...and I'm using an inappropriately placed icon, but I'll get to that in a moment.
So I just wanted to take the time, while I'm actually functioning, to say I'M ALIVE! I know I called a slow-atus forever ago, and then I was still poking with Larry at the Midnight Man plot, and then.....I was just kinda hardly here at all. I'm sorry. I've had a hard time getting my brain to focus on RP, and I was trying to get some writing done, so I've pretty much been ignoring my inbox like the awesome RPer I am. But I've been (somewhat) following my flist still and the plots a bit. Mostly I've flaked though, so I'm sorry.
Not that it's the best time, with LJ about to go down for a couple hours, but I'm going to TRY and empty out my inbox and somewhat keep up with tags. I'm off tomorrow so I really want to try and catch up with all things Para. We'll see how that goes. My RP drive has been: "WOOHOO READY TO TAG!" Five seconds later: "Mehhh".
But, back to the icon-that-really-shouldn't-be-used-here-unless-Xander-wants-his-ass-kicked...Xander will be going on his first loss semi-soon. Planned for when everything happening dies down, but no exact start date. See more under the cut?
So like...a year ago Emily and I were like "Hey! Let's bodyswap!loss Flack and Lindsay! And...then they both left. And were didn't get to do it. And then like...a month ago we were like "Hey! Let's bodyswap!loss Cordy and Xander! And....we're totally gonna. Cuz it's been a long time since there's been a bodyswap!loss, and cross-gender swapping with an ex is awesomeness.
You know the drill. They will wake up in each other's bodies, but still be themselves. It'll last a week. And it'll start...soonish. We'll let you know.
This message brought to you with participation from Emily, mun of
Also, as I have been slack with my boys. They have been hanging around the castle doing their thing.
mr_stealthypnts been quiet behind the scenes (is it even possible?) helping either people that are lost or people that are upset because people are lost. And he's probably been locked in the gameroom for hours on end, not knowing where the time goes.
thatsmy_niche has been getting settled in, bugging his team, and poking around on CastleNet. And
lawyerlarry has probably been working and keeping to himself and dealing with the issues brought on by the Midnight Man plot.
If I've neglected any tags that you want to remind me of, just say so. If I missed a post relevant to them, say so. If someone wants to plot something new for one of them/talk to them, say so.
This is me trying to be back. No promises.