canon buuump

Nov 10, 2010 10:39

Dolly here with a tiny head's up that I shall be doing my first canon bump ever *A* For Halloween, and she'll be bumped to chapter 44, right when--

Basically to help her branch out of her complete and total adoration for Tasha ): As for how it'll happen--her collar (which asks as the seal to her contract with Tasha) will simply go a bit haywire and drain all her energy. This will send her into a coma-esque state for about 3~4 days depending on...homework...but by the end of it she'll be all shiny and updated and

les miserables. so she's going to need cheering up from being told the person she adores most in the whole world don' wan' her no mo )8

A post should go up sometime tonight for this♥

also kayla-approved :>
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