatty
3. Unnamed Mongoose-Dragon
4. Princess the Glameow
5. Brian, AJ, Howie and Kevin the BSB Kitties
6. Bennet, Haley and Bast - cats